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Thank you for watching the first 1 minute and 30 seconds if you did.

My poor holo, she's literally in a state of utter panic about everything and i can't blame her. Poor poor baby. I really fucking hope this doesnt affect her decision to make her choose Amati... what if she does???



Hey Faroh, this is the time to grief, not to be on point with your scheduling... But thank your for uploading anyway. It's always a pleasure to see you react to this show because it feels like you "get it", if that makes sense. :) Holo's mental breakdown is so masterfully crafted and set up from day one. Her fear of abandonment let everything that was said or done in teasing or worded unfavorable over the journey until now fester in her mind, all it needed was one spark to set it all ablaze. I think Lawrence wanting to confirm the rumor first was the way to go. Even maybe waiting until after the festival to break the news. But well now here we are. It is super hard to comfort/calm down someone having a mental breakdown. Especially when, in this scenario, Lawrence is the main subject causing it. He's not trained to do that. He's got no experience with that. What a mess they've got themselves into. Holo looked so broken when she asked him to sleep with her. I'd really love to go more in depth about all of this, but I'll probably end up writing half a book.

Zero ChronoV

Thank you for the episode, Faroh. I've lost several people throughout my life and I agree that each time is different. Each loss takes a different path through the chasm known as grief. Some are similar, some are wildly different. We appreciate you and take the time you need. ❤️