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saying the personification of twitter is the one about to clap their cheeks is so funny to me. Can people just become like any devil or witch or archbishop? how does that work? why was mr melancholy trying to kill echidna? why the fuck could we not see echidnas face at all? what was that bout? why is roswaal so fucking weird? is roswaal half himself and half mr melancholy? idk fam.


Lye Batenkaitos

This will be helpful: Originally there were 9 sins in history Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Sloth, Lust, Wrath, Vanity, and Acedia. Vanity and acedia were removed by pope gregory about 100 years ago because they were similar to some of the other sins. -Vanity = Excessive pride, boasting. Was removed since pride is already a sin. -Acedia = Slothful, melancholy, depressed. Was removed since sloth is already a sin. While most anime seem to focus on 7 deadly sins, re zero focuses on the original 9 deadly sins which makes it unique. It's best to acknowledge pandora and hector as witches on par with the 7 you already met, or these 2 might be even older.

Reuben Filimaua

Roswaal's journey of falling in love is very similar to Subaru and Emilia. You could almost say Roswaal is a twisted parallel to who Subaru could become. Roswaal fell in love with Echidna after she saved him and became devoted to helping her. Similar to how Subaru's feelings started from her saving him in the alley and giving him a place to belong. Roswaal clearly feels the same way for Echidna and the Sanctuary. Its where they were happy for a long time until it was all shattered and he lost Echidna. The man has spent 400 years longing for Echidna and trying to get her back..clinging to the past essentially. The same as Garfiel, and seems even Beatrice is stuck in the past. The thing about that conversation with Garfiel regarding facing the past, Garfiel was able to recognize he has to move on and start living. The difference is, Roswaal doesn't see anything wrong with clinging to the past. He embraces it as a strength. That's where his mentality comes from. Losing Echidna obviously broke him. He probably feels he wasn't good enough or strong enough to protect Echidna, that's why he lost her. With the mindset that "everyone is fundamentally weak, you can't succeed at fulfilling your desires unless you sacrifice everything for that one thing," you start to see who Roswaal is and why he is this way. Just like Subaru, he's a broken man who has lost loved ones. He is doing everything in his power to regain it back.. in the process he has lost his humanity with the rationalization that sacrifices must be made for the sake of the goal. Subaru easily could have gone down this route too with his Return by Death. Abusing RBD, his mental health and his humanity for the sake of the goal of saving everyone. As long as the goal can be reached.. nothing else matters. Satella and the other witches, and Otto helped him realize that is the wrong state to be in. Subaru has to love himself more, by not abusing RBD as the first solution to problems. Instead reach out for help and rely on the strength of others. Realize that people in your life care and love you.. and can help you if you need it. Roswaal essentially is a bad route for who Subaru could become. The question now is.. can Roswaal be saved? Can he be convinced that his mentality is wrong and that he can change? Its been 400 years... so he seems stubbornly stuck on this path.