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why echidna down emilias throat like this fr? like? also still no idea who this vanity prudence bitch is. like why are you here and why havent we heard anything about you before this moment? also otto is my baby. also why the fuck was this sanctuary made pls lord help me LOL.


Adam Lawson

The mother Fortuna being puck theory is a really good one and one that could genuinely be possible. The only disproving factor I’ve personally seen is that Fortuna loved Geuse a lot, whereas Puck despises him, which would show a drastic difference in feelings. Also, it’s supposedly stated that there are only 3 people Echidna really hates. Emilia and Satella are 2 of them. We don’t know the third.

Zero ChronoV

A lot of this stuff you are seeing currently deals with long running plot points, so you'll only get so many answers here, Faroh. Mostly because the characters themselves don't currently know the answers to your questions. Some of them will be answered in coming episodes this season, most will not and are long running things the characters are trying to piece together themselves. Things you are currently questioning that won't be answered this season. What is the seal? What's in the seal? Who is Pandora and what is her deal? Why does Echidna hate Emilia? How do we unfreeze Elior Forest and free the elves? Who really is Puck?