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OH MY GOD BABY EMILIA IS THE CUTEST THING TO EVER EXIST IN HUMANITY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! also??? arch bishop of greed?! do they work for different witches because why do they have different fits? i am confusion. Also why is betelgeuse kinda... sexy. what happened to this man.


Mikael Hultman

Regulus Corneas was there too when the archbishop of Gluttony (Lye Batenkaitos) ate Rem's memory and name, whatever his power is remains unknown though. And the witch cult would be more accurately translated as the cult of the witch from what I've heard and are from what we've been told all devoted to Satella. My guess would be when they say they represent greed etc they mean representing the power of it rather than the witch that held the power, but I don't know more than you really. Then again thing's might've changed with time as well. We were told in season 1 that the White Whale and mabeasts were created by Satella, only to be told in season 2 that it was actually the Witch of Gluttony. I'd assume in the hundreds of years since a lot of things previously attributed to the various witches became the fault of The Witch when she is all most people really remember and fear anymore. As for Emilia's parentage, what we've been told so far is that all the other elves in the forest were full elf (mentioned in the movie) while she is half (as evident by the sanctuary barrier affecting her), and her father being Fortuna's brother would have to make her mother a full human. And when they say Emilia gets her eyes from her mother they mean eye shape, since Fortuna (and her brother supposedly) have mean, glaring eyes while Emilias are more gentle looking (funny how Subaru also has mean eyes eh) ^^

Zero ChronoV

To clarify about the Witch's Cult, they all follow Satella. Regulus is known as the Archbishop of Greed because he is the modern day possessor of the Witch Factor of Greed. Echidna being a former holder of this Witch Factor during her life. That is the pair's only connection in terms of the Greed title. And yeah, Regulus was there at the start of season 2 when Ley Batenkaitos, the Archbishop of Gluttony, ate Rem's name and memories. Like Regulus, his only connection to Daphne, the Witch of Gluttony, is that Ley currently holds the Witch Factor of Gluttony that Daphne once held. Basically, all the Witch Factors of Sin belonged to the Witches' 400 years ago. Hundreds of years later, they all belong to the Archbishops of the Witch's Cult (and now Subaru, since he is the holder of Sloth). When Emilia was telling Subaru about how she was frozen and Puck freed her a few episodes ago, she mentions (at least in the novels) that she read in a history book while studying for the Royal Selection, that Elior Forest became frozen 100 years ago. So, the events you are seeing in Emilia's trial should be about a 100 years before the start of the series since the forest isn't frozen. Many of your other questions will be answered in coming episodes. Or won't be answered at all and by that I mean it's still a mystery even to novel readers as the series is currently ongoing and only the author knows the answer at this point. At which point I'll just tell you that no one currently knows the answer when you inevitably ask those questions. The one thing I can answer now is in regards to Emilia's family. Emilia's father was Fortuna's brother and a full elf. Emilia inherited her eye and hair color from her father's side of her family. "Mother" Fortuna is actually Emilia's Aunt. This makes Emilia's mother the human half of her lineage by default. Emilia inherited her eye shape and facial features from her mother. As she is a Witch's daughter, according to Echidna (and Melakuera in Frozen Bonds), we also know her mother was a Witch. Another side fact, Fortuna has eyes shaped like Subaru and Emilia loved the way Fortuna's eyes look as a child. She also loves the way Subaru's eyes looked this whole time, even though she had no idea why until now.

Adam Lawson

It’s commonly believed Emelia’s mum may not be a witch. But rather it’s just a derogatory term used by Echidna. Since it’s stated Echidna genuinely only truly hates 3 people. Emelia, Satella and the third is unknown.