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ahhhh how this perfectly conveys the chaos of ptsd the discomfort of going back to a normal life. It feels impossible when youre going through it, and the war is still going on, so its not like they can just move on from it. anyways, i worry for them, also Fredrica being from the bloodline that released the Legion is C R A Z Y. I feel like she's related to Shin, like I feel that shit in my bones bro.



As a man who has body wounds from certain forms of trauma and has dealt with mental and physical trauma it isn't that every trauma is something that will always stick with you. Depending on the trauma and how you experience and withstand it you may never adjust from it. Although a lot of trauma just needs time in order to adjust. I have been able to adjust to a lot of my trauma both physically and mentally with time. Its no longer the same. So that book you said you read hopefully mentions that or else its not fully fleshing out that understanding of trauma. Don't get me wrong tho it can definitely happen. I have just about 20 scars on my body from the things I have grown up with and its still true that time can heal. It just depends on the person and the trauma.


For these circumstances of the characters its more so that its their way of life instead of the actual trauma itself. People adapt to doing certain things and they can have a hard time adapting to do other things. Its out of habit more than anything else.