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theyre not even hiding it. this is just genocide. this is just literal genocide. They send the best ones there to die because if nothing else can kill them, the sheer volume of attacks will. Fucking vile.


Tunnel Rat

The difference with the opening is that from episode 1-3 you only saw 3 people in that spider lily field, but after Kaie’s death from episode 4 you see her being added to said scene. And from there more and more people have been added, so with the current episode another 4 have been added. There’s also another scene in the opening when Shin is walking back towards the hanger, you see all of Spearhead there but as the show progresses you see less and less people in the background of that scene. It somewhat gets indicated in the episodes too, especially Lena and her flowers. Where in the beginning it used to be all white but as the series progressed you can see her replacing the flowers with varied colours referencing to those that had passed. The scene with her walking down the street with another batch of flowers symbolising more people that had died. It’s also hinted as well with Anju and Kurena showering as in the previous episode there were another 2 girls but now it’s just them. Speaking of the talk between them, what they’re referring to with Shin taking them but who’d take Shin, would be the talk Shin and Lena had in episode 4 about the former carrying all of his dead comrades tags. They know if they die, they’ll have Shin to ‘carry’ them until his ‘final destination’ (which would be his death) but asking who’ll take Shin, it calls back to his and Lena’s talk during the fireworks, showcasing it’ll be Lena that’ll carry his heart. Apologies for the long winded comment, but just wanted to clarify on some things you were confused about.

Calo Lee Candame

The writing on Anju's back is probably "whore's daughter" and was made in the prison camps by other 86. Because her mother was an 86 but her father was and Alba... as they said, there are horrible people on both sides.