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shin literally was like "now that you have no other choice DATE ME PLEASE OH GOD I'M BEGGING YOU" typical math rock fan behavior bro definitely listens to Covet /j (listen to Covet tho they're great)


as for a season 2, there hasn't been any announcements or hints. I REEEEEALLY HOPE they do make it, but... ugh idk, part of me is doubtful, mostly because of the art style. for one, I've seen so many people say they're turned off from even giving it a shot solely because of how atypical it looks for anime (I was actually one of them until i gave EP 1 a chance and I'm SOOO glad I did, heck it's my favorite part of the show now). but also, since they can't take normal animation shortcuts that other anime can, the cost per episode must be ASTRONOMICAL, and that doesn't even mention the incredibly meticulous sound design work. this show really IS a labor of love, and I'm worried The Free Market™️may take the Oushi route with us here :( can't lose hope tho! maybe they intend to adapt the WHOLE dang thing regardless of how well it does! they've basically left nothing out from the manga aside from a few short conversations, so if they keep up that approach they may even have enough for season 3 afterwards (tho that's INCREDIBLY wishful thinking LOL)