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Thank you everyone for sharing your opinion regarding the poll we posted two days ago, we closed the poll early since we thought that the results were not gonna change much. I think it's important to say that we care a lot about what people think it's best, I'm already gonna focus on our next reveal which is not actually gonna be too hard to make due to the training involving stuff that I already made in 3DCG mostly. That would've been all there is to say about this matter, however, my co-developer wanted to have a word or two with you all about this.
Since they do not have the ability to write posts in here (yet-.. we're gonna decide later on) I'll post his entire speech that he wrote to me on discord here:

"The TTS Alex Foot Smother audio file was made using AI Voices from ElevenLabs and free sound effects sourced from around the web. It is an experimental project where I, notAnother1, attempted to make AI voices for the characters involved in this scene express some degree of emotion in their lines as a means of proving the viability of AI content to Callie. The voices used were of poor quality and the audio file was less clear than expected due to higher quality audio being restricted to larger subscription packages. It was only after this audio was made that I realized these problems and they have since been fixed but I was not able to make another version due to running out of characters for my current subscription package.

Using AI voices, I believed it would be possible to create even more TTS content while Callie worked on far more important things. AI voiced content would have included predefined/custom scenarios like the one described in this audio file, small captions or even some ero or fetish scenes as well as a potential reward for patrons among some other things. This side attraction was one I would primarily manage with the blessing of Callie himself as a possible means of giving back to him and to the TTS community. As you already know, AI voiced content has its shortcomings... despite them it is still my hope that it can be used to provide something small that is well worth listening to if only once.

The patrons have spoken and based on votes cast and the way voting is trending, we have concluded that AI voiced content is not desired at this time. As a result of this, I will put no further efforts or time into making or testing AI voiced content. There will no more testing of things such as Alex moaning, sighs of pleasure or in making lines express emotion. Since this effort mostly fell on me, notAnother1, little to no time was actually lost from Callie's training. I must admit that it would have been interesting to see AI content evolve in the TTS universe as I improved but... it is a good thing Callie polled this concept. These poll results may not have been the results some of us wanted but the poll still matters to us. We pay careful attention to the polls we occasionally make to not only see how we are doing but to also see what else could be done to improve the TTS experience.

Looking back, I feel it was a mistake to push for a poll so early especially considering the quality of the audio sample provided and the sample I selected (called section 1) for this example. I recall Callie feeling the same way many of you do now in that AI voices can't get the job done just because of what they are. But I also recall that he warmed up to the idea (at least a little bit) after he had heard the audio in its entirety. I feel that poll results would have been a little different if the audio was given in its entirety and it is my mistake to lead with arguably the weakest of the three samples which primarily had AI voiced Alex moan like crazy (hahaha) for his lines. Instead of just tossing away the remaining audio, I asked Callie to post the entirety of it here along with the image that had inspired it. The same things will also be posted on Discord to stir a little conversation about it since... well... I do find the idea neat.

We want to thank all of you who voted in our poll for letting us know how you really feel about this. It means so much to us to have our fans interact with us and postings we make about the game. Thank you!"

Thank you again for your votes! I'll go back to work on the next reveal, we're gonna train with a lot of interesting stuff we can do with Koikatsu!

(Also here's the image that gave inspiration to notAnother1, it was something we made during our testing with expressions, I thought it wasn't enough so I added the four girls stepping on Alex's poor head, you can also notice the small change we did on Alex's eyes between the two pics.)




Thanks for sharing this information with us. :D As for that poll I didn't manage to vote due to problems with patreon (now solved), but I wanted to vote for option 3(focus on the training and.....). Not because I didn't like the audio you sent, I actually liked it very much (It still could be better especially Alex). It would be great if we could see in the future voices implemented in TTS. From your statement notAnother1 I felt you would want to use ai voices in TTS in future. (if no, then sorry I just felt it from your text) If yes then the poll was poorly organized because you notAnother1 and Callie didn't have same expectation or at least didn't convey it that way. In that poll Callie stated: "I completely refuse to use AI Voices in my game". From that statement the whole ai voice thing was only if we want developers (you both) spend some extra time on creating voices that will never be used in game or focus on developing game. The result is then pretty obvious. If that poll was stated that if we want notAnother1 to post his ai audio creations that can eventually be implemented in TTS if it would reach certain quality, I would then immediately vote for it. :D

Labyrinth of Temptation

None of us actually wanted to use AI Voices for the game 'o' we talked about this and notAnother1 specified that AI Voices were just for this side project to keep you guys entratained. My two reasons for why I didn't want AI voices to get implemented in the game are that it's way too imperfect and also I'm not ready to give my characters canon voices yet.