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Quick reminder that update logs contain spoilers!

I feel we are getting closer and closer to the end of this version, however, stuff is going kinda badly, I had to skip 3 days of development for example because I couldn't do anything in them, my computer is starting to rot really badly and not even open folders properly, not to mention the fact that I had to talk quite a lot about some stuff with my tester regarding a thousand of things to tweak, fix or re-write completely if necessary, since we're kiiiinda gonna change everything graphically, we also decided that we will definitely work on the balancing too since the game needs it.
I will definitely keep the game with the same difficulty but maybe removing some bullshittery or trying at least to spice up boring fights, stuff like that.

Looking at the list makes me kinda sad again, because-.. despite all the work I made so far, none of the things I listed to you guys got complete due to me focusing on the story a lot, which, I got some great news!
The main story is FINALLY done.
I had so much stuff to write this time around due to some stuff happening in the story and also I really wanted to add informations on things to come, new mechanics, the little mission I talked about during the last update and also, dialogs.

Which gives me the freedom to work on my next things to do, I'm finally working on the lose scenes, all of enemies.
I completely finished Cheerful Girl's ones and now I'm working on Dog Owner Girl, I'll work on all of the scenes in a row so I can then move on and focus on more stuff to do.
They're not too hard to make since I do have the creativity they need to make them work, however, I think I mentioned in previous posts that I wanted to add a new game over scene called "Subdued".. Yyyeah-.. that needed some tweaks too, I was using an insta-kill event to defeat Alex after the player fails to get out from the move a number of times, but killing events do not trigger events, so I figured I'd just make the enemy use a move that insta-kills, which thankfully works perfectly.

Since I didn't make any progress on the list despite my huge efforts, I will not bring that up just to make this update log longer than it really is pfft.
Instead, I'll go back to work right away, there are some more scenes that I need to write, hopefully I'll make you all lose in many different ways ;P
