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Hi everyone! Just checking in with a quick update.

I'm happy to say that Chapter 4 is in the final stretch of development. I've been making a lot of good progress this month, and ended up with some content that I think is among the best work I've done yet. Some highlights: the new Haremon and new Awakened form each introduce their own unique new mechanic that makes them both a lot of fun to experiment with; the boss has more moves, forms, and visual effects than any of the previous bosses; there are 4 new minigames to play in the new dungeon, with some returning characters from part 1; there about 60 new moves in this chapter in total, including some really flashy attacks; the new lore reveals a lot about a certain character's backstory, and the chapter ends with a climax that I'm sure will surprise you. This is the penultimate Chapter, so expect shit to ramp up as we head into the final stretch.

I'm very excited about this chapter, but unfortunately there have also been a few setbacks. Firstly, after 4 years of typing code and dialogue for several hours every day, I've started to develop frequent pain in my fingers and wrists. This has made my work a lot harder for me, and also made me take more frequent breaks (and even a few days off, which I never do) to prevent injuring myself. Additionally, I ended up needing to move to a different apartment at the end of this month, so a lot of my time the past few weeks has gone toward preparing to move. Despite all of this, I'm continuing to make good progress, just not as quickly as I'd like to. It's very frustrating for me not being able to work as fast as I want to, so I can imagine it's frustrating for you all as well, and I hope you understand.

Right now, I believe Chapter 4 will be completed in May (hopefully the first half of the month). Until then, as usual, thank you so much for your support and patience. As you know, I appreciate it immensely.

That's all I really wanted to say. I apologize that there's not really any screenshots I can share without spoiling anything, so I hope you'll take my word that there's some really fun stuff coming.

Thanks again, and I'll see you all in a few weeks with the Chapter 4 update!



Dev, my dude.... sounds like you have the beginning stages of carpal tunnel, like me. Take it from me, go see a chiropractor, and get your hands adjusted. It won't solve all your issues, but it'll help.