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(Warning: big rambl-y post that has nothing to do with development. Feel free to ignore.)

I never realized until today that Patreon lets me read the "exit survey" comments that people can leave when they drop their pledge. I just checked that page and was surprised to find a whole lot of very wholesome, supportive comments there, so I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's left one.

It's really touching to see people with challenging financial situations apologize that they have to cancel, or thank me for the memories they've made with the game, or promise that they'll be back when they can. It sucks to see people who've lost their job, or been deployed, or had some sort of shake-up in their life that's made money tight. If you're one of those people, I just want to say thank you and I sincerely hope things improve for you soon.

I'm making this post because I wanted to reach out to individuals to thank them for their comments, but unfortunately the comments are anonymous. So, I know I say this a lot, but I just want to say it again now, from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you: thank you. Whether you're a current patron or a former one, you are the reason this silly little game exists, and I'm truly humbled that you've all given me the chance to achieve my dream of making games for a living.

It's been genuinely heartwarming to read all these kind messages, and I hope I can prove myself worthy of the support you've so graciously given me over the years!

It's time to get back to work. I'll see you all in the next one!

Ok actually I feel bad making a big rambly post like this without showing anything interesting, so uhhhhhh How about this?




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