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Edit: Updated to, fixing some bugs.

Hello everyone! Haremon 0.33 is finally ready for release. This update contains the first half of Chapter 4, including a new dungeon, H scene, date location and more, as well as many bugfixes and other changes. Read below for a full changelog, including how to activate the new content.

To be honest, I still recommend waiting until 0.34 to play the entire chapter in one go, but it's up to you. If you do choose to play the new content now, please be mindful and don't post any spoilers!

C-Cup patrons can download the build here.
DD-Cup patrons can download the soundtrack and CG archive here.
E-Cup patrons can download the build with dev console access here.

As always, thank you ever so much for your continuing support and patience! I'm still hard at work on the rest of the chapter, and the best is definitely yet to come. I'll see you all in the next one!


Added the first half of Chapter 4. This includes:
- a new story quest
- a new dungeon
- a new scripted date
- a new H scene
- some new enemies
- a couple of minibosses
- new items, recipes, meals, etc.
- new techniques and kinks
- a new Backup option
- plenty of new music
To start the new content on an imported save, simply wait a few days sleeping or doing whatever you want. You'll soon get a text from Kira which will initiate the new content.

Other major additions/changes

- Replaced the background art for Longwood, the apartment, the lab, the ranch, the guild, and the shop with completely new, re-drawn, higher quality art.
- Added a brand-new date location, with several events and four unique area backgrounds.
- Added a new mechanic to the Plain of Torment: a temperature gauge which you must keep low in order to avoid overheating (an instant game over).
- Added a carry limit for each item. For example, you can hold up to 20 Potions at a time, but only 3 Goddess Wings. (Don't worry, if you import a save where some items are over the limit, you won't lose those items.) There's a new possibility when landing on the yellow space on the Prize Wheel which allows you to permanently increase an item's limit by a set amount. Additionally, speaking to Annie after exceeding any item's limit will activate a feature where items obtained over their limit will be sent to a special Overstock inventory at the shop, where items are available at a hefty discount, essentially letting you "store" excess items and retrieve them for a cost.
- Added over 50 new meals, mainly crafted using new ingredients from the new dungeons. These include Teas that speed up Bonding between certain Haremon, as well as fried foods, snow cones, and mochi.
- Edited and remastered the music for the main menu, bedroom, and laboratory.
- You can now take a screenshot at any time by pressing F3. These are stored in %localappdata%\Haremon\Screenshots.
- Added an item called the Energy Siphon that allows you to un-Awaken a Haremon mid-battle. You can craft this item with materials found in chapter 3, find it as treasure in the HQ Labs, a gather item in the Fire Temple, or buy it from Annie after completing chapter 3.
- Annie now sells Cookbooks, each of which contains an entire category of recipes (usually 5-6 total). Buying one will automatically add those recipes to your list, and you can also check the recipes from your inventory.
- Made a few changes to the gift system: 1. NPCs now have unique dialogue when given a gift on their birthday, just like Haremon do. 2. Your Lover will now always give you a gift on Christmas. 3. All gifts given to you on Christmas will be unique (and with unique dialogue), rather than pulled from each character's usual list of potential gifts. 4. Receiving a gift from a Haremon/NPC will now start a cooldown timer so that character can't give you another gift for a certain number of days.

Minor additions/changes

- You can now choose "Dismiss" in the Tactics menu to dismiss a Backup NPC in battle. You won't be able to call for Backup again in that battle.
- Gave Jet a new move: Sharpen Claws. This can be tutored to other clawed Haremon and is also known by some monsters.
- Added three new types of Fairy, which are found in the Fairy Fountain event in different dungeons (the normal Fairy is now found only in the Forest, Caves, and Plains.)
- Added an experimental 144hz mode. Press F12 to toggle between 60fps and 144fps. If you try to run 144fps mode on a 60hz monitor, the game will run like shit (and vice versa). This is an EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE, and will cause lots of things to look weird/wrong/fast, so it's not recommended to use it for normal gameplay. (For example, chance wheels are basically impossible in this mode.)
- Gave Scarlett a strategy to bypass players using Spirit Panties or other means of nullifying her attacks.
- If you try to Analyze an item that you already know all the recipes for, the item will no longer be destroyed.
- Changed the Breast Envy kink to be more useful.
- Added a setting to allow you to automatically turn off Skip mode when a notification box appears (item obtained, affection gained, quest updated, etc.)
- Menacing enemies are now slightly increasingly likely to spawn in later-game dungeons.
- Changed the effect of the Nudist kink and gave the old effect to a new kink.
- Blurred locked environment images on the Navigation screen to prevent spoilers.
- Enemies will now be significantly less likely to inflict you with ailments early in the game.
- Made slight changes to the activation and text of Annie's Lover H-scene.
- Added a couple new interactions to Delilah at the ranch.
- It's now impossible to encounter more enemies than you have total Haremon. For example, you only have Miruku and Circe at the beginning of the game, you'll never encounter 3 enemies at once.
- Gave Stomp an additional effect: always critical if the target is overwhelmed.
- Various other minor additions and tweaks.


- Fixed a bug that prevented the Christmas event from triggering.
- Fixed a bug where Miruku's Righting Reflex sticker made her essentially invincible to death from poison and other incremental damage.
- Updated the description of the Protection kink to match its new function.
- Added in several Gather vignettes that were missing from the HQ laboratory.
- Fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, manipulation effects could occur twice.
- Fixed a bug where "burn on contact" and "freeze on contact" effects could trigger from non-damaging techniques.
- Fixed a bug where certain manipulation techniques would increase in accuracy even on successful uses.
- Fixed a bug where replaying the kitsune's H scene would cause certain flags to be reset, causing certain parts of the story to repeat.
- Fixed a bug where the final boss of chapter 3 could play the final dialogue scene twice and die twice.
- You can no longer disassemble or analyze critical items.
- Annie will no longer flee from Haremon due to Cat and Mouse or the Smelly Panties.
- Fixed an oversight where one of Circe's stickers became unobtainable if you didn't learn a certain move during a certain battle. You can now learn that move from a VRM obtained in a certain event. I'm being intentionally vague because I want you to figure it out.
- Fixed a crash when using seduction with the Edging kink equipped
- Attempted to implement a workaround for a rare issue that caused crashes when opening the Load menu.
- Fixed an oversight where certain items were nearly unobtainable due to Kira not being able to actually give you gifts. She will now take a break from work to give you gifts like everyone else.
- Fixed a bug where conditions inflicted by certain moves (such as Bakaretsu and Catnap) could not be cured with certain items and moves.
- Fixed certain meals augmenting AGI and CRIT despite saying they only augment FAPS stats.
- Fixed a bug where the Edging kink checked the HP of the user instead of the target.
- Fixed Striking attacks not being considered physical for some reason.
- Fixed a bug where you could earn Passion Petals by blowing enemies up with Bakaretsu.
- Fixed an oversight that allowed you to accidentally bypass meeting Aqua (and as a result, Serrah) altogether.
- Fixed a bug that caused the chapter 1 boss to sometimes fail to choose an attack.
- Fixed Vex's face being invisible in the Halloween CG in the Gallery.
- Fixed a bug where manipulating a Flexing enemy and making them go away made it impossible to attack the remaining enemies.
- Fixed an oversight where you could equip the Sheer panties, equip another technique, then change panties, but keep the additional equip slot. Also fixed similar oversights with a few other panties and stickers.
- Fixed a bug where the Furry kink didn't prevent pleasure from Dirty Talk.
- Repellent and Pesticide no longer removes Annie from the dungeon board.
- Fixed various other minor bugs and typos.

HOTFIX 0.33.1

- Fixed a bug where stamp count didn't reset after a date.
- Attempted to fix a rare crash when opening the Load menu.
- Attempted to fix an issue that could sometimes cause the autosave function to behave strangely.
- Fixed some bugs in chapter 2 story scenes.
- Added the name of the last saved game to the tooltip for the Continue button.

PATCH 0.33.2:

- Fainted Haremon now gain 50% of the star shards/passion petals they would gain if they were conscious.
- Balance changes: Raised Daisy's Speed to 5 and lowered Kiki's Speed to 4. Lowered Kiki's HP to 30. Raised the Rage cost of Maelstrom from 80 to 90, and lowered its power per hit from 15 to 10.
- Changed the way Unbridled Rage and the other mood-boosting moves work. They now boost their associated stat by 50% at level 0, but can be upgraded into their current use of maximizing the stat. Also set their Focus requirement to be the same as the amount you start battles with.
- Some experimental changes to HP: "rolling" HP now goes away at the start of a Haremon's turn, meaning she'll faint after taking her turn if her HP is falling toward 0 and you don't heal her on that turn. (The Nurse Panties negate this.) Additionally, Bleed now causes HP loss to happen instantly.
- Raised the carrying capacity for Cultist Panties to 20.
- Expanded the enemy personality system to add a chance for all enemies in an encounter to have the same personality, creating situations where you'll have to deal with lots of attacks or lots of seduction.
- Fixed a bug where trying to increase the carrying capacity of an item you've already increased would just sell the item instead. Also fixed these items not being grayed out.
-  Fixed a bug where you could only have one type of fairy at a time, and where you could still only hold one fairy even if you upgraded its carrying capacity.
- Several other minor bugfixes.

PATCH 0.33.3
- Updated the patron list, which I forgot to do in the base build.
- Fixed the Mega Milk and Fairy Wind animations.
- Fixed the Climax Control and Defloration kinks.
- Slightly lowered the required Focus for the 3 mood-boosting techniques.
- Items in the crafting interface will now display a "!" when there's a compatible item you can combine them with.
- Added Unbridled Lust to Aqua's moveset, as well as to a couple of totems, since it was previously un-learnable.
- Haremon can once again text you even if they're not at the ranch Relaxing. Relaxing increases the chance by a huge amount.
- Added a visual and audio prompt when the active Haremon has dropped to 0 HP and requires healing.
- Added Criticals to Seduction techniques.
- Gave each Haremon and monster a few Seduction techniques they resist.
- Critical damage is now increased by having a closer relationship with the Haremon in question. You can check the exact value from the Status menu in battle.
- Changed the effect of Laurel's Panties. They now add a small chance for any Seduction technique to instantly overwhelm the target.
- Adjusted the shard gain curve to award slightly more shards for basic encounters in the early game, and slightly fewer for basic encounters in the late game.
- Altered drop rates for items from collection minigames. You should now get (on average) more items from each mining/fishing/bug-catching attempt.
- Buffed Freshen Up. Effect is now 50-100% (was 50-75%)
- Fixed NPCs having no breakup text.
- Fixed a bug where the Pixie event in the HQ Labs didn't give you a pixie, and also had a giant frog on screen.
- Various other miscellaneous bugfixes and tweaks.
- Fixed a crash when rapidly buying things one at a time from any shop.
- Fixed a bug where "Cookbook: Null" could appear in Annie's overstock inventory
- Fixed a bug with the Fundoshi not properly increasing AGI buffs.
- Fixed a bug where wishing for Wealth at the wishing well could give you the Wish panties instead.
- Fixed the "stop skipping on notification" setting.

- Fixed a crash when Daisy's Dancer Costume was equipped
- The "Indulge" option at the Ranch should work now (allows Haremon to gain Passion Petals)
- A few other minor bugfixes

- Fixed a crash when ending a battle with fewer than 2 party members

- Fixed a couple more crashes introduced in previous patches.

HOTFIX (E-Cup only)
- Fixed the game not loading saves.

That's all, folks!




Hotfix 0.33.1: - Fixed a bug where stamp count didn't reset after a date. - Attempted to fix a rare crash when opening the Load menu. - Attempted to fix an issue that could sometimes cause the autosave function to behave strangely. - Fixed some bugs in chapter 2 story scenes. - Added the name of the last saved game to the tooltip for the Continue button.


Patch 0.33.2: - Fainted Haremon now gain 50% of the star shards/passion petals they would gain if they were conscious. - Balance changes: Raised Daisy's Speed to 5 and lowered Kiki's Speed to 4. Lowered Kiki's HP to 30. Raised the Rage cost of Maelstrom from 80 to 90, and lowered its power per hit from 15 to 10. - Changed the way Unbridled Rage and the other mood-boosting moves work. They now boost their associated stat by 50% at level 0, but can be upgraded into their current use of maximizing the stat. Also set their Focus requirement to be the same as the amount you start battles with. - Some experimental changes to HP: "rolling" HP now goes away at the start of a Haremon's turn, meaning she'll faint after taking her turn if her HP is falling toward 0 and you don't heal her on that turn. (The Nurse Panties negate this.) Additionally, Bleed now causes HP loss to happen instantly. - Raised the carrying capacity for Cultist Panties to 20. - Expanded the enemy personality system to add a chance for all enemies in an encounter to have the same personality, creating situations where you'll have to deal with lots of attacks or lots of seduction. - Fixed a bug where trying to increase the carrying capacity of an item you've already increased would just sell the item instead. Also fixed these items not being grayed out. - Fixed a bug where you could only have one type of fairy at a time, and where you could still only hold one fairy even if you upgraded its carrying capacity. - Several other minor bugfixes.


Patch 0.33.3 - Updated the patron list, which I forgot to do in the base build. - Fixed the Mega Milk and Fairy Wind animations. - Fixed the Climax Control and Defloration kinks. - Slightly lowered the required Focus for the 3 mood-boosting techniques. - Items in the crafting interface will now display a "!" when there's a compatible item you can combine them with. - Added Unbridled Lust to Aqua's moveset, as well as to a couple of totems, since it was previously un-learnable. - Haremon can once again text you even if they're not at the ranch Relaxing. Relaxing increases the chance by a huge amount. - Added a visual and audio prompt when the active Haremon has dropped to 0 HP and requires healing. - Added Criticals to Seduction techniques. - Gave each Haremon and monster a few Seduction techniques they resist. - Critical damage is now increased by having a closer relationship with the Haremon in question. You can check the exact value from the Status menu in battle. - Changed the effect of Laurel's Panties. They now add a small chance for any Seduction technique to instantly overwhelm the target. - Adjusted the shard gain curve to award slightly more shards for basic encounters in the early game, and slightly fewer for basic encounters in the late game. - Altered drop rates for items from collection minigames. You should now get (on average) more items from each mining/fishing/bug-catching attempt. - Buffed Freshen Up. Effect is now 50-100% (was 50-75%) - Fixed NPCs having no breakup text. - Fixed a bug where the Pixie event in the HQ Labs didn't give you a pixie, and also had a giant frog on screen. - Various other miscellaneous bugfixes and tweaks. - Fixed a crash when rapidly buying things one at a time from any shop. - Fixed a bug where "Cookbook: Null" could appear in Annie's overstock inventory - Fixed a bug with the Fundoshi not properly increasing AGI buffs. - Fixed a bug where wishing for Wealth at the wishing well could give you the Wish panties instead. - Fixed the "stop skipping on notification" setting.


HOTFIX - Fixed a crash when Daisy's Dancer Costume was equipped - The "Indulge" option at the Ranch should work now (alows Haremon to gain Passion Petals) - A few other minor bugfixes


HOTFIX - Fixed a crash when ending a battle with fewer than 2 party members


HOTFIX and - Fixed a couple more crashes introduced in previous patches.


HOTFIX (E-Cup only) - Fixed the game not loading saves.


witch's hut at the start when you win the fight ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_battlecontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,2] out of range [1,2] - -1.tempPartyGirl2(100786,2) at gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Draw_64 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Draw_64 (line -1)


i'm C so i can only DL 33.3.......4 & .5 are not there for me to DL, so yes i have the latest patch that i'm allowed to DL


.4 is available on the C-cup download page. Click the first link in the post, not the "previous versions" links.


can u give yourself star shards and passion petals in the degue versions of the build if so plz show me how


Use "shards x y" and "petals x y" where x is the girl's name and y is the number you want to give her.