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EDIT 3: Uploaded hotfix, fixing a crash in early game battles and a crash after losing to Clarabelle.

Hi everyone! It's a late one this month, but September's build is ready. It includes Laurel's first H scene, a new story event/sidequest, a new non-romanceable NPC, and more!

C-cup patrons can download the build here.
DD-cup patrons can download the CG archive and MP3 soundtrack here.
E-cup patrons can download the build with debug console access here.

As always, thanks for your patience and your support!

A note before the changelog: Next month's build is planned to overhaul the flow and progressions of the entire game, as well as adding some new scenes here and there. Due to the overwhelming about of changes, your current save files will no longer be supported; however, I'll prepare some pre-made save files if you don't want to replay the game (though I think it'll be worth the replay!)

CHANGELOG (Alpha 0.28):

Major additions/changes:

- Added Professor Laurel's first H scene. It is triggered by a text message upon completing the Trial and Error quest. If you've already completed it, importing your save will trigger the text message automatically.
- Added a new story event/sidequest after Chapter 2: "A Warm Welcome". It'll be triggered by an automatic text message if you've completed Chapter 2, and will take a couple hours to complete.
- Added a simple minigame that can be played at any time after completing the aforementioned story event. Completing this minigame unlocks dialogue and a new Keepsake item.
- Added a new minor NPC. She's kind of a secret, but you can meet her during the aforementioned quest. This character is NOT romanceable.
- Added more voice acting for Aqua (monarch) including interactions in dungeons, on dates, and in the bedroom.

Minor additions/changes:

- Edited and relocated a previous H scene to occur at the completion of "A Warm Welcome".
- Increased overall Shard yield from non-boss encounters by a factor of 25%.
- Added two new types of panties: Reflective Panties and Reflective Panties +. The base form can be bought from Kira, and the upgraded form is crafted with it, as usual. Also added Laurel's Panties.
- Removed the restriction where you can't talk to Annie while Kira is in the shop. She'll now just tell Kira to go do something for a while.
- Added a new Research Note about the history of Longwood.
- Merged most 2-part research notes into 1 page, for organizational reasons.
- Slightly altered the Bramble Scramble event.
- You can now back out of the withdraw/deposit menus at the ranch.
- Lowered Circe's max HP to 45, and Jet's to 70.
- Your Haremon won't be displayed on the town screen if you have an unread message from her; this is to prevent the awkward situation of texting a girl who's literally right in front of you.
- Removed gold vouchers from chests.
- Raised Takedown's recoil damage from 1/4 to 1/3, and lowered its base accuracy.
- Lowered the base HP of Mr. Leaky and Stinking Violet by 10.
- Breastmilk's healing amount was boosted (was 25-50%, now 50-75%)
- Added a tooltip to Keepsake items showing whether or not they're active; also added a tutorial explaining Keepsakes when you first obtain one.
- Added icons to the "tell me about yourself" menu in the bedroom that show which questions have already been asked.
- Improved the responsiveness of the debug console.
- The Crystalline Timepiece now removes choice timers altogether, rather than doubling their time limits.
- Moving between image variations in the Gallery app now uses the bumpers (or A/F), meaning you can go backwards. Also, the current and total # of variations is now displayed in the corner of the image.
- The Haremon displayed on the title screen will now begin with the one whose voice clip is played.
- Fixed the Cowprint Panties showing the wrong healing boost percentage in the item tooltip. Also altered that percentage.
- Added a cuica to the victory theme. Yes this is a very important addition. It's like a whole new game. (It's updated in the Special Edition folder too. You're welcome.)


- Fixed a crash in the beach shop.
- (Probably) Fixed a crash in the Bunnygirl fight.
- Fixed a bug where Horde battles didn't trigger.
- Fixed a bug where Smokescreen (and possibly some other status moves) did nothing when used by an enemy.
- Fixed a bug where Scarlett's "Special Training" could be accessed repeatedly.
- Fixed a bug where choices in the Gardens were timed.
- Fixed a bug where some voice clips could play even while the voice volume was turned to 0.
- Fixed an oversight where HP didn't drop at the correct rate during Rush mode.
- Fixed certain guild quest completion prompts showing up multiple times.
- Fixed a bug where the early-game enemy HP reduction didn't apply.
- Fixed a bug where you could buy multiple of the same swimsuit.
- Fixed a bug where pressing Back while upgrading a move would return you to the party menu.
- Fixed the order of subscreen icons on the Haremon app being wrong.
- Fixed a minor graphical bug on the settings menu that had been bugging me.
- Added a missing silhouette for the Kitsune.
- Fixed a few minor graphical bugs pertaining to playing cards.
- Fixed a bug where the "changename" command always resulted in a lowercase name. Also fixed a bug where you couldn't use the True Name.


- Fixed a crash when accessing the shop on certain days.


- Fixed a crash in certain early-game battles. 


- Fixed another crash in certain early-game battles.
- Fixed a crash when returning to the caverns after losing to the holstaurus.




Edit: uploaded a hotfix addressing a crash in the general store.


Long time follower, first time poster - what an amazing game. To make it even better you made a great decision to invite Ninamo to collaborate - Annie's CG is the best one yet and really hope Ninamo will be in charge of all the remaining visuals for Annie and Kira (my two favourite characters, Lauriel being a close third). One question and one potential bug report: 1) Is there a plan to re-do some of the more outdated CGs, like the ones from Halloween or Valentine's day? 2) Not sure if this was ever addressed, but in version 0.25 or 0.26 the first encounter with Aqua always made the game quit with an error. Unfortunately I forgot at what exact point as I gave up on re-playing after couple of tries and used my old save. Keep up the great work!

Allen Lewis

Will next month be chapter 3 and will it introduce the succubus finally?


1) yup! the older CGs will definitely be redone in the future. 2) I *think* I fixed that in this build. Thanks!


I plan on having Chapter 3 done by the end of the year, and as I've said before, Meru (the succubus' artist) is currently unavailable due to real life issues so the succubus is on hold for now.


Uploaded another hotfix fixing a crash in early battles.


Laurel’s h scene was definitely worth the wait 👌🏻


You totally missed the opportunity to say "Drum-roll please" before announcing the cuica. Otherwise, solid update.


Perfect, thank you! :) Since 0.29 sounds like a version where one should re-play from the start, this might be a good time to drop a small suggestion / request. Inevitably the affection meter fills up for all girls and having to reject them is absolutely heart breaking.. On top of that, everytime you go on a date after a failed confession the same things happen yet again. Maybe you could consider introducing something (e.g. option to reply to the confession message, on/off item, change it so that the player is the one initiating) to allow us to prevent (specific) girls from confessing? Personally I would really appreciate it!!


I might be dumb since I haven't played the game since 0.16. But how do you unlock the *ask for sex* option in the bedroom?


Most H scenes are now unlocked via story progress, so that option is only there for Haremon whose scenes aren't integrated into the story yet.


Uploaded hotfix, fixing a crash in early game battles and a crash after losing to Clarabelle.


Hey, I recently bought E-Cup on your Patreon, although, due to an oopsie on my part, I cancelled, not knowing it would fully remove my pledge, and not just my billing. I really only came for the newest console version. I'm not sure if it's available on patreon or not, but it should show that I bought it. Is it possible for me to get the newest E Cup version? I have discord and everything, and the billing history is still there. I love your game and played through the most recent public version (I didn't even get to do anything, I instantly tried to remove billing, dumb right?) and I enjoyed it. I wanted to experiment around with the console one. So it would be lovely for you to sent me that, that's all I want really. If not, that's okay, you're probably busy and you can't always converse with dumb fools who can't read through a few lines of text. (Wonder who that's refering to.)


Okay, stupid question time. How the heck do I trigger H scenes? After Mikuru's h scene triggered as part of the main plot, I haven't gotten a single scene. I've recruited all the way up to Aqua, gotten four separate love confessions, gone on dates, asked for kisses and stripping via conversations in my room, and looked all over the place for a way to actually sleep with the person the game keeps telling me I'm sleeping with. Either I'm missing something obvious like a menu option or something got screwed up when I upgraded my version from v0.20 to v0.28 to try and fix the crash after losing to Clarabelle


First-time H scenes are unlocked with story progress. Lover H scenes are triggered after becoming a girl's Lover, but require that you've already unlocked their first H scene. There are also a few scenes (like Aqua and Jet) whose scenes aren't implemented into the story yet, so those you can just ask them from the bedroom menu.


In 0.29, confessions are only triggered by dates. So you can prevent confessions by not taking that girl on a date, but that's about it.