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Hi everyone! April's early build is now ready for download for all patrons. This build overhauls the dungeon system, as well as adding Vex's Lover H scene and Serrah's selfie. Check out the full changelog below!


  • Since this build overhauls the way dungeons work, you won't be able to import saves that were created in a dungeon. So make sure the save you want to import is saved from the town screen, or an autosave from somewhere else in town.
  • Since this build removes scaling difficulty, there will likely be some balancing issues. I spent several days testing the ENTIRE game, but please let me know if anything feels too easy, too hard, or just wrong.


Without further ado, C-cup patrons can get the build here.
DD-cup patrons can get the CG archive and MP3 soundtrack here.
And E-cup patrons can get the debug console version here.

As always, thanks so much for your support and patience! As weird and hard as life is around the world right now, I appreciate your support more than ever, and I truly hope you're all staying safe and healthy.


Major additions/changes

  • Added Vex's Lover H scene. As usual, she may initiate this event with a text message at any time if she's your Lover, or you can activate it yourself by texting her from the bedroom.
  • Added Serrah's selfie. As usual, she may send you this at any time once you've seen her first 2 texts, or you can initiate it yourself by texting her from the bedroom.
  • Overhauled the dungeon system. I'll list the specifics here, but the best way to get a feel for the new system is just to play!
    - Revamped the Food system. You now start each dungeon with a small amount of food, and gain food every time you uncover a tile. There are no forage tiles, but you can also gain food by defeating monsters and activating certain events. You no longer get a game over from running out of food. Opening treasure chests, activating Event tiles, running from battle, and certain choices in Events now consume food. Basically, rather than a constant annoyance, Food is now a resource that you must accumulate and decide how to "spend".
    - Revamped Event tiles. These tiles now allow you a choice: you can choose to activate a Common, Uncommon, or Rare event, at the cost of different amounts of Food. Choosing the rarity starts a sort of roulette-style Event selector; stopping it at the right time allows you even more control over which event you encounter. You cannot encounter the same event twice in one dungeon run. If you don't have enough food to activate an event, you can activate the tile again later.
    - Added a new type of tile: Chance tiles. These are basically micro-Event tiles that take place without leaving the dungeon board. A spinner will determine which type of event you trigger: gathering an item, interacting with your Haremon, triggering a trap, or something else. These tiles replace Gather, Forage, and Relationship tiles. They are represented by a ? icon. There are over 130 of these micro-events to find (determined by which girl activates them, which dungeon you're in, and the spinner space you land on), and many more will be added as time goes on.
    - Treasure tiles no longer cause a transition from the dungeon board and back. They also now cost Food to open. However, choosing not to open a chest will NOT deactivate the tile, meaning you can save the chest for later if you don't have enough Food yet.
    - Truth or dare has been moved to Dates, where it can appear on Relationship tiles (in addition to Story Time and Relationship Quiz). These tiles will cycle through these three events, meaning you'll be guaranteed more variety on dates.
    - See the "Minor additions/changes" section below for even more dungeon-related changes.
  • Added Ash's autumn and winter outfits. See the FAQ for info on how to obtain seasonal items.
  • Added a new event to the Plains (and another spoiler-y area): "Secrets in the Dirt". This event lets you dig for fossils. (Yeah, I've been playing Animal Crossing.) This means you can also now upgrade your Shovel at the lab, and improve your Digging skill using the TV.
  • Haremon and NPCs now gain more Affection at lower relationship ranks, and less Affection at higher ranks.
  • Removed adaptive difficulty. (Yeah, you finally wore me down.) To compensate for this change, enemies have been rebalanced a bit, and many moves have been rebalanced as well. 
  • By popular demand, scented monsters now remain scented forever, meaning you only have to Scent each species of monster once. (I guess you really wore me down.) I know this makes various items and abilities irrelevant, so I'll fix those ASAP. 

Minor additions/changes

  • Several additional changes have been made to the dungeon system:
    - Daisy's Scout ability now simply gives you 10 Food (which is now a very useful effect!)
    - Since Food works differently now, the "Slow Metabolism" skill has a new effect: it reduces the Food cost of all Events by 1. This is also now Miruku's default dungeon skill, and Jet's default dungeon skill is now "Initiative" (formerly known as "Stealthy"), which works well with her low Speed stat.
    - Since Gather tiles are gone, the Red Glasses have a new effect: they reveal the names of unseen events on the event selector. (Events you haven't seen yet are usually represented by question marks.)
    - Since Gather and Forage tiles are gone, the "Scavenger" skill has a new effect: it increases the food gained when you flip a tile by 1.
    - The "Escape Artist" skill now has the additional benefit of nullifying the Food cost of running from battle.
    - Rations now increase your food by 5.
    - Temporarily removed the functionality of the Tent item. 
  • You can now move to an unflipped dungeon tile that you have a valid path to, instead of having to move to the nearest flipped tile and THEN move to the unflipped one.
  • Reduced the amount of damage added/reduced by QTEs, making them less vital.
  • Greatly increased the chance of finding Research Notes during the "Classified Materials" quest
  • Added a new topic of conversation to NPC interactions: "Kira".
  • Nerfed Prismatic Powder and buffed Divine Favor since, as a few of you pointed out, a divine blessing from a goddess should probably be more powerful than a butterfly flapping her wings at you.
  • You can now gather Spores from the "Mushroom Hunting" event
  • Changed Jet's crafted item to Volcanic glass (which can no longer be obtained any other way)
  • Altered the "Cat o' Nine Tails" attack to make the button prompts easier. You are now only prompted for the first and last hits (bonus damage from the first prompt applies to the first 8 hits)
  • Finding the witch for the first time now sends you home to rest before the second leg of the quest. The same applies to the holstaurus.
  • Changed the way the harvesting minigames (fishing, mining, etc.) work. In addition to getting an item based on the number of stars you got, you will now also have a chance of receiving all possible items of a lower rarity than that one. For example, if you mine well enough to get a Gold Ore, you might also receive a Bronze Ore and/or a Silver Ore.
  • Added a proper icon to Field items
  • Fixed Aqua's craft item being wrong. It's supposed to be Prismatic Scale, not Nectar.
  • Rebalanced the end boss of Chapter 1. 
  • Nerfed the end boss of Chapter 2
  • Flex now lowers the user's Fortitude. Leveling up the move reduces the amount.


  • Fixed a bug where a certain scene could play out in the Plain of Torment despite a certain girl being absent from your party.
  • Fixed a bug where Scarlett thought she was a dog for a second
  • Fixed an oversight where Copper Ore was not available through the new mining minigame.
  • Fixed a bug where loading a previous version's save made in a dungeon could cause the tiles to display the wrong sprites.
  • Fixed a confusing tutorial that referenced a mechanic that doesn't even exist.
  • Fixed various bugs and oversights in the "Trap!" event.
  • Fixed a bug where you could re-add a certain quest by replaying a certain H scene.
  • Fixed a bug where the Start tile could sometimes not appear, or would appear flipped.
  • Fixed a bug where guessing the wrong password during the Temple would softlock the dungeon.
  • Fixed an oversight where Shadow Circe's crit rate was boosted.
  • Various other minor bugfixes, tweaks, and polish.


  • Gave the Fairy Wand a new effect: it now reduces the Allure requirement of all Manipulation techniques by 1.
  • Ash's scout ability now permanently scents enemies.
  • The Chewing Gum item now has an effect identical to the Slow Metabolism skill. The effects stack.
  • Fixed a crash in the Truth or Dare event.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting "nevermind" from the Shard Exchange menu.
  • Fixed a bug where you could gift a girl the Heartsone in exchange for her own gift.
  • Fixed an oversight where saving the game while you have unread text messages and then loading that save would cause any quest/scene triggered by that text to become completely inaccessible. Yikes.
  • Fixed a bug where the Perfect-fit Panties and Shielded Panties had no effect due to the change in QTE damage calculation.
  • Fixed a bug where certain techniques would randomly fail against bosses, including Scent.
  • Obscene Odor now applies its bonus to Cat Scratch Fever.
  • Fixed a bug where the Scent info didn't display properly upon initially Scenting an opponent.
  • Removed the Third-eye Panties, since they're pretty much useless now.
  • A few other minor bugfixes 


  • Fixed a bug created by the previous hotfix that made the Eternal Rivalry quest impossible to complete. 


  • Fixed a crash that happened when triggering a Warp tile on the Pilgrim's Path.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the shop, probably caused by obtaining all the Halloween outfits.




Updated to fix an issue with imported saves.

Scott Wulf

That is quite a bit of work there! Looking forward to the playthrough! Probably start from scratch for fun! Fun times ahead!

Jay Willynogs

Removed adaptive difficulty and revamped dungeons? This update sounds pretty sick.


are dates supposed to crash?

Sid Santos

Just asking a little help with the Serrah questline, what do I do with the Heartstone? There ain't a ! indicator and she said to show it to someone, but who? :(

Sid Santos

Do I gift it to her in the bedroom? Cause the Heartstone is greyed out for me.


Oof. I might have broken it trying to fix a bug. Let me check. Yeah looks like I broke the quest trying to fix it. Rip. I'll upload a hotfix asap.


Uploaded another hotfix fixing a bug caused by the previous hotfix. It really do be like that sometimes.


Uploaded another hotfix, fixing a crash on the Pilgrim's Path


Im having a odd issue on Loading on old 22.0.4 save on the new version. When i go to a date or go to the dungeon, it will pop up the Warning message regarding the dungeon system overhauled. Plus i did follow the instructions on savings it at the town screen but dosen't do anything besides the same pop up warnings about the dungeon.


You must be on an unpatched version. Download again, the latest hotfix fixes that.


Uploaded another hotfix, fixing a crash when visiting the shop after obtaining all the Halloween outfits.

Ryan Richards

I posted in Discord about this as well, but there is a bug that causes CTD whenever I equip panties onto some if not all of the girls so far. Here is a copy of the 'log'. ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_gamecontroller: Variable obj_gamecontroller.lineIndex(100681, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Script_scene_action_additem ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_action_additem (line -1) gml_Object_obj_gamecontroller_Step_0

Ryan Richards

Here's bug #2 of the day, when I was on a date with Clarabelle the third to last square in the 'map' mini-game Crashed to Desktop. Here is the log for that and hopefully these help 'cause I don't know what they mean... ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_vncontroller: local variable meal_(100110, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Script_scene_set_info ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_set_info (line -1) gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Create_0

Ryan Richards

The location was Le Titon Mignon.

Ryan Richards

I guess I found another bug? I was on a date with Clarabelle and on the dating 'map' the game came up with error and crashed on the 3rd to last square. Here is the log copy; ___ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object objvncontroller: local variable meal(100110, -2147483648) not set before reading it. at gml_Script_scene_set_info ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_set_info (line -1) gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Create_0 Second bug of the day and I have no idea what any of these log things mean so hopefully when I post them they help

Ryan Richards

I didn't realize I double posted. My apologies.


Having an issue reaching Vex's lover scene. She texted me to come to my apartment, but acted as if I had called her over with all the standard options. Texting her nets me nothing, and I can get her text again by having a JO memory of her. The call list also has her 4th mail marked as received. Am i doing something wrong?


Have you downloaded the latest hotfix? I fixed this bug in https://www.patreon.com/posts/36762018


I ran the hotpatch, and now I'm not getting the prompt to start her scene. Nothing in the gallery either to suggest it was already unlocked. EDIT: Immediately after typing this I ran a couple more days and got the prompt. xD