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Hi everyone. I said I'd have 0.22 uploaded on the 1st, but unfortunately it's not quite finished... however, since I want to commit to releasing a new build on the 1st of every month, I thought I'd upload an Unstable version here today, and then release a patch in a few days with the rest of the content that's supposed to be in this build.

This build adds the seraph, However, she's currently incomplete in a few ways: she lacks bonding scenes, a confession scene, most attack animations, and possibly a few other minor things. Additionally, patron tributes have not yet been updated from last month. All of these things (plus her first H scene!) should be implemented in the full version of 0.22, coming in a few days.

I highly recommend waiting a few days for the full version of 0.22 before playing this build! This version is probably very unstable, as I haven't had time to do much testing.

However, if you'd still like to play the build right away, here is the download link. E-cup patrons can find a debug version here.



Poking the build to see what breaks was fun, thanks

Allen Lewis

No worries. Thank you for your hard work.


This is for version 21.0.2, but I am currently stuck on the first crafting tutorial. No matter what I do, I can't select ingredients.

Allen Lewis

Any news on the when the full version / stable build will be released?