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Hi, everyone! Haremon 0.18 is now available for patrons. This build adds an all-new Bonding system, an overhauled Affection system, two new Lover H scenes (one of which is our first CG by HuniePop CG artist Ninamo), and a lot more! Honestly, this build ended up being a lot bigger than I intended, hence it being a few days late. On that note, thanks for your patience!

Without further ado, C-cup patrons can download the build here.
DD-cup patrons can download the high-res CG archive and mp3 download here.
And E-cup patrons can download the developer version here.

Read on for a full changelog, and thanks as always for your support!


Major additions/changes
- Added Daisy's Lover H scene. This is the first CG by our newest artist, Ninamo (best known as the CG artist for HuniePop). It's also the first 3P scene!
- Added Jet's Lover H scene. Like all Lover scenes, this scene will be initiated randomly when she is your current Lover.
- Added a "Bonding" system. Your Haremon gain Affection for each other whenever they win battles together. When their Affection reaches 100, their relationship rank will increase, and you'll trigger a unique dialogue scene! (Since there are over 100 of these scenes to write, this build currently contains only the first rank of each pairing, for a total of 21 scenes. You'll be unable to deepen bonds past this first rank.) There will be a way to check this in the Haremon app (and replay bonding scenes) later on.
- Overhauled the Affection and Relationship system. Instead of new relationship ranks being triggered every 25%, you must now raise Affection to 100% to advance to the next rank, with each advancement resetting the affection meter to 0%. (Affection gain has been given a global 5x boost to accommodate this change.) Confessions can still occur anytime during the Crush rank, and Lover status locks Affection at 100%. There is also a new Rank, resulting in the new progression of Acquaintance > Companion > Partner > Friend > Crush > Lover. The appearance of the Affection HUD has also changed, during VN scenes and in the Haremon app. Finally, relationship rank can no longer decline. NOTE: since Affection affects pretty much every other aspect of the game, this overhaul has probably messed up some stuff that I didn't catch, so please be careful with old saves and report any bugs asap!
- Kira has now begun her mission to get your life on track. She'll visit you every Sunday morning, and offers a few different services to help you out.
- Clarabelle has had a bit of a makeover: she now has hooves, fuzzy legs, a tail, earrings, and another little surprise.
- Added controller vibration support to various aspects of the game. You can adjust the intensity of this effect (or turn it off) in the settings menu.
- Added a Lost and Found to the Guild Hall, unlocked upon completing Chapter 1. You can pick up a "lost item" here every few days; gifting it to the correct Haremon or NPC will raise their Affection, and perhaps even give you a little bit of insight into their backstory or personality.
- Added a new Guild Job: "Special Order". Annie requests a particular item; turning in that item will cause her to add it to her stock at the General Store permanently.
- Added a new technique: Incendium (an upgrade of Ignis)
- Added X new types of panties Perfect-fit Panties, Rubber Panties, Smelly Panties, Third-eye Panties, Expert Panties, and Shielded Panties. They can all be bought from Kira's panty shop, and some can be found on Annie's Prize Wheel.
- Added a new item: Stained Panties. (Well, these were added in 0.17, but they didn't do anything yet.) They can be found in a variety of places, and can be washed to turn them into a random pair of usable panties. You can do this by asking Kira to do your laundry during her weekly visit.

Minor additions/changes
- Added 8 new Research Notes (lore), focusing on the Cult of Fakkyubi, the Goddesses, Haremon Types, and Passion Petals. You'll need to complete the "Classified Materials" quest for these to appear.
- Added a new Rank 4 Guild Job. I'm sorry in advance for contributing to an awful meme.
- Added Sunny's diary pages as items which are obtained upon reading them during the Crimson Katana quest. This way, you can refresh yourself on the legend of Fakkyubi.
- Replaced that one really weird bunnygirl expression that looked like she was staring into your soul
- Annie's nipples are no longer the unfortunate victim of gravity
- Made the Shadow Circe fight harder by raising her buffs to 50% and making them return to 50% after being lowered.
- You can now use the bumpers (A/F on keyboard) in the Items app to switch categories without returning to the pocket selection screen. Also, the items menu now displays the name of the currently open pocket instead of just saying "Items".
- Each NPC and Haremon now has 5 specific gifts they can give you, rather than pulling from a shared pool.
- Doubled the rate of "pocket change" growth for NPCs and Haremon, and halved the rate of gift purchasing; hopefully, this will result in you getting higher-quality gifts from Haremon/NPCs.
- Gave the ePhone a ringtone. This plays in scenes where the professor calls you.
- Rebalanced several moves: lowered the Pleasure cost of Bitch's Brew and Nuzzle, raised the Focus cost of Breastmilk, changed the added effect chance of Coldsnap from 20-60% to 30-50%, lowered the accuracy of Ignis from 95% to 85%, lowered Jab's max damage from 25 to 20, changed Avalanche's upgrade effect to "-4% focus requirement", lowered the damage of Flower Power, and slightly lowered the strength of Grace.
- Removed the "difficulty" setting at the beginning of the game, because it was pretty meaningless.
- Changed the way healing works. When a Haremon's HP is falling (the bar is red) healing her will now restore HP from the lower end of the bar, rather than the top.
- Updated the "addtechnique" debug command to accept "all" as a parameter in place of a technique ID; this means you can now make a Haremon learn EVERY move in the game at once.
- The "victory" debug command will now reward you shards instead of petals if you haven't attacked yet. Also added a "pacifistvictory" command, which will end the battle and reward petals.
- You no longer gain affection by fucking Haremon.
- Fixed the Masochist kink resulting in fractional damage numbers.
- You can no longer receive more than 1 Platinum Voucher from the same enemy. Also, it's now a "something cool" rather than a "present" (requires more Allure)
- Changed the effect of the Nekopan, because they were OP as shit. Instead of a damage increase, they now provide an increased crit chance (to ALL moves, not just scratching)
- Slightly increased the speed of Mood alteration due to Stances.
- Monster variants no longer count toward the associated Guild job (e.g. killing a Spotted Dick won't advance the Mushroom Massacre job)
- Reduced the nerf to Horde enemies. Instead of having -50% max HP, they now have -25%.
- Added HP bars and Conditions to the party menu, mainly to give you more information when tagging out
- Monsters can now be Burned, even though they don't have clothes to burn off. This is to give more opportunities for Technical Attacks, and to make Burning Passion more useful
-Nerfed the Cowprint Panties (heal bonus is now 15/30%, or 25/50% for the upgraded version) and the Shimapan (added effect boost is now 5/10%, or 10/20% for the upgraded version)
-Changed the "by any other name" quest so that the Rose is now obtained from Van Gonad rather then O'Queefe (since those are no longer found on the plains)

- Fixed a bug where the game would force you to play in windowed mode. Also, opening and closing the Settings menu will no longer alter your resolution if you've stretched the window manually.
- Fixed a bug where defeating a flexing enemy would make it impossible to attack the remaining enemies.
- Fixed a crash when using Safe Mode during certain H scenes
- Fixed a bug where applied Serum didn't appear on feral Haremon.
- Fixed a bug where it was nearly impossible for your allies to be Overwhelmed
- Fixed a bug where entering and leaving the general store caused time to pass
- Annie's shopping spree now correctly discounts items by 25% instead of 50%
- Fixed a bug where the feral monarch & bunnygirl could "respawn", leading to multiple copies of them on the dungeon board.
- Fixed monsters being able to use invalid Manipulation commands
- Fixed a bug where every incorrect response in the sex position puzzle led to "handjob"
- Fixed Aqua's censor hearts and heart-eye effect being drawn in the wrong place
- Fixed the clothing pop-offs sometimes showing the wrong outfit during the Shadow Circe fight
- Fixed the timing of the Righteous Purge QTE
- Fixed the draw order of Circe's staff and wand
- Fixed some weirdness in the first scene at Laurel's lab
- Gave Vex her tail back


- Fixed a crash when initiating a bonding scene with less than three Haremon in your party
- Fixed a crash in the Restaurant date when Annie's relationship is at Partner level.
- Fixed a bug where initiating a bonding scene with the Kitsune would cause a scene with no dialogue
- Fixed a crash when trying to sell items which are positioned above Research Notes in the inventory
- Fixed a bug where loading an autosave made during a Bonding scene would cause a scene with no text and two catgirls 


- Fixed a bug making it impossible to confess
- Fixed a bug where skipping the bond screen could prevent bonding scenes from triggering
- Fixed a bug where skipping to the bonding screen could make the HUD invisible 


- Fixed a bug where the feral holstaurus could use Striptease when naked
- Pleasure now returns to its starting value when a girl's Overwhelmed status wears off, to avoid her being repeatedly overwhelmed by the same enemy.
- Fixed a bug where the Lust curse could make it impossible to Confess to your Haremon
- Fixed the "let me look through your bag" dare. Your Haremon will now pick an item from your bag and comment on it, many with unique effects. 

CHANGELOG (0.18.1):

- You can now scroll the Technique and Kink lists on the Haremon app when you have too many moves to fit on screen.
- You can now reorder Kinks in the same way as Techniques.
- Added the "addkink" and "kinklist" commands to the debug console. They function identically to the "addtechnique" and "techlist" commands (for example, "addkink miruku breast_envy"). You can also use the parameter "all" to teach a girl every kink at once.
- Fixed a bug where Kira's weekly task could be repeated every day.
- Fixed a bug where Kira's visits prevented your party from being healed overnight
- Fixed a bug where you could get messages like "[x] resisted fear!" or "[x] is already frozen!" for Haremon that aren't even currently targeted
- Fixed a bug where loading a save from a prior version would result in your text messages' attachments being all fucked up. Unfortunately, this fix will only apply to messages received from this patch onward, meaning that your saves from prior versions will have their text message attachments wiped.
- Fixed some bugs related to QTE feedback being weird, as well as a bug where QTEs no longer turned gray when you fail a prompt.
- Fixed a bug where Cat Nap could fail to heal conditions.
- Fixed the "Odd Jobs" guild job. More accurately, updated the job description to properly communicate the requirements of the job. Also fixed the questgiver name to now always be Delilah.
- Fixed a bug where the Imp research notes showed data on the Holstaurus, and vice versa
- Fixed a bug where the "critical hit" guild job didn't properly display progress in the quest tracker.
- Fixed a rare freeze that could occur when an enemy had no valid targets to attack. Additionally, enemies will now use "Mercy" when they have no valid techniques to use.
- Pacify now only affects Fight moves, as the description implies (previously, the target couldn't use non-damaging techniques on the user either)
- Fixed Scarlett and the lady in black's Manipulation items being swapped
- All items necessary to complete a guild job (e.g. an item you're supposed to upgrade, or a gift you're supposed to give to someone) are now marked as critical, meaning you can't sell or dispose of them.
- Using Smelling Salts, Cure-All, or Purifying Kiss to cure Overwhelmed status now properly returns Pleasure to normal.
- Fixed a bug where you could open your phone in the dungeon during the monsters' turn, or while a battle was beginning, or during a transition in town.
- Fixed a bug where the spared enemy after a horde battle could be invisible.
- Removed a popup in the catgirl's Scout event that erroneously stated the chests in the dungeon are disarmed by her ability
- Fixed a bug where using an Aphrodesiac would overwhelm the target
- Fixed a bug where some voice clips weren't loaded into memory and thus wouldn't play
- Raised the rage threshold of Roundhouse Kick
- Boosted the amount of affection gained from gifts of cash.


- Fixed a bug where the Lost and Found was inaccessible on imported saves where you'd finished Chapter 1. Loading any save where you've completed Chapter 1 should now properly activate the Lost and Found. - Fixed a crash when delivering a Lost Item to an NPC.
- Fixed a freeze that could happen when you select a technique with no valid targets.
- Fixed a bug where Stances affected your Mood before the first Wait phase began.
- Added the "gathered item" voice clip to gather tiles when the "skip collection scenes" setting is enabled.



Allen Lewis

Any Idea when chapter two will be available?


Really just waiting on the last few pieces of art at this point. It shouldn't be more than a couple months, but I can't be more specific than that due to the unpredictable nature of commissioned art.


thank you it always bugged me that clarabelle was just a girl wearing ears and horns. you just earned yourself a patron.


Lol it was bothering me too. I don't know what I was thinking when I originally designed her


eh its sorta an easy mistake to make ppl do it all the time with holstaurs and catgirls just the ears and tail and suddenly its a monster girl. not sure how long ill be subbed patron loves to just delete me this is like my fourth account but ill stay as long as i can