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Haremon 0.15 is now available for free! You can download it now on itch.io.

As always, DD-cup patrons can download high-resolution CG files and the MP3 soundtrack here, and E-cup patrons can download the debug version here.

See the post linked above for a full changelog, and thank you so much for your support!




Awesome glad to here this and i promise i will try to support one day but im going thru limited time right now.


Awesome! just wondering, are future builds gonna be compatible with saves from this version?


At the moment, I think the next several builds should be compatible. However, it's always best to assume they won't, since I could decide to add something at any time that will change the way saves work.


there's a fatal error whenever I try to text the monarch for the first time. any idea what might be causing it?


the second time i got the mushroom massacre quest, it says slay 5 plump helmets but the counter is x/183.

Jay Willynogs

Just finished my playthrough of this build, and the game feels as polished and fun to play as ever. I will say that I personally don't care for having sex as an automatic thing in the story. I understand why the change was made, but I think having the Newgrounds Prologue flashback is enough for giving the player an early game sex scene. Regardless I'm excited to see what the future holds for the game.


Im stuck on making the bunnygirl look like the queen, I have the contacts but nothing else pops up. Anyone got any help?


I was stuck on this for a while too. Talk to the ladies around town and they will help you get what else you need. I completed that a while back so it isn’t fresh on my mind, sorry mate.


So i got stuck on crafting the items because i combined them with other items or because i analyzed them. You need to add in the Nevermind button or make it to where you can only craft those items first.


I also found a bug when traveling in the caves to where both left or right tells me to retrace my steps lol. So you just have to put it in auto and let it continue out.


I'm stuck with the guild quest to catch monarch because I can't access the plains. Some people said that I should gain access to it after catching the imp as a crafting quest from prof Laurel, but I didn't get this quest either. Can you help me out?


My game also keeps crashing when I try to message Vex.