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Thanks for voting on the previous poll! With over 900 votes cast, it's pretty clear who's in the lead, and so it's time for the final vote.

As promised, this poll contains the top three results from Round 1. Well... with one exception. The 2nd place finisher from Round 1 was a dog/wolf girl. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I've already designed and commissioned a Haremon based on a dog! (Specifically, one particular dog...) For that reason, that answer will be ignored, and the fourth-place finisher will be on this poll instead. (I might showcase that Haremon soon, so stay tuned!)

With that being said, here are your options, as well as my thoughts on each.

- 1st place: Angel -- I would love to see an angel as a counterpart to Vex. There would definitely be some amusing interactions between the two of them, as I can see Vex purposefully fucking with the Angel while the Angel constantly admonishes Vex. I even have a pretty solid idea for a potential Chapter based around Vex and an Angel...

- 2nd place: Vampire -- Personally, I think a vampire would be a bit too similar in design to Vex (mainly the bat wings). However, this could work well if we decided on a less traditional, less "human-looking" vampire. I think she'd really shine in battle, where perhaps she could have a bat form and a human form, as well as moves that sap the opponents' life.

- 3rd place: Slime -- I've always loved slimegirls. There's just so many possibilities -- they can change color, morph into different shapes, and so much more. There's also plenty of fun shenanigans that can happen in bed with one of these girls, given their gooey, transparent bodies.

You'll have a few days to cast one vote, and the winner will be added to the game! After this poll, we'll proceed to actually designing the character -- her appearance, personality, backstory, etc. I can't wait to see what you guys pick! 

On a sidenote, the usual beginning-of-the-month Patreon fuckery has left us nearly $400 dollars behind where we were a few days ago, so we've actually fallen below the $2500 goal that this whole thing is a reward for... oh well. I'm going to keep it going anyway, because I love you guys.

Get voting!

Note: the images above are simply from my reference folder. They're just ideas, and don't necessarily reflect what the character would end up looking like.



ley gasp.... my punny gorgon T.T


Angel is the only correct answer


Meh. Democracy sucks. Oh well, angel might be cool, too. If it wins, and we get to voting on personality, please please please let there be option for something like Flonne from Disgaea. Could be lots of fun


C'mon let's get a really creative vampire going! If you want an angel just put the angel costume on Vex :^).


Angels are a bit too human like for my taste. Don't forget that it's hareMON not hareWAIFUS. On a side note please tell me it's a hellhound girl.


As the guy who proposed dog girl and then immediately scrolled down to see the obvious silhouette of a dog girl in your "coming soon" post, I still consider this a victory!


Also, I agree on the "vampire being too similar to other haremon" thing, it's basically what you get when you cram an imp and a gargoyle together, both of which are already present in-game.