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EDIT: The first phase has ended. Please see this post to cast your votes!

I promised I'd do something special to celebrate the $2500 milestone, so here it is: I want to let you guys design the next Haremon! Not one of those "pick 1 from 3" polls we used to do -- this time you'll actually get to submit species to vote on, as well as her overall design!

Here's how it will work:

Phase 1) Leave a comment below with a monstergirl species you'd like to see in game. In a few days, I will create a poll containing every species commented on this post (with the possible exclusion of those which are already planned to appear as important story characters). You'll have a few days to vote in this preliminary poll.

Phase 2)  When that poll ends, I will take the three ideas with the most votes and put those species into another poll, along with my personal favorite suggestion. You'll then have a few more days to vote in this poll. The one with the most votes will be declared the winner!

Phase 3) When the winner is announced, I'll make several polls over the next week or so, letting you vote on things like body shape, hair color, skin tone, outfits, and personality, as well as aspects specific to the chosen species. At the end of that week, we'll have an idea of what this character will look like, and I'll send that info to our character artist.

Phase 4) When the sketches are complete (probably around late May/early June), there will be one final vote: I'll show all of the preliminary sketches, and you'll choose your favorite. Then, it'll be time to commission the final art, and I'll start designing the new girl's implementation!

This is all a very rough outline of how this process will work, but I'm excited to see what you all come up with! Thanks again for all your support, and start commenting with your favorite monstergirl species!




Harpy. Definitely a harpy.


Vampire girl, easy.




A gorgon Medusa would be awesome!


i can never pass up the always obvious choice of Slime Girl.


How about a Chimera


Ghost girl all day

Brian St. Clair

I'd be interested to see a Jiangshi


Slimegirl with the capacity to change color (becomes red when angry, white if KOed and so on)


Mouse girl.


For me I would say it's missing either a doll or a oni If it can be only one species per person I would choose oni because it's a must for monster girls and it's missing


Alraune. I feel we don't really have anything like her in the cast so far and I want as many diverse monster girls we can get.


A Centaur would be awesome, it´s missing in so many games^^


A robot/cyborg girl would be kinda cool but if that doesnt really fit into the theme, a dragon girl would also be great.


Bat girl or Harpy would be nice.

Paul Gabbard

Fox Girl, Fox Girl


Snake-Girl, either of the Naga, Lamia or Medusa variety.


I feel like a pure character along the lines of an angel or something could be interesting, the scenes could be about getting her to do more and more out there stuff. And vex interactions would be funny


Would also be interesting getting a reptile girl (kinda dragon i guess) for mechanics, since there's not really a character that deals status effects


Reptile/Avian/Arachne/Plant/Cephalopod seem to be the big gaps in this lineup. You're missing someone who'd (also) be (romantically/sexually) interested in the Haremon in a non-creepy-scientist way.


See-through water/slime girl


Could be where we get to use poison and that poison kink can come in handy


Racoon girl >everything else


Can there be a Dullahan?


the counter part to the imp, either angel or gryffon


Hmm. Some suggestions coming to mind (Vampire, Centaur, Robotic) were already made. Well then - how about an Elf? Not sure if that fits the "monstergirl" category. Then again, Circe as witch is also having human looks.


An elemental-based waifu. Fire? earth? wind? water? light? anything


A Himedere Vampire


I want a gorgon who constantly puns


i need help with the first quest with Vex in the shimmering Carverns anithing what i do is nothing triggering for this


ok i try ^^


Loved the idea Don't know why I haven't thought about that


Dullahan like Lala, and Celty


Perhaps a lamia?


I'd say red panda, but that's pretty similar to raccoon which has been said. So maybe a bear? No real reason other than I haven't seen a bear monstergirl and I like bears.


Spelled: "Alaraune"? If so, I think you're talking about a plant-based monster girl that's based around roses. Like this: <a href="https://monstergirlencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Alraune" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://monstergirlencyclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Alraune</a> (...yes?)


Do you mean the "hopping" vampires from Chinese myth? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiangshi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiangshi</a>


A "headless" rider (Horsewoman)? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dullahan" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dullahan</a>


Himedere: (Lit) Lovey-dovey Princess. From Japanese: "Hime" - Princess and "DereDere" - LoveyDovey The translation seems to be inverted as most takes on this seem to have them be standoffish or snooty. Please tell me if I am incorrect in my understanding, so I can correct this.


Howsabout a dog/wolf-girl? A bit simple, but you gotta have those classic staples to round out the core cast, plus you could probably write some pretty good interactions with Miruku. (Also I know it's been brought up already, but I would definitely support the idea of a lizard/reptile-girl, the opportunity for her transformation to be into a full dragon is too good to pass up)


I've always been a fan of sheep girls, innocent first then less so later on.