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My personal life has been quite hectic these last few months, and I've not had nearly as much time to work on Haremon as I would have liked to. As such, 0.12 (the build originally intended to be released in November) is still unfinished. I've been working on it as much as possible while I'm home for the holidays, but in my hurry to get it finished, I've seen a noticeable decline in the quality of my work. For this reason, I've made the decision to take my time and release 0.12 in January.

I'd feel terrible releasing a subpar build when I could instead take a bit more time and raise it to my standards. This is why I made sure to have the Christmas build ready on time, because I wanted to keep my promise of monthly builds and give my supporters some new content this month, even if it's not exactly the update you were expecting.

Going forward, I will try to refrain from promising specific content in a particular month. I will continue to release a new build each month, but I shouldn't hype up specific content that is going to end up being delayed.

To give you an idea of what to expect, 0.12 will be story-focused and will contain:
- 2 new dungeons
- 2 new Haremon
- 2 boss fights
- 2 new monsters
- a few new CGs
- a new minor NPC
- 4 new music tracks
- ...and more!

I hope you aren't too disappointed in me for taking so long with this content, and I once again thank you for sticking with the project through this last year. There's plenty of great stuff coming in 2019, and I hope you'll be here when it arrives!


Allen Lewis

I can't even defeat the first dungeon. Is there some trick to defeating the monsters? I run out of potions by the time I face the third attack and my cat girl dies from being poisoned.


The first dungeon hasn't given me trouble for a few builds now. Only advice I can really give is to play as efficiently as possible.

Matias Hintsa

Take all the time you need. As a wise man ones said a delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is bad forever.


Your game is honestly one of a few rpg-fight style games I truly enjoy. There are plenty of dating-sim games that are horribly made and yet, your game is barely in that category and does a better job. As Matias said, take as much time as you need. Also, Happy Holidays! (Family first, erotic-rpg second.)


You did the most important thing that is to be clear about the delay and what you intent to do. A great work is not when everything runs smoothly down hill but when you are clear how and why the way up hill takes timee


i dont mind waiting for something that adds a good amount of stuff

Allen Lewis

Thanx I finally beat it. The only things that I can't get are the Monarch, the Ruby and the carrot.


I know how you feel ;w; emotion is such a burden haha ^ ^ I wish you the best of luck in your endeavour, please keep looking forward!