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(Turn up your volume. I'm still getting the hang of Premiere.)

The first batch of lines for Miruku and Circe have been recorded! Here's a quick preview of their in-battle voice clips. This is only a small sample of the lines recorded for battles so far.

Now, I think these sound absolutely fantastic, but a few things:
- I know a lot of people find these kinds of repetitive one-liners to be annoying, so keep in mind that you can always disable voice acting in the Settings menu.
- Since battles are frequent and sometimes long, I'll probably end up doing some tweaking to figure out how often to play these clips without them becoming annoying and repetitive. Additionally, we'll likely end up recording more variations for each scenario in which a clip is played.
- These clips probably won't be in the next build. As these are currently the only lines recorded so far, I think it would be a bit out-of-place with no other voice acting in the game yet. Once we have some more situational lines recorded, I'll implement them in one big chunk.

And that's about it! Honestly, I'm really happy with the quality of the voice actresses on the project so far, and I think their voices lend something that really helps bring these characters to life. I'm excited to continue recording lines for more areas of the game and, when the budget is bigger, for more characters.

Until next time, thanks as always for your support!


Haremon | Voice Acting Preview 2 | October 2018



Sounds great!


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


*Feels overwhelming power from inside* Whoooooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!