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Hi, everyone. I've been hard at work on 0.7, and I thought I'd give you all a little preview of a few of the features I've implemented so far. If you're on our Discord, you've probably seen most of this already, but I thought it would be nice to condense it all into one nice, neat post. Let's get to some of the new features!

(Note: since Patreon apparently doesn't support webms, I've followed each screenshot below with a link to an animated version.)

The Star Shards System

Finally, battles are truly rewarding! After each victory, you'll be greeted with a Results screen that awards each of your active party members with a number of Star Shards corresponding to the difficulty of the defeated enemies. (You'll get a huge boost after battles with Haremon, too.) These Shards are basically the game's experience system, although they're really closer to Chrono Trigger's TP or FFVII's AP.

[Animated version] 

Basically, accumulating enough Shards allows you to do three things: Level Up a technique (increasing either its power, accuracy, effect chance, number of hits, or doing something else entirely), Upgrade a technique (for instance, Scratch upgrades to Claw, Bite upgrades to Gnash, etc), and Unlock all-new techniques. To compliment this new system, each Haremon will have at least one new technique to learn!

[Animated version] 

The Phone App

I've always planned that NPCs would be able to be seduced and bedded just like Haremon, but I didn't know how that would be accomplished. The answer is the Phone app. Accessing this app from your ePhone menu allows you to call any of the Haremon and NPCs you've met so far on your journey. In the call, you can ask them to come visit your bedroom, where you can give gifts, fuck, etc. NPCs each have a schedule, however, and you'll have to make sure to call them when they're not working or sleeping. As of yet, there are no NPC sex scenes, so keep that in mind when inviting them over. (For now, save your gifts for girls who have something to give you in return ;)

[Animated version] 

Additionally, the Phone can be used to check up on the status of your Haremon at the Ranch by calling Delilah. In the future, the Phone app will also be used to ask girls out on Dates, which are another feature for a future version of the game.

Other Stuff!

In addition to what's listed above, there's a lot more coming in 0.7!

- The Monarch's sex scene & CG
- 2 new alternate outfits (holstaurus and monarch)
- Additions to the battle system such as elemental weaknesses/strengths, a revamped stat buff/debuff system, enemy healthbars, and more
- Adaptive difficulty to make monster encounters more difficult as your team grows more powerful

I hope you're all ready for this month's build! It'll be here before you know it. As always, thanks so much for your support! <3




Looks very interesting. Glad I found out about this game. I do have questions for what happens when your team gets defeated though. I just tested it and it seems that when your Haremon get knocked out you just respawn in town, is that how it'll be forever? Or will there be some kind of punishment, like affection of the girls drop or maybe you lose some money? Maybe even some special events if a Haremon has a certain kind of status or gets taken down by a monster that she's weak to [fetish]?


There will probably be an affection loss, similar to when you run out of food in the dungeon. As for special events, I've never been a fan of games that reward you for losing, like showing CGs of your characters getting fucked by monsters or whatever. I want all the sexual content in the game to be a reward for progressing, rather than something you obtain by failing.