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Here's what you can expect to find in 0.2:


- Added new monstergirl: the Imp
- Added a new dungeon: the Shimmering Caverns
- Added 2 new quests: "Til the Cows Come Home" and "Impish Antics"
- Added random encounters in dungeons; these occur every few turns and begin a battle with one or more Monsters. Battles can also be triggered by your decisions in certain events, so be careful!
- Added the "Relationship" card, which initiates a scene where one of your Haremon will play a game of Truth or Dare with you (only the Truths are implemented right now)
- Added saving and autosaving*; the game will automatically save at the beginning of each scene, when entering town, and at the beginning of each turn in the dungeon. You can save manually from the ePhone menu.
- Implemented the Items app, where you can use and equip items from your ePhone
- Added a History option to VN scenes    

Tweaks / Minor Additions:

- You can now shift the order of girls in your party from the Haremon app
- Nearly every spinner now has better odds, and some spinners have been removed entirely; leading to a less punishing experience
- You can now "nudge" spinners clockwise and counter-clockwise by tapping the shoulder buttons (A and F if using a keyboard), giving you some control over chance-based events
- The amount of food you start each dungeon with is now increased based on the number of Haremon in your party
- Your current Money is now displayed on the main screen of the ePhone
- The dungeon screen now displays a key showing what each color of card represents - You can now choose to skip a turn on the dungeon screen
- Added an FXAA option in the Settings menu (This is off by default. There are currently a few graphical bugs that result from turning it on, so I wouldn't recommend using it just yet)
- Skip mode no longer waits for actors' animations to finish before skipping a line
- Being Frozen in battle now slows down the girl's WAIT speed by 25%. She will thaw out after a while. There is also an Antifreeze item that can be used to heal a girl's Frozen status.
- Removed the Trap tile; instead, Trap is now a possible event on 0-star Event cards
- Added an option to disable text effects
- Added an option to replace Japanese words (e.g. "senpai", "seifuku") with English equivalents
- Various minor tweaks and additions  


- Fast-forwarding in battle works correctly now
- Fixed (I think?) the "Win32 function failed" errors that sometimes occurred when entering battle
- Various minor bugfixes

*A few notes about the save system:
- The saves are currently version-specific; in other words, any saved games you create with this version will not be playable in any future builds or patches. I'm going to write a more robust save system in the next few weeks, but saves will still probably not be transferable to each new monthly build. This is because a lot of new features are added in each build, so the format of the save data changes a lot between builds, making old saves incompatible with new versions of the game. This is a common side effect of early-access games, and I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience.

Other notes:
- Some of the content added in this update is placeholder. I didn't have time to write as much dialogue as I wanted to, so some of the scenes involved in the new quests are lackluster at the moment. They'll be improved later.
