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‘What the hell is happening?’ was all I could think as I lowered my pants off my ankles, my eyes dancing around the parking lot as I did. Never in a million years did I think today was the day that I’d be putting on diapers for the first time since…well, there were a few times a couple of years before Hazel that I experimented. Still, I was blindsided entirely today when she turned this on me. The sick irony was that I suggested the diapers so that we both would stop having accidents, but I never meant that I would also have to wear them. Hazel ripped open the package of diapers she picked out for me, pulled one out, then placed it on my lap.

“You’re not going to put it over your underwear, are you?” Hazel asked with a tone that continued to strike me to my core. She had me in the palm of her hand and was clearly relishing in this sudden dominant act she was putting on. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel. Annoyed? Afraid? Turned-on? So many feelings surrounded this scenario, and in the end, I felt a tent rising in my underwear where she placed the diaper.

Before I got too hard, I knew I just had to rip the band aid off and put the diaper on, so I quickly yanked off my underwear, fiddled with the diaper to find the leg holes, and then pulled it over my rising erection.

“Relax,” Hazel teased. “Or are you worried Stacey will see your little penis?”

Little penis?


“Good, she’s not allowed anyways. It’s all mine,” Hazel bit her lip as she stared at me, watching intently as I pulled my pants up over my diaper.

“Alright, now let me get mine on before I piss myself in the car,” Hazel joked, but that joke was all I needed to go from fighting off an erection to being fully erect under padding. I watched as she pulled her pants and panties down, and inside her panties, I swear I caught a wet spot. Fuck. A tingle went down my spine, and I felt my cock straining against the diaper.

Then, I watched as Hazel carefully pulled the diaper over her calves, thighs, and perfect butt to her hips. I couldn’t help but be enchanted by the simple act of pulling up an adult diaper. On a body like hers, anything looked good, but the diapers did something I wasn’t expecting to get so excited by.

She pulled up her pants, breaking my concentration on the garment, but she left her panties behind and placed them in my lap before turning the keys and beginning to drive to the doctor.

“What should I do with these?” I asked timidly, fiddling with them in my hands. Fuck, they were wet. She must have been just dribbling pee while we bought diapers. That’s so fucking hot…

“Wear them,” Hazel said with a wink. I felt the colour leave my cheeks with shock before I realized that, this time, she was joking. “Just put them in your pocket for now. I’ll have to wash them later anyways.”

I did as she instructed, but my cock was still pulsating and dripping with precum as I let the wetness on her panties graze my fingers as I shoved them into my pocket. It took all my willpower to get my mind off it, and I tried to focus on the world going by outside.

“I wonder what the doctor is going to say about me wetting myself,” Hazel said. I swear she was trying to force me into thinking about it.

“Hopefully give you some way to fix it or refer you to someone who can help,” I replied, hoping that would be the end of it.

“Should I bring up your accidents?”

“What?” I blushed. “Why would you do that?”

“Well, maybe they have some way to fix it or refer you to someone who can help?” Hazel mirrored my speech.

“It’s not a problem. This has only just started happening this week. It will stop shortly, I’m sure,” I replied.

“Why don’t you just come in with me? I’m sure it’s not going to be a problem-”

“No!” I yelled, surprising myself and her with my forcefulness. Hazel quietly pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office and turned off the car.

“I’m just looking out for you, right? Like you are looking out for me with my accidents,” She said gently.

“I just think it’s too soon to tell. Could you please just leave it alone? You’ve already got me in diapers because of it….”

“Alright, baby,” Hazel said, then leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

“Sorry for yelling,” I apologized.

“It’s okay. When my accidents first started happening, I was mad too,” Hazel said to comfort me, then got out of the car.

Thankfully, my erection dissipated throughout the outburst, which meant I didn’t have to tuck it into my diaper’s waistband. I got out of the car and followed Hazel into the office.

The doctor's office was surprisingly busy, but there were enough chairs for us to sit in the waiting room. Hazel walked up, got sorted with the receptionist and, before long, was being moved out of the waiting room. Thankfully, I had charged my phone and brought headphones. Her doctor was notorious for taking forever, so I knew I would need something to do while I waited.

As I reached into my pocket to grab my headphones, I was blissfully reminded of the pair of wet panties stored in them. My heart began pounding as my erection returned with a vengeance. I could feel the wetness inside my diaper from the constant precum during the drive, which just made me hornier. I was wearing a wet diaper, and Hazel’s wet panties were in my pocket.

My brain couldn’t break from the thought. I took a heavy inhale and squeezed the pair of panties. Their wetness cooled my fingertips, and my cock pulsated. I closed my eyes, and all I could imagine were Hazel’s wet ass and the flashbacks of her accidents. A tremble travelled through my body, and my cock pulsated, rubbing itself against the inner padding.

Fuck, it felt so good. I knew I had to get my mind off it, but I couldn’t escape it. The wetness in my hand, the images in my mind, it was enough to make me…

“Uh!” I gasped and opened my eyes as my body rocked with a powerful hands-free orgasm. I looked around and saw the casual glances of others in the waiting room, and I tried to play off that my orgasm was a coughing fit.

As I fake coughed, rope after fat rope of cum erupted out of me into my diaper. I had no idea how I could cum this much, but by the end of my orgasm, my diaper felt thicker, like it had taken on a significant accident. I blushed, finally grabbed my headphones, let go of the panties, and began waiting for Hazel.


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