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I caught myself in a trance, standing naked in front of the washing machine while staring at Bo’s cum-filled boxers.

“So strange…” I whispered to myself. Bo had never done that before, and as hot as it was, I couldn’t help but feel super confused. Why did he cum when we hadn’t even done anything? We had only just woken up, and there was no way he was awake before me since he didn’t notice the bedwetting until I was awake. The bedwetting…hmm.

The sound of the shower turning off in the bathroom shook me out of my trance, and I quickly threw everything wet into the washing machine. The last thing I wanted him to see was me staring down his soiled boxers, or worse, seeing the other pile of dirtied clothes from other accidents I had before this bedwetting.

Thankfully, Bo was right, and the mattress protector saved the mattress from my accident, but I was still considering protection. God, it was so childish to consider wearing diapers. I know that many others suffer the same problems, but I don’t think there was any way to make it easier—acceptance and perhaps hope that my doctor can advise me in a less accident-prone direction.

I closed the lid to the washing machine just as Bo came around the corner wrapped in his towel.

“It’s ready for you,” he said, still clearly a little embarrassed about his abrupt orgasm.

“Thanks,” I replied, matching his downward tone.

“What do you want for breakfast?” He asked.

“Uhh, maybe an omelet?”

“Sure, baby.”

Bo retreated to the bedroom to dress, and I stepped into the steamy bathroom. As I entered the shower and let the water wash over me, I closed my eyes. It didn’t take long for the image of Bo’s cock twitching under his boxers and the cum staining the already wet material to enter my mind's eye. I felt my core warm as I imagined his face, his pathetic, surprised orgasm face, and I let my fingers travel down between my legs.

I came nearly as quickly as he did, but just as my orgasm travelled through my body, I had a thought: are the accidents causing his accidents? I opened my eyes and raised an eyebrow as I considered it. The only time I’ve seen him cum in his pants was when we shared a wet bed, and the only time he came faster than that was right after my accident in the kitchen. And then, outside of any accidents, when I came onto him in a usual way, he didn’t fire off as fast. It was only a small sample size, so I couldn’t be sure, but it was something…

I cleaned myself off and got out of the shower to find Bo had just finished making my breakfast. I threw on some clothes and sat down at the table to eat.

“Feeling better now?” Bo asked.

“Much better, thanks,” I replied, taking a big bite of my omelet. “Oh, aren’t you late for work?”

“I decided to take today off,” Bo replied. “It’s the quiet season, and Jerry said I should use my banked hours before the end of the year. Might take tomorrow too.”

“Nice! So what do you want to do today, then?”

“Not sure! Whatever you want!”

“Hmm,” I thought. “Well, I should see if I can get to the doctor today.”

“Good idea. Call them after breakfast.”

“Other than that…I’m not sure!”

“Well, did you need to go to the store? The pharmacy, maybe?” Bo asked, avoiding eye contact.

“What for?” I asked back.

“Well, in bed, you said you might want to get some…diapers?”

I coughed, nearly choking on my omelet. “I might’ve been a bit hasty there. Maybe we should see what the doctor says first?”

“Right. Good idea…” Bo nodded and dove into his breakfast. I couldn’t help but think back to my shower thought.

“I have a weird question,” I started.

“What’s up?”

“Do you have any kinks?”

Bo nearly choked on his omelet, similar to what I just did. An interesting reaction, to say the least, but he tried to play it off that he swallowed wrong.

“Uh, no? I don’t think so…” Bo answered, again avoiding eye contact. “Do you?”

I couldn’t help but blush and put my head into my breakfast as the question was redirected. I didn’t think I was kinky, but the recent dominant thoughts have been really getting me going…

“No, I don’t,” I replied.

“Why do you ask?” Bo asked, hiding nervousness.

“I was just curious, is all. We know each other so well, but I don’t think I’ve ever asked you that.”

“Hmm,” Bo replied, and we returned to eating in silence. His awkwardness was enough to let me know I should test my theory. So after breakfast, I called the doctor, booked an appointment for the afternoon, and formulated a plan.

The plan was simple. Operation: Wet Yourself. I started hitting my water bottle hard, drinking until my tummy was bloated with liquid. I didn’t think it would be too hard to have a genuine accident, given I’ve been having them all the time, but to have an intentional accident was another thing. I had been starting to limit my liquid intake when I was going to be in accident-potential situations, so this amount of drinking would undoubtedly lead to my desired result. Seeing how long I could hold a full bladder was actually a challenge I wanted to give myself since I started having more and more accidents since I knew my bladder wasn’t as strong as it once was.

Sure enough, once my bladder started to fill, the dribbles started. Any slight strain or quick movement resulted in my panties dampening as my painfully full bladder uncontrollably leaked as it desired. But that wasn’t what I was looking for; I wanted a full-on accident.

I invited Bo to do a deep clean of the kitchen with me so I knew he’d be around, and I continued to hold. We silently hummed along to some music as we scrubbed; all the while, I was doing my best to keep my desperation under wraps. It was painful, and I knew that the gradual dribbles would become more apparent on my jeans, but just as I was about to consider letting go intentionally, I felt a shift in my abdomen.

I stopped scrubbing as warmth rapidly spread down my legs. I blushed and bit my lip as I looked down at the flood leaving my body and soaking my jeans. Nothing could stop it, and there was hardly any warning or feeling other than the slight shift. It was totally without control.

“Oh no, Hazel!” Bo turned, probably after hearing the rush of pee splashing against the floor, and stared at me. I looked towards him, but not at his face, to his crotch. I wanted to see if I was right and…

There it was. His bulge grew within his pants, and I knew I was onto something. The next step was easy. Once the wetting stopped, my pants soaked and a puddle spreading beneath my feet, I walked over to him, grabbed him and pulled his lips to mine. Then, I guided his hands to my wet ass and reached down to rub his quick, hardening cock. He trembled, moaned and within a few moments of me rubbing on his pants, he came.

“Ah fuck!” He groaned as I felt his cock twitch ropes of cum into his pants. Slowly, I looked up and met him eye-to-eye.

“Let’s get cleaned up.”


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