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Isla hung her head and chuckled her embarrassment away as the pair stepped into the hotel room.

“I can’t believe I just did that,” Isla started. “Did you see her face? She definitely knew.”

“Oh, she knew alright,” Jill replied. “And look at you, you’re walking like a penguin!”

“Do you know how full this thing is?” Isla exclaimed.

“Show me then! Show Mommy.”

“I thought you weren’t Mommy,” Isla teased.

“It feels right at the moment.”

Isla smiled then slowly began stripping. She didn’t need to get completely naked just to show off how full her diaper was, but she felt the urge to while staring lustfully at Jill. Jill watched on intensely, her breathing getting heavy and her core warming. She pushed her legs together slightly and felt the bulky padding of her diaper push against her pussy, causing her to moan softly.

Finally, Isla dropped her bottoms, and Jill saw the state of her diaper. Her eyes went wide, and her hands went to her mouth to soften a laugh that couldn’t help but leave her lips.

“WOW,” Jill raved. “How did that not leak?”

“I have no idea,” Isla chuckled, turning around to show Jill her backside. The giant mess that filled her diaper weighed the back of it down significantly, to the point where Jill was surprised the diaper was still holding on to her waist.

“That was a big mess, little one,” Jill stepped towards Isla, examining her body. “I think you need to be punished.”

“Wait,” Isla put her hand out and stopped Jill from embracing her. “Now you go.”

“What do you mean?” Jill asked, still trying to grab Isla sensually.

“You said you needed to poop. Go on then!”

“Like, in my diaper?” Jill asked.

“Where else would I want you to go?”

“I… I’m nervous,” Jill blushed.

“Why? Because it’s the ultimate embarrassment? Humiliation like you haven’t known in years?” Isla teased.

“Maybe?” Jill chuckled.

“I just shit my pants in an elevator, and strangers knew it. We’re now in the quiet privacy of our own room. It’s your turn now.”

“I suppose you’re right….” Jill felt her tummy start to turn with nerves and desperation to go. Anxiety rushed over her, and even though she had peed her pants and soaked diapers not too long ago, she felt humiliation beyond that of her recent bladder failures. Jill’s face was hot with embarrassment, and her heart was thumping out of her chest. Suddenly, Isla grabbed Jill’s hands and looked her dead in the eyes.

“It’s okay; just let it out.”

Jill took a deep breath in, gripped Isla’s hands tightly, and pushed. There was no hesitation from her bowel movement, and as soon as she stopped holding and pushed hard, it released and filled the backside of her diaper. Isla smiled as she heard the sound of the mess erupt into Jill’s crinkly padding. After a moment of silence, the girls both started laughing.

“It’s so gross feeling!” Jill groaned.

“Tell me about it, and you haven’t even had pee mixed in with it,” Isla laughed.

“Oh! I think you spoke too soon!” Jill said, lifting her skirt and looking down at her diaper. A hissing sound entered the air, and Jill and Isla watched as the white and brown padding near Jill’s crotch yellowed.

“Could you imagine if someone just walked in that door right now?” Isla laughed. Jill turned around to see that the two girls were standing right in sight of the doorframe, and sure enough, if someone were to open that door, they would see two young adults, one naked and one in an oversized toddler’s outfit, both wearing soiled diapers and seemingly enjoying it.

“Let’s not talk about getting caught anymore; I don’t want to jinx it any further,” Jill said.

“Deal. Hey, good job,” Isla replied, then wrapped her arms around Jill in a hug. Jill reciprocated the embrace, squeezing Isla tightly. Suddenly, Jill felt her legs give out, and Isla wrestled her to the ground. A loud squish filled the air as Jill’s messy bottom met the hard floor, and Jill cringed in disgust.

“Isla!! That’s so gross! It’s all spread around down there now!” Jill complained.

“Hehehehe…” Isla laughed devilishly.

“Oh yeah?” Jill asked, then grabbed Isla and started wrestling her off of her. Isla resisted, but she was smaller than Jill, and so before long, Isla’s backside was being squished against the floor too.

“Ew!!” Isla groaned.

“See! Not so nice now, is it?” Jill said, mounting Isla. After a moment of giggling, Jill pressed her lips against Isla’s, and the two kissed passionately. Jill stripped her clothes, and they began rolling around on the floor, wearing only their diapers, and using their hands to press against the wet crotches, no care as to how dirty they were getting. Finally, after a heated spell, Jill stopped.

“We should probably get clean first.”

“Yeah, it smells in here,” Isla replied.

The two got up and waddled over to the bathroom, their diapers now dramatically hanging between their legs. They stepped into the shower and removed the tabs, letting their dirty diapers drop to the shower floor.

“Oh my god, look at your butt,” Jill laughed as she saw Isla’s perfectly round bare putt, now covered in gross mess.

“Same with yours!” Isla countered. Jill looked at her backside and grimaced.

“Let’s just get these out of here and run the water.”


Jill wrapped up the diapers and placed them into a spare trash bag before tying a tight knot and putting that bag in the bin. Then, Isla ran the water, and the two washed away the mess. Isla carefully and sensually scrubbed Jill, and Jill reciprocated. By the time they were finally fresh and clean, they were getting a different kind of dirty. Isla dropped to her knees and let the warm water rush over her head while she furiously licked Jill’s clit. Jill came in seconds, and as if they were completely in sync, switched positions with Isla after her legs stopped shaking.

By the time Jill and Isla turned off the shower, they were crystal clean, out of breath, and unable to stand. They sat in silence, breathing heavily while air drying on the shower floor.

“Well,” Jill finally gasped out. “Shall we get ready for the carnival?”


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