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Isla, Jill and Heather quietly entered the elevator and stood in the three dry corners, avoiding the “spill” to the best of their abilities. Jill and Isla exchanged awkward glances from the puddle to each other, to Heather, hoping no connections would be made.

As the elevator descended and the doors opened on the lobby floor, Jill blushed and hung her head. Her outfit was embarrassingly cutesy, and Isla felt the annoyance and humiliation from across the elevator. Isla’s regret loomed over her, and while she thought Jill looked cute and sexy, and the thought of her diaper peeking out from under her skirt excited her, she knew Jill wasn’t happy. Heather stepped out and waved down someone working at the front desk.

“Excuse me, I think someone spilt something in the elevator,” Heather informed the girl, who was about Heather and Isla’s age.

“Oh, we know, thank you. Unfortunately, it’s not just a spill; some girl peed herself in there. Can you believe that?” She replied. Jill and Isla’s eyes widened, and they turned their backs to the front desk employee and speed-walked out the front door.

“Oof. Seems to be a popular thing to do lately,” Heather joked, looking around for Isla and Jill. When she noticed they were hastily exiting through the front door, she raised an eyebrow.

“What’s that mean?” The employee matched Heather’s tone, and Heather turned back and leaned into her to whisper.

“I don’t mean to put up any red flags on our rooms, but yesterday, two out of my three travel companions wet their pants or bed in some capacity. One did it twice, so I guess that makes up for the other one.”

“You’re joking! Were they drunk?” The employee’s jaw dropped, clearly enjoying the gossip.

“Uhhhh, yes? One time no, but the other two there was alcohol involved,” Heather replied as she looked outside towards Jill and Isla, who were making weird, quick glances into the building.

While Heather was chatting with the employee, Isla and Jill were outside panicking.

“Do you think she knows it was me?” Jill asked shakily. “Heather could tell Kennedy. She WILL tell Kennedy. Oh god…”

“So what. If she does tell Kennedy, what’s she going to do, put you in diapers?” Isla replied

“That’s not the point, Isla.”

“Well, that’s even assuming Heather knows to tell her. Was there a camera in the elevator?” Isla asked.

“I don’t know! Maybe? Don’t most elevators have cameras?” Jill snapped back.

“Maybe this one didn’t?” Isla said to try and calm Jill. “And hey, you’re wearing a different outfit now, so maybe she didn’t put two and two together.”

“Unless she realizes that someone who pisses their pants won’t come out 10 minutes later in the same outfit?”

“I suppose that’s fair.” Isla looked inside and saw Heather giggling with the employee. “What do you think they’re talking about?”

“Beats me. Unless they showed her the video of me peeing my pants again, and now she’s telling them how it’s the third time I’ve peed my pants in three days.”

“Well, this time was different; this time was for fun….” Isla said, hoping that would snap Jill away from her rage.

“Well, I’m not having much fun at the moment. It was too close, and now it might not have been close enough.”

Isla hung her head and began fighting tears. Jill heard the sniffles, took a breath and finally looked back at Isla after pacing back and forth.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I am having fun; it’s just…that was way too close. It’s not your fault Kennedy and Heather got involved and ruined our fun, and we probably should’ve considered that might happen while we were here.”

“I know,” Isla said quietly to the ground. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, okay? And besides, I agreed. Let’s just…be more careful from now on,” Jill said, putting a comforting arm on Jill’s back.

“Everything okay?” Heather asked from behind them. Isla and Jill snapped upright, and Jill dropped her hand from Isla’s back as they turned to face Heather, who had finished her conversation and emerged outside.

“Yep! Everything’s fine,” Jill replied, high-pitched and nervous.

“Uh-huh. Isla? You alright?” Heather asked her friend directly.

Isla nodded and wiped her runny nose with her hand.

“That girl in there told me someone wet themselves in the elevator,” Heather stated, starting to form a question. Isla and Jill averted their eyes. “Is that why you’re upset, Isla?”

“Me? No,” Isla said with a chuckle.

“No, it couldn’t have been Isla, she-” Jill started saying confidently but stopped before she said too much. They both blushed bright red.

“She what?” Heather asked, prying.

“She, she…she was with me! And…I didn’t see it, so...” Jill fumbled out. Isla nodded in agreement.

“No, you’re right. It wasn’t Isla. At least, she looked dry in the hall,” Heather said, smiling and clearly enjoying her investigation. “Perhaps it was you then, Jill? You did run to your room in a hurry, and, well, why change your clothes if all you needed to do was get your wallet?”

Jill’s heart pounded, and sweat drops formed on her brow.

“I…I just wanted to, uh….” Jill thought of an excuse. Suddenly, Heather pushed her playfully.

“I’m just messing around,” Heather laughed. “I don’t care if you piss yourself or not. Shit happens to everyone; I’m not going to rat you out. It’s just funny, is all.”

Isla and Jill started awkwardly laughing.

“Now come on,” Heather said as she grabbed both Jill and Isla’s arms and guided them in front of her towards the sidewalk. “Let’s get those butts moving!”


Heather’s open hands landed firmly on Jill and Isla’s butts as she attempted a friendly spank to urge them along. However, Heather noticed that the feeling was off, the sound was off, and the bulk of both Isla’s and Jill’s butts was off. Jill and Isla’s hearts were beating out of their chest, knowing Heather didn’t overlook it.

“Are you two wearing diapers?!”


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