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Isla and Jill walked swiftly back to the hotel, avoiding stares as much as possible. There was the occasional whispering of someone noticing the wetness between Jill’s legs, but the pair were walking too fast to take notice. As much as Isla was walking fast to get Jill inside, she was also growing increasingly desperate. In the heat of the situation, she had reverted back to “hold it as long as possible” ways and attempted to keep her diaper dry. However, the more steps they took, the harder and harder it became not to leak.

“I can’t believe I did that again…” Jill said solemnly.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Let’s just get you back to the hotel….” Isla replied as a spurt of pee escaped her and began wettening her dry padding.

“I feel bad, you and that guy….”

“Don’t worry about the guy. He was just a guy.”

“Did you at least get his number?” Jill asked.

“Uh, no...but knowing Kennedy, she’ll have all of their numbers, so if I wanted to, I could get it from her probably,” Isla clenched as another spurt rushed out in a fury.

“Yeah... Wish I could just go home.”

“No way, I’ve loved having you around!”

“Yeah, it’s been fun with you. Kennedy makes it horrible, though, and Heather doesn’t really say anything to me.”

“Heather doesn’t say anything to me half the time, so don’t feel left out,” Isla joked, the spurts starting to chain together into a flow.

“Yeah, well, I couldn’t go home now if I wanted to anyway,” Jill said, causing Isla to raise an eyebrow.

“What do you mean?”

The two finally got to the hotel doors and hurried inside.

“I’ll tell you in the room,” Jill replied. As the girls got into the elevator, Isla was running out of strength to hold. She clenched her legs together and pushed her hands into her crotch. Jill took notice.

“Don’t you go wetting yourself now, too,” Jill said playfully. Suddenly, the floodgates opened, and Isla froze. The soft hiss of her stream of pee was easily heard in the quiet elevator. Jill realized what was happening and put her hand on Isla’s shoulder.

“Looks like we’re in this together again, huh?” Jill asked, then realized something. There was no wetness. No stream. No puddle on the floor. “What?” Jill asked softly.

“I’ll tell you in the room.”

The girls got inside, and Isla walked to her bed.

“Okay, you first,” Jill said.

“No, you first!” Isla replied.

“You’re wearing a diaper, aren’t you?” Jill asked.

“Uh,” Isla blushed.

“I knew it; I swore I saw something earlier!” Jill reacted almost excitedly. “Let me see!”

“No! Isla blushed. It’s embarrassing!”

“Oh come on, I’m standing here in my pissed pair of pants. Show me!”

Isla hesitated, staring back at Jill, who had a dumb, happy grin on her face. Finally, Isla reached under her skirt and pulled down the shorts underneath. Then, she lifted the skirt up to reveal to Jill the white and yellow padding between her legs.

Jill jumped and clapped with giddy glee.

“That’s so cute! I love it!” She said. Isla blushed and covered herself again.

“I do. It’s sweet. Do you like, NEED THEM need them?” Jill asked.

“No, I mean, maybe, I don’t know. I only started wearing them for this trip, and ever since I put them on, I’ve had accident after accident.”

“So you’ve been wearing the whole time? But I saw your wet shorts?”

“Well, I had to go commando for a bit, but that obviously was a mistake. Other than that, yeah, I’ve had them on since I got in the car.”

“That’s crazy,” Jill replied, then looked down at her soaked pants. “Give me one?”

“What?” Isla replied in shock.

“Please? I clearly need it….” Jill referred attention to her soaked pants.

“No, Jill, you don’t. And to be fair, I probably don’t either; this is just for..”

“For fun?” Jill finished Isla’s thought as she hesitated.

“Maybe? After talking with Peter at the arcade, I think it might be something deeper. Something psychological. Maybe about growing up?” Isla contemplated.

“Look, if you like wearing them, you like wearing them. Doesn’t have to be some deeply psychological thing. Do you like wearing them?”

Isla avoided eye contact and blushed but then nodded.

“So don’t be ashamed. Sure it’s not the most mainstream thing to want to wear, but who cares. You do whatever makes you happy.” Jill walked up to Isla. After a pause, Isla threw herself into Jill’s arms for a hug.

“Thank you,” Isla said.

“You’re welcome,” Jill replied. “I still want one!”

Isla pushed away and looked at Jill. “Really?”

“Yes. I want to wear one. With you!” Jill said. Isla still hesitated. Suddenly, Jill started removing her pants.

“Whoa!” Isla laughed.

“Come on! I’m sick of standing around in these wet pants. Give me the goods!” Jill said.

“Okay! Okay, fine.” Isla replied and reached into her suitcase to grab a diaper out of the pack. Isla walked over to hand it to Jill, but Jill flopped back onto her back on her bed.

“Change me?” Jill asked with a sly smile.

“Oh my god! Really?” Isla asked, shocked.

“Yes! To be honest, I think I’m pretty drunk….” Jill giggled.

“Fine. But you have to tell me your secret now, too,” Isla replied. Jill got quiet as Isla began removing Jill’s wet bottoms and panties. Isla blushed when she was once again faced with Jill’s nude body but quickly raised her legs, shoved a diaper under them, powdered her and sealed her in.

“There, you’re diapered. Now tell me!” Isla said. Jill sat up and felt the bulk of her diaper between her legs. With her head hung, now avoiding eye contact herself, she began to explain quietly.

“So, you know how I just sort of showed up on your trip?” She asked Isla.

“Yeah, your mom forced Kennedy to take you, right?” Isla replied.

“Uh, yeah, in a sense….” Jill got quiet Isla knelt near Jill and held her hand.

“It’s okay, you can tell me.”

“Well, I kinda ran away from home,” Jill explained softly.

“Ran away? How?”

“Well, my mom has been so on my case about going to school since Kennedy took a few gap years. She thinks it’s the worst mistake anyone could ever make. It’s been getting kinda out of hand. I won’t get too far into it, but basically, I decided I wanted to take a gap year and didn’t tell her. Yesterday night she found out after going through my emails. She told me in the morning I was going to have to reach out to the school and make sure I went. She said, ‘you will not make the same mistakes your sister did,’ right in front of Ken. That night I texted Kennedy and asked her if I could come with her. She really didn’t want to say yes, but after what my mom said, she was ready to say fuck you too. So I packed my stuff, and we left before she woke up.”

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Jill,” Isla replied.

“Yeah, and that’s hardly the worst of it.”

“What’s the worst?”

“She’s out there. Trying to find us. Texting us non-stop. Trying to access Kennedy’s online itinerary. Anything she can do to bring us home. Ken has had to change the route and some hotels to avoid her.”

Jill and Isla sat in silence for a moment as Isla internalized everything she was just told.

“Okay, now I wanna change your diaper!” Jill said.


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