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Isla’s heart was pounding. Wetting her diaper was already risky, and she didn’t think she would get to messing her diaper until she had been comfortable wearing it for a bit and was in the comfort of her own company. But alas, she was now waddling out of a restaurant with a hot, sticky mess attached to her.

Her heartbeat started to muffle her hearing, and soon, she was back with her group but struggling to retain what they were saying. Isla’s mind was racing with possibilities; possible things to do, possible things to say, and the possible things her friends were thinking. She knew that she had to get out of the diaper, or before long, they would undoubtedly smell the stink of her diaper.

The group started to take steps away from the restaurant, and even though she didn’t want to have to resort to this yet, Isla knew what she had to do.

“Kennedy, I think the sushi has had its way with me again,” Isla said nervously.

“Oh shit, are you going to hurl?” Kennedy asked.

“I’m not sure; I’m going to go back in and use the toilet, though,” Isla replied.

“Okay, we’ll come with you,” Heather offered.

“No!” Isla shot back, a little too reactively. “I, thank you...I don’t want to hold you guys back, though. Go ahead to the arcade; I’ll meet you there.”

“How will you know the way?” Kennedy asked.

“I have my phone. I have to go, though….” Isla turned abruptly and ran back into the restaurant. The other three girls stood by awkwardly for a moment before Kennedy shrugged and turned to head to the bars.

“I think we should wait for her. What if she’s really sick?” Heather asked.

“She’s reacted like this to sushi before; she’ll just throw it up or poop it out and be done with it,” Kennedy replied.

“I’ll wait for her, just in case. You two go ahead,” Jill offered.

“Are you sure? I can wait too,” Heather offered.

“No, you go so Kenny’s not alone. I’ll wait here and see what happens.”

Inside the bathroom, Isla was gagging. The smell was horrible, and the spread of her mess was disturbing. It was like shit had reached every crevice of her rear, and as she wiped it off inch by inch with the practically useless toilet paper, she knew she would avoid pooping her diaper for a little while if she could.

That thought led her down another path, which was of surprise gratitude. Isla began playing back the moment in her head. The abruptness at which the mess escaped into her diaper; she was never going to make it.

“Kinda glad I had you on,” Isla whispered to the dirty diaper that was lying in a rolled-up square on the floor. Isla grimaced at the thought of her lacking the diaper when the release happened. The dress she had on was nice, but...a dress and her shorts were mostly glorified panties. Chances are, she would’ve left some behind.

Unfortunately, she only had room in her bag for one diaper change, and so she was going into the rest of her night with this as her last. As far as she figured, apart from this accident, she still didn’t NEED diapers, so if she had to go without them, she should be fine. Finally, Isla wiped away the last dirty spot and laid out a new diaper on the toilet seat for her to secure herself too.

Suddenly, she heard the door to the bathroom swing open, and the voice of Jill penetrated the silent bathroom air.

“Isla? You doing okay?” Jill asked. Isla froze in place for fear of the crinkles of the diaper echoing through the bathroom.

“Feeling much better, yes!” Isla replied.

“That’s a relief.”

“I thought you were all going ahead?”

“Heather and Kennedy did; I decided to stay to make sure you were okay and so we can go together!”

“That’s very sweet of you, Jill. I’ll be right out!” Isla said, trying to end the conversation so she could finish getting the fresh diaper on.

“Okay! You sure you’re okay?”

“Yes I’m fine. Meet you outside,” Isla tried to sound polite while getting impatient.

“Alright, meet you outside!” Jill said and finally left. Isla let out a sigh and quickly taped the diaper around her waist. Once she was secure, she took a moment to pride herself over how well a taping job she did in such a short time, then she pulled her shorts back over her diaper and lowered her dress to cover. When she was feeling ready and refreshed, she stepped out of the stall, thoroughly washed her hands, then left the bathroom to meet Jill. Jill smiled when she saw Isla.

“You look more lively already!” Jill said.

“Thanks! I don’t know why my body just rejects sushi like that,” Isla replied.

“Everyone’s got their intolerances. If I eat too much dairy, I will explode out my backside. Sorry, graphic,” Jill chuckled.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve done my fair share of exploding from my backside,” Isla joked.

“So, you know where this place is?”

“Nope, but Google certainly does!” Isla replied.

“Aha, good call. I kinda hope this doesn’t just turn into a whole sex-fest for Ken,”

“Just be thankful you’re not sharing a room anymore.”

“Oh god, thank you for saving me from that.”

“No problem. It’s been nice hanging out with you more so far; I feel like I’m seeing more sides of Jill, and I like it!” Isla said.

“Well, I’ve definitely seen more of you; your tits are amazing, by the way,” Jill joked.

“Oh god,” Isla blushed. “Yours too?’

“Oh you don’t have to lie. They’re pretty small.”

“No, I like them!”

“Kennedy’s always got jokes for them. Like how my mom gave all the boob genes to her, so she had none left for me, or that I’ll always be the baby of the family since it doesn’t look like I’ll hit puberty, stuff like that.”

“Well don’t listen to her. You’ve got great boobs and a killer bod. Besides, guys like Kennedy because of her boobs, yet she’s single. Heather doesn’t show off anything, and she’s been in a relationship for years. Having small boobs just means you’re going to get the guys who don’t just like you for your boobs; they’re going to like you for you!” Isla said. Jill paused.

“Or my ass or my tummy or,” Jill joked.

“Yeah yeah yeah, you know what I mean.”

“I know, it’s sweet. Thanks for that. What’s our excuse now, though? Why are we single?”

“I’m not sure,” Isla replied, pondering.

“Well, we both peed our pants today, so maybe it’s that!” Jill joked.

“Yeah, you’re probably right...”


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