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Once Jill and Isla were dressed and ready, they headed downstairs to find Kennedy and Heather waiting for them. Kennedy had changed into tight jean shorts and a strapless top, while Heather didn’t change.

“There you are!” Kennedy stood and walked up to Jill and Isla impatiently. Jill looked at her phone time.

“We’re a minute early….” Jill replied, recognizing her sister’s annoyed tone.

“She made us come down like 15 minutes ago; I was having such a nice nap too,” Heather groaned.

“Well, let’s get to it; I don’t want to miss our reservation,” Kennedy demanded, then turned to lead the way out of the hotel. Jill and Isla made brief eye contact and giggled.

As the girls made their walk over, Isla listened to see if her diaper could be heard beneath her dress. Over the ongoing chatter between herself and the other girls, it was hard to pick up, but she could pick up a soft crinkle sound every now and then. She felt mixed about the noise; on the one hand, she didn’t want anyone to know and already had a close call with Jill, but on the other hand, the sound was really exciting and risky and a fun reminder of the secret padding she had between her legs.

Finally, the group got to the restaurant. Kennedy went up to the hostess and clearly described the details of their reservation. The hostess then grabbed the four menus and directed the group to their table. As they did, Isla, Kennedy and Jill’s eyes were all drawn to the table on the other side of the restaurant, where the same group of guys they walked by earlier in the day were there enjoying a meal.

“Here you are,” the hostess said as they arrived at their table. “Your server will be here in a minute.”

“Thank you,” Isla said to her as the rest of the group sat down. Kennedy leaned in and whispered to the group before the hostess could even get all the menus on the table.

“Did you see that?” she asked.

“See what?” Heather questioned.

“The guys! The ones we saw earlier, they’re just sitting over there!” Kennedy pointed in the general direction of the table but didn’t look.

“Where?” Heather stood up in her seat and looked towards where Kennedy pointed. Kennedy pulled her down fast, but Heather made eye contact with one of the guys.

“You idiot, don’t just look like that!” Kennedy complained.

“What? If you want them to hang out with you, just go talk to them!” Heather said.

“No way!” Kennedy replied.

“Why not?”

“They have to come to us.”

“They’re guys; you can’t rely on them to do that,” Heather explained.

“Yeah, but if they don’t, then you know they aren’t confident, and they wouldn’t be good anyway.”

“Good what?” Heather asked. “Good mates?”

“Ew! No, forget it. You have a boyfriend; you don’t need to worry about it.” Kennedy said.

“Hello! Can I get you ladies started with a beverage today?” Their waiter appeared and questioned.

“What’s your best cocktail?” Kennedy asked.

“Probably the Hanabi Splash; it’s very popular.”

“We’ll get a round of those and water for everyone too, please!” Kennedy made the decision for the group, but no one challenged it.

“Perfect, can I see ID?” the waiter asked. The girls all showed their IDs, and the waitress went on their way. Shortly after, they returned with the drinks and placed one in front of each girl. Kennedy raised her glass.

“To the road trip,” she said. Everyone lifted their glasses and clinked them all together before taking the first sip.

“Oh, that’s lovely,” Isla said.

“That’s actually dangerously good,” Heather said.

“See, I knew this place would be good. Do you know what sort of stuff you want to eat?” Kennedy asked.

“Well, why don’t we just order a bunch of options and all try all of them?” Jill suggested.

“Sounds great! Isla, I hope you’ll be brave,” Kennedy said.

“I will, I will,” Isla groaned, dreading the food. It wasn’t that Isla didn’t like sushi or fish; it was just that so far, sushi hasn’t liked her. After picking a variety and ordering, the group chatted casually before their food started to roll in. Isla hesitantly grabbed her first roll with chopsticks and ate it. Of course, it was delicious, and so she continued eating everything that came in as it came in.

After about an hour of the group going through plate after plate of excellent Japanese cuisine and at least two more cocktails each, the girls finally sat back in satisfaction.

“I couldn’t eat another bite,” Jill groaned.

“Neither, and I’m ready for my next nap now,” Heather replied.

“Well, we can’t go to sleep now, but I’m glad you all enjoyed it. Especially you, Isla, I think you ate more than anyone else!” Kennedy said.

“Yeah, I think I was just paranoid to start, but once I started eating, I got over it,” Isla replied.

“See, what did I say. Well, I’m going to go to the bathroom now, but when I come back, are you all going to be ready to hit the clubs?” Kennedy asked.

“I’ll be ready to hit my bed,” Heather complained. “I’ll come with you to the bathroom, though.”

“I’ll come too. Isla?” Jill asked. Isla was starting to feel the need to pee, but she figured she would hold out and then use her diaper when they weren’t just seated in one place.

“No, I’m okay; I’ll wait here.”

“Okay! We’ll be back,” Kennedy said, and the three girls left the table. After a moment of sitting alone, Isla suddenly felt her tummy grumble. For a moment, she thought it was just her digesting the meal, but when it continued and suddenly took a turn into discomfort, she knew she was in trouble. Sure enough, the sushi did not agree with her tummy. Isla sat up straighter and blushed as she looked around, hoping no one was aware of her struggle.

“Hey,” a voice came from beside her. Isla jumped, then turned to see one of the guys from the group Kennedy was wooing over was standing there. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Peter.”

“That’s okay, I’m Isla,” Isla replied, praying her tummy didn’t groan loader.

“That’s a pretty name,” Peter replied.

“Thanks,” Isla blushed.

“Well, hey, us guys are going to the arcade pub up at the Wheel; if you and your friends were going out, maybe you could meet us there?”

Isla’s tummy shifted, and pain gripped her insides. Suddenly, she felt a pressure demanding release from her asshole.

“That sounds cool; I’ll let them know,” Isla managed to get out through her discomfort.

“Cool, well, I hope to see you there, Isla,” Peter said and turned to leave.

“Sure, see you there,” Isla replied. As Peter turned, she felt her butthole slowly try to relax, and a small splat of hot, runny shit hit the inside of her diaper before she could cut off the whole impending eruption. Isla cringed as she felt the warmth of the mess kiss her buttcheeks.

“Who was that?” Kennedy asked playfully as she returned to the table. Isla jumped again.

“Oh, that was Peter. He wants us to meet them at the arcade pub.” Isla explained, trying to hide how much she was blushing.

“Really? The arcade pub? Well, I guess there’s no harm in starting there. They were hot so, whatever. Sure, I’ll tell the girls; they’re just outside now.” Kennedy explained and started walking towards the exit. Isla stood up, still disgusted by the small bit of shit sitting in the back of her diaper.

As she stood, she suddenly felt another shift, and Isla was overwhelmed by the discomfort. She buckled over and then felt it. The sudden and unstoppable eruption of shit into her diaper. It was over in a second, but Isla’s diaper was filled. Isla stood still, trying to piece together what had just happened and what to do.

The smell started to waft, and the only thing she could think of was to leave the restaurant. So with a mess coating the inside of her diaper, Isla put one foot in front of the other and left.


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