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As soon as Isla heard the water run in the bathroom indicating that Jill had begun her shower, Isla sprung into action. She had a few tasks: get rid of the soaked diaper, change into a fresh diaper, and get ready for the night out. She knew she needed to get the dirty diaper out of the room; it was too big to fit in the tiny hotel trash bins anyway. So she opened her backpack up, took one long look towards the bathroom door to see if Jill would be coming out, and pulled out a fresh diaper and a bottle of baby powder.

While keeping her gaze locked on the bathroom door and the towel nearby to cover herself up if needed, she spread the diaper open on her bed and placed her nude body on top of it. Then, she quickly sprinkled the powder all over her clean-shaven crotch and rubbed it all around before pulling the other half of the diaper over her and tapping herself in. She much preferred having the space and the bed to lay on for a change, which is how she put on the first diaper this morning before she left, so she relished for a moment on her back after the diaper was securely around her waist.

After a quick look at the time, she realized she only had 45 minutes left to finish all her tasks, so she sat up and picked out her outfit from her luggage. This time, to prevent any sort of show, she went with a flowy blue dress and a pair of shorts underneath. She had a look in a mirror and checked her butt. It looked nice and big, but there was no way you could tell the bulk came from a diaper. Isla nodded triumphantly and moved on to the final task, diaper disposal. She looked around the hotel to see if there were good places to hide it, and after nothing stood out as a great hiding spot, she stepped outside to look.

With the diaper close to her chest, she poked her head outside and looked around.

“Can I help you, miss?” A hotel staff member appeared beside Isla’s room. Isla jumped. “Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, that’s okay, I’m fine…” Isla replied, trying to avoid attention being brought to the yellowed diaper in her arms.

“Are you sure? We’re happy to help in any way possible!” The staff member asked.

“I, I was just looking for like a garbage?” Isla asked shyly.

“Is there not a bin in your room? I’ll have one brought up right away!”

“No there is; it’s just….” Isla hesitated. “Nevermind.”

The staff member looked at Isla inquisitively and finally found their eyes drawn to the diaper.

“Ah, I see. Incontinence?” They asked.

“What!? No, I don’t….” Isla reacted; her cheeks reddened.

“Please, miss, do not stress. A lot of our guests suffer from incontinence. It is nothing to be ashamed about. I can dispose of that for you if you wish, and I’ll have a bigger bin sent up to your room.

“I...thank you, it’s just, my friend….” Isla turned inside to look at the bathroom door.

“Ah, they don’t know?” the staff member asked. Isla shook her head no in response.

“Not to fear. There is a drawer in your bedside table. I will outfit it for disposal purposes, and I will personally check every morning for any to dispose of. Just leave your luggage in front of it and they won't suspect a thing.”

“That...that would be lovely. Thank you.” Isla replied, suddenly at ease.

“It’s my pleasure. I will take this diaper for now. How long is your stay?”

“Just the night. But we’re going out in a bit, and I suspect I’ll have to dispose of another before bed...and one in the morning?” Isla explained.

“I will outfit it when you and your friend leave for the evening. It’ll be ready for your return.” The staff member said and reached for Isla’s dirty diaper.

“Thank you very much,” Isla said, handing them the heavy yellow garment.

“It is my pleasure. Oh, but there is one thing, miss.”

“What’s that?” Isla asked, eager to go back inside.

“Our policy requires incontinence to be disclosed so we can properly outfit the bedding. We will also have to place a plastic sheet under your bed. I hope you understand,” They explained.

“That’s fine, thanks,” Isla replied and finally closed the door. As she did, Jill finished her shower, and the water turned off.

“Who was that?” Jill asked from the bathroom.

“Uh, housekeeping!” Isla lied, then walked to the mirror to start doing her makeup for the evening. Jill left the bathroom, still wet but drying her nude body with the towel. Isla averted her eyes as Jill's body was exposed.

“Weird time for them to come up,” Jill commented.

“Yeah, I told them we were in here and to come back later.”

“Well, this is a freshly cleaned room, isn’t it? Why do they need to clean it?” Jill continued to question.

“I’m not sure. Anyways, what’re you wearing tonight?” Isla asked, trying to change the subject.

“Hmm,” Jill contemplated. “I like your dress, but I don’t want to copy. I had a dress I was thinking about but I’ll probably wear my crop-top and jeans.”

“That sounds cute,” Isla replied as she applied her minimal amount of makeup.

“I’ll let you see it first; then you can let me know. The one annoying thing about not being in Ken’s room is I can’t see what she is going to wear, so I don’t match her. We look alike enough. I don’t want to dress alike either,” Jill joked.

“Well, in here, she can’t steal your cloths either.”

“Good point. Hey, what is that smell?” Jill asked as she got close to Isla.

“Smell? What smell?” Isla asked, trying to hid her panic. Did she get all the pee smell out of the room?

“It kinda smells like...baby powder? Is that you?” Jill asked, then leaned into Isla and took a big wiff. “It is you! You smell amazing though, what is that?”

“Uh, thanks, I’m not sure. Maybe my shampoo?” Isla fibbed.

“Huh, I’ll have to try your shampoo then. I love the smell of baby powder.”




I love these stories but its like trying to scratch a specific spot on your back and all you can do is irritate it a little but never satisfy the itch.


Absolutely 💯


Aha well sorry that’s just how they are! Gotta keep you coming back 😉