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Isla spent the rest of their afternoon weary of Jill’s gaze. She stood at the back of the group whenever possible and tried to mask the crinkling sound as much as she could. The pee she decided to just let go was surprisingly big, and the diaper grew to a much bigger size than she had desired for so early in their wandering. It was warm and still comfortable to wear, but there was no denying the bulkiness and it’s impact on her ability to walk properly.

That didn’t stop Isla from continuing to dribble out pee whenever she felt the urge to as they were walking though. In her head she recognized it as ‘keeping her bladder open to get the full diaper experience.’ It quickly became a bit of an addiction, with a little dopamine kick happening every time she felt a new stream of warmth flow around her crotch. By the end of their outing, Isla felt like just about every inch of padding was saturated with pee. Her diaper sagged significantly and her walking slowed due to the weight and size of it.

“Isla keep up, we want to get back and change quick before dinner,” Kennedy urged.

“I’m coming! My legs are sore is all…” Isla fibbed. Jill dropped back to walk with her.

“My legs are tired too, I don’t think I’ve done this much walking around in years,” Jill said.

“Usually I like to walk but man, Kennedy’s pace is a little intense sometimes,” Isla laughed.

“Tell me about it. I appreciate her having a plan and everything but man, it’s a vacation, can’t we just chill?” Jill chuckled as she complained.

“Right? I feel like I need a week of rest after vacationing with her because of how intensely she plans stuff.”

“She 100% gets that from my mom. Always organized, always with a plan.” Jill said, her smile fading.

Jill noticed the change in her expression and showed concern, but thought best not to comment on it.

“I like your outfit, are you changing for when we go out?” Isla asked, changing the subject.

“Uhh, I don’t know! I like yours too, I like how it’s kinda baggy but tight around your butt,” Jill commented. Ilsa blushed and looked at her backside briefly.

“Oh yeah,” she laughed awkwardly. “It’s nice…” Isla’s heart began to race again. When she started the walk, the diaper was hidden behind the loose romper. Now, it was practically snug to it. She had peed so much throughout the day that the diaper was doubled in size and totally visible to those who could recognize it as a diaper. Jill seemed to think it was just her butt, but Isla wasn’t convinced. She easily decided to change into a new outfit for the rest of the evening.

“Okay girls, I have a dinner reso for 7:30, so let’s be out of here by 7:10. That gives us like an hour to get ready or chill. Cool?” Kennedy asked the group as they arrived back at their hotel.

“Works for me; I’m going to have a nap,” Heather said, then pushed past Kennedy to start making her way up to her room.

“That’s fine,” Isla responded. “What’s for dinner?”

“Sushi, hope you don’t mind,” Kennedy replied. Isla held back a response. Truth be told, she did mind since she had gotten food poisoning twice from different sushi restaurants. Kennedy took her lack of response as enough of an answer. “Oh, don’t worry, this place is legit. It’s like fancy; I wouldn’t worry.”

“If you’re sure….” Isla replied.

“Okay, I’m going upstairs. Smells like pee out here.” Kennedy commented, then turned to head into the hotel. As if the thought of eating sushi alone hadn’t made her stomach drop enough, the indication that anyone could smell what was going on under her romper made it hit the floor.

“Oh yeah, I can smell that too!” Jill commented. Isla’s heart began to race. Suddenly Jill’s phone rang; she looked at the screen and showed Kennedy. Isla couldn’t see, but she also wasn’t paying much attention.

“Isla, you go ahead; I’ll meet you up there,” Jill said. Isla nodded and rushed into the hotel. She got into the elevator and let out a deep sigh. The elevator was covered in mirrors, so she examined her diapered butt from every angle, getting more and more embarrassed as she did. When she arrived at her floor, she quickly waddled to her room and closed herself in. She wasted no time stripping out of her romper and tossing it on the bed, then locking herself in the bathroom.

There, she had a good look at her nude body and the diaper attached to it. The diaper was completely yellowed and utterly soaked. It sagged nearly halfway down Isla’s thighs, and the tabs looked like they were about to give on their own from the weight. Isla carefully but quickly began to remove all four tabs. She braced herself as she removed the fourth and final tab to make sure the diaper didn’t fall, but her arm fumbled it as it released, and the whole diaper fell to the floor with a heavy THUMP.

Isla stood for a moment and admired the diaper on the ground. Her afternoon’s worth of pee was collected and contained on the floor in front of her. She was impressed, really, and it just made her feel more eager to get a new diaper on.

First, she stepped into the shower and had a quick rinse. As she was showering, she heard the door to her hotel room open as Jill returned. Isla opened the shower curtain, looked at the huge diaper spread out on the floor, and panicked. She couldn’t remember if she had locked the bathroom door, and she also wasn’t sure if Jill was as keen as walking into someone while their showering as her sister was. Isla quickly turned off the water, jumped out of the shower and checked the door handle. Thankfully, it was locked.

“Hey, you already almost done in there?” Jill called out from her bed.

“Uh, yeah! Just rinsing off!” Isla replied.

“Cool! I’m gonna do the same.”

Isla wrapped a towel around her naked body and stared at the diaper. She had to decide what to do with it quickly, so her first thought was to wrap it in a spare towel. As she looked around, she realized there were only two full-sized towels: the one she had on and the one for Jill.

“Idiot, wear your clothes into the bathroom next time,” Isla whispered to herself, regretting coming into the bathroom in just her diaper. Isla realized her best option was to wrap the diaper in the towel she was wearing and walk out of the bathroom nude. So, she wrapped up the diaper the best she could, held the towel close to her chest, and opened the door.

When she got out of the bathroom, she saw that Jill was about to peek into her backpack and so she cleared her throat.

“Bathrooms ready,” Isla said. Jill jumped, then looked Isla up and down briefly. Isla’s bottom half was completely exposed, so she blushed as Jill’s eyes looked towards her totally hairless pussy. Her blushing was followed by her lowering the towel to cover her lower half, which unfortunately just left her tits exposed.

“You didn’t use all the hot water, did you?” Jill asked with a sly smile, realizing Isla’s discomfort.

“N-no, I was barely in there, aha….” Isla replied awkwardly.

“Good,” Jill said, and suddenly, she started stripping in front of Isla. She did it so casually that it shocked Isla, who looked away as soon as Jill’s breasts were exposed. “I might be a while, so knock on the door if it gets to like twenty to seven.”

“Sure,” Isla replied. Jill closed the bathroom door, and Isla let out a sigh, not realizing she had been holding her breath. Then she looked at the diaper wrapped in her arms. “Now, what am I going to do with you?”


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