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“Do I have diapers? I don’t have diapers; why would I have diapers?” Isla responded frantically, not hearing Kennedy’s question properly.

“Not you, the shop!” Kennedy laughed.

“Oh, uh, I don’t know, why?”

“Duh, my baby sister can’t keep her pants dry,” Kennedy explained. “You literally just gave her clothes to change into.”

“Oh my god Ken, I don’t need diapers! For fucks sake,” Jill complained behind Kennedy. “Can we just go? This is embarrassing.”

“I think I should just check!” Kennedy continued to tease.

“Look,” Isla started quietly. “We’re almost at the first spot; let’s just get there, and if she’s still having problems, well…”

“If she’s still having problems, we’ll diaper her. Like you suggested at the start of this trip!” Kennedy finished Isla's sentence.

“Well, that was a joke, but it brings up a good point. Don’t you forget that we ALL peed our pants last year,” Isla reminded her.

“Yeah, well, that was different circumstances. We were literally gonna die.”

“I don’t think it’s any different; I think if you could hold it as well as you expect her to be able to, you would’ve come out of that chaos dry!” Isla smiled, feeling good about how she was able to turn the tables on Kennedy.

“Yeah yeah, whatever. No diapers now. But if she wets herself in my car, you can wear diapers with her. Deal?”

“Deal,” Isla put out her hand and smiled. Kennedy shook it, then turned around and walked back to the car. Heather had fallen asleep in the front passenger seat but jolted awake with a snort when the three girls closed the car doors again.

Isla felt more comfortable sitting with her diaper under her loose shorts than she did sitting with nothing else underneath. The close call from her bladder reinforced that she was making the right decision to pad up, and she couldn’t help but wiggle in giddy content. Jill looked out the window, her headphones back in and staying as quiet as possible. She didn’t want to be here, it was pretty apparent, and it didn’t help that Kennedy was such a bitch about it, but still, Isla wondered if there was something else going on other than ‘her mom forced her to go.’

The forty-five minutes it took to get into the town they’d be stopping in blew by, and the girls sighed with relief when they got there.

“Finally! Let’s get out of this stuffy-ass car and have some fun!” Heather demanded.

“Well, let’s check-in and settle in, then I know exactly where we’re going!” Kennedy proclaimed. The hotel they were staying at wasn’t all that much to write home about. Most years, when they did overnight stays, they didn’t blow their budget on the hotel, instead opting to spend it on things to do and spending money. This year was no different. Kennedy got their key cards and began explaining her plans in what Heather liked to call her ‘Mom Mode.’

“Alright, so there are two rooms, each with two beds. I was going to have a room to myself, but I’ll share it with Jill, and Isla and Heather can share. Cool?” Kennedy instructed. Heather shrugged. Isla looked over to Jill, who rolled her eyes as Kennedy handed her the key.

“Actually, if Jill wants to share with me, I don’t mind. Might be nice to get away from your sister for a bit; you two live together after all,” Isla suggested.

“I don’t care, as long as you don’t snore loudly, Ken,” Heather offered.

“I don’t snore at all!” Kennedy replied defensively.

“Yes, you do,” all three girls, including Jill, responded in unison, then laughed.

“Well, it’s no skin off my back, Jill? What do you want to do?”

Jill looked back and forth to Isla and Kennedy before quickly making her decision via a directional nod towards Isla. Kennedy then swapped out her card, handed out the other two, and the girls headed up to their rooms.

Isla and Jill’s room was on the same floor as the others but on opposite sides of the building, meaning there was a good distance between the two. Isla opened the door to their room and shrugged at what she saw. A simple setup of two double beds, a bench, a TV, a closet and a plain bathroom.

“Which one do you prefer?” Isla asked Jill.

“Uh, maybe by the window?” Jill asked.

“Sure! Kennedy always wants to be by the window too.”

“Yeah, I know. I never get it. And on planes too, she always needs the window seat. So demanding,” Jill joked.

“That’s for sure,” Isla chuckled.

“Thanks, by the way,” Jill said quietly as she started opening her suitcase on her bed.

“For what?” Isla asked.

“Just for, you know, standing up for me at that gas station, giving me some clothes, and just then, getting me out of her room. You have no idea how much of a bitch she can sometimes be,” Jill replied.

“Oh, trust me, I’ve seen it. And don’t mention it. You’re part of the gang this trip! Gotta look out for each other.”

“Eh, not really. You guys didn’t want me here,” Jill replied.

“What? No! Don’t say that; that’s not true.” Isla walked over to Jill and touched her arm.

“It’s okay, really; I don’t want to be here either, it’s just...my mom….”

“Hey, don’t worry about that. If she forced you out here, we might as well make the most of it, right? I want you here. Was I expecting you? No. But that doesn’t mean I’m not happy to have you along,” Isla tried to reassure.

“I guess.”

“I’ve known you as long as I’ve known Kenny, but I haven’t really gotten to know you. I think this is a great opportunity for that! Don’t you think?”

“Sure,” Jill said, a smile finally starting to grow on her face. “I still can’t believe Kennedy was going to buy me diapers.”

“She’s crazy, but hey, what’s so bad about diapers anyways.”

“Ha! What do you mean? That would be so embarrassing!”

“I mean, you would never have to bother anyone about stopping for the bathroom, or finding a bathroom for that matter! Your clothes would stay totally dry.”

“I mean, yeah but, still...embarrassing. What, you thinking about wearing diapers now after you leaked?” Jill laughed.

“Ha, maybe…”



I need more of this story! Great job mate.