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As Isla approached the car, her front seat now occupied by Heather, she realized that there was no chance she was getting another diaper on until at least their next stop. She had some diapers in her backpack inside the car, but getting one now would mean going to the car, grabbing her backpack, and making up some excuse that allowed her to go back inside to the toilet. The crew already looked annoyed that they had to wait for her, so she held her tongue and got into the back seat. The lack of diaper underneath her butt even made sitting feel weird and strangely less comfortable.

“Alright! Off we go then.” Kennedy announced as she started driving again.

“When’s our next stop?” Isla asked, masking her eagerness to get padded again behind travel curiosity.

“It’s a good three hours away, but that’s our first real stop of the trip. There’s this strip of bars and restaurants there that we’re going to hit. Called “the Wheel.”

“Why is it called the wheel?” Heather asked.

“Because it’s shaped like a wheel. Aha, I know it’s not the most creative, but it’s really cool. It’s like this circle of bars and stuff. It’s in a small-ish town, but since it's off the highway, a lot of people stop there.”

“Sounds cool! … and we’re not stopping anywhere before that?” Isla asked.

“I mean, not unless someone needs to pee or something. But we did all just go,” Kennedy replied.

Isla looked out the window, a little defeated and still a little confused by these feelings. ‘Was it wrong to want to wear a diaper?‘ she thought. ‘Why couldn’t they all have stuck to their word and just agreed to all wear diapers.’

The drive dragged on for a few hours, and Isla began to daydream. She imagined herself in a big diaper, laying on a picnic blanket in one of the large spanning fields they were driving by. She picked flowers, blew dandelion seeds into the wind, and snacked on animal crackers. The daydreaming put her at peace, and she began to drift into sleep when suddenly, she felt a spurt of warmth between her legs.

Isla jolted away and recoiled in her seat, so much so that the other girls turned to look at her.

“You alright?” Heather laughed.

“Yeah, aha, sorry….” Isla blushed and waited for everyone to stop looking at her. When all eyes were averted elsewhere, she began to investigate her crotch. Her hand drifted between her legs and gripped her bottoms. They were damp.

Isla’s heart began to race, and suddenly she felt the strong urge to pee.

“Hey, Ken? Do you think we can stop soon? The coffee and stuff have gone through me pretty fast.”

“Yeah, I need to go too,” Jill added. Isla turned to look at Jill, and she realized she was basically mirroring her position: back straight, legs crossed, hand between her thighs and a desperate look on her face.

“Oh boy, well, if Jill needs it, we better find somewhere soon,” Kennedy joked.

“Really?” Jill responded, annoyed.

“What? You’re gonna tell me you’re not going to be pissing yourself in a few minutes if we don’t get to a toilet? Kennedy persisted.

“Oh my god, Kennedy, you’re such a bitch.”

“Hey, if you can’t hold it, just say! We’re only 45 minutes away from our hotel.”

Jill ground her teeth, frustrated with her desperation and her sisters pestering. Isla started to feel bad for Jill.

“I don’t think I can hold it for 45 minutes, Kenny,” Isla added.

“Fine, fine, I think there’s a gas station ahead,” Kennedy conceded.

“Don’t worry, kids, Mommy and Mommy will get you to a bathroom soon,” Heather turned around to joke at Isla and Jill. Kennedy laughed.

“And remember, no accidents or there will be diapers!” Kennedy added.

For a moment, Isla had a weird idea cross her mind. She would piss herself, and then Kennedy would want her to be in diapers anyways! That Idea was quickly shaken off, though, and Isla and Jill looked at each other. Isla rolled her eyes and smiled, and Jill chuckled in return. Jill’s smile quickly vanished suddenly though, which concerned Isla. Jill turned her face away as her cheeks began to redden. Isla looked away, but she could see Jill slowly check her crotch for damage in her peripheral vision. She had leaked.

“Ah! There we are!” Kennedy said as she noticed the gas station coming up. As she slowed down, Isla began to feel herself slipping too, and a little dribble escaped before Isla got a grip on it.

When the car finally stopped, Jill jumped out of the car and ran to the toilet.

“Oh shit, look!” Heather pointed at Jill. Isla and Kennedy followed Heather’s point.

“Shit, that was pretty close then!” Kennedy laughed. As Jill ran to the toilet, it was easy to see her butt showing a decently sized wet spot. Isla grabbed her backpack and got out of the car.

“Why’re you bringing your bag?” Heather asked.

“I…” Isla struggled to make an excuse. “I have some extra panties if Jill needs some.”

“Don’t worry about her, she’ll probably pee them like six more times,” Kennedy responded. Isla shrugged, and suddenly her bladder screamed louder, and she realized she had been standing around for too long. She turned and hustled her way to the bathroom, hoping she wasn’t also showing off a large wet spot. Her backpack thankfully hung below her butt, so she figured she was covered.

A few more dribbles escaped down Isla’s legs. The baggy shorts and the lack of underwear meant that pee wasn’t interfered with much, and Isla cringed as she felt a small stream trickle down her bare legs. As she got to the bathroom, Jill had already finished relieving herself in the toilet and was now examining her wet spot in the mirror. Jill stopped as soon as Isla entered the bathroom and blushed.

“Don’t tell Kennedy,” she asked Isla.

“Kennedy already knows I’m afraid. Can you wait for a minute?” Isla asked. Jill nodded, and Isla jumped into the only stall in the bathroom, dropped her pants and unloaded a massive pee into the toilet. Then, she wiped her bits and the pee that trickled down her legs and opened her backpack. At the top were a few snacks and some clothes, but underneath that was a stack of diapers. She knew what she was going to do, but she didn’t know what to do for Jill. ‘It would be weird to offer her a diaper, right?’ Isla thought. Finally, she grabbed a pair of black shorts and some flowery panties out of her backpack to give to Jill, pulled up her damp bottoms, and exited the stall.

Jill was wiping her pants down with a paper towel when Isla opened the door.

“Here, just change,” Isla said as she held out the shorts and panties.

“My sister is never gonna let me hear the end of this,” Jill replied. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I severely overpacked,” Isla laughed.

“Alright, thanks, Isla.”

“No problem. And hey, don’t worry about them. You aren’t the only one who….” Isla pointed to her crotch. It was hard to tell, but after Jill looked closely, she could see Isla’s shorts were wet too.

“Oh shit! Are you gonna change?” Jill asked, almost excited.

“My underwear, yeah….”

“Well, thanks. It’s kinda nice to know I’m not the only one. We better be careful though, or I think Kennedy might actually force us to wear diapers.” Jill laughed.

“Yeah, but hey, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad; pee whenever you want!” Isla said, half-joking.

“Yeah, I suppose,” Jill replied and headed back into the stall. Isla waited as Jill changed, then traded places with her when she was done.

“Don’t wait for me,” Isla said.

“Alright, see you outside,” Jill replied. Finally, Isla was alone in the bathroom with her backpack. Isla got giddy and pulled a fresh diaper out as soon as the door closed behind Jill. Isla was fast, partly out of eagerness and partly out of fear someone would come into the room. Before long, she was powdered up and snuggly wrapped into her diaper. She pulled her wet shorts back up over the diaper and exited the stall.

When she got back outside, she crossed paths with Kennedy, who was heading into the gas station.

“They got diapers in there?” Kennedy asked with a smile.


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