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After a few pictures, the girls finally made their way to the breakfast place Kennedy had arranged for them. Isla had begun to calm a little after the scare of Heather’s photography but still felt uneasy as she stepped out of the car and walked to the restaurant. In the glass window of the building, she could see her butt, but not the diaper, and realized that the other girls likely couldn’t even tell. Nevertheless, the fear remained; although, her hunger and need for caffeine were starting to outweigh those other feelings.

“How many?” The hostess, an older lady with short, silver hair, asked them as they walked in.

“Four,” Kennedy responded, and the hostess collected the menus before walking them to their table.

“I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” Jill said and split from the group with an urgency. Kennedy scoffed a laugh as Jill did, which the other two girls noticed.

“We have specials on the front page, and we’re out of apple juice. Can I get you girls some coffee?”

“Yes, please,” Kennedy replied. Heather and Isla nodded along.

“What about the young one?” the hostess asked Kennedy.

“Her too. And water all around, please.”

The hostess wrote it all down in her notepad and walked away. Heather turned to Kennedy and leaned in.

“What was that about?” She whispered.

“What was what about?” Kennedy replied.

“You laughed when she went to the bathroom.”

“Ah, well, I won’t get into it. She doesn’t have the strongest bladder, let’s say.”

Isla blushed, quickly relating to Jill’s active bladder and reflecting on the fact she was wearing a diaper.

“Why is she even here? No offence,” Heather asked bluntly.

“None taken. I know this isn’t ideal, and I’m sorry. I was really looking forward to it being just us, but...our mom….”

“She forced you? Man. Sometimes, that woman. Again, no offence,” Heather added.

“Oh, trust me, none taken. She’s a pain.”

Isla could tell this was a touchy subject for Kennedy in the way her eyes darted around the room while she talked about it.

“It will still be a fun trip, Ken, and we’ll make sure Jill has a good time too. It isn’t often she gets away, right?” Isla asked.

“Oh, she’s never been away without my mom. My mom is crazy protective of her. I’m not sure she would let Jill go on her own honeymoon without tagging along,” Kennedy joked.

“Yeah...wait, but then she forced you to have her come with us?” Heather asked, confused. Jill appeared out of the bathroom, and Kennedy shushed everyone up.

“Hey, did you guys order coffee?” Jill asked as she sat down next to Kennedy.

“Yep, should be here soon,” Kennedy replied. The girls got silent for a moment and looked at the menus. It was a standard diner, nothing special, but the waffles looked good, so Isla decided on that. Their waitress came by and took their orders, and before long, they were all shoving food into their faces. Other than the sound of forks and knives hitting plates, the group remained pretty silent.

During the meal, Isla managed to drink 2 cups of coffee and water, which meant the need to pee was looming by the time she finished her last bite of waffle.

“I’m stuffed,” Heather groaned as she leant back from her mean.

“Same, I couldn’t eat another bite,” Kennedy replied. “How was yours, Jill?”

“Fine,” Jill replied plainly. The other girls didn’t know how to respond.

“Well, I better pee before we hit the road again,” Heather said to break the silence.

“Same,” Kennedy said. “Jill, you should go too.”

“I know, you don’t have to tell me that,” Jill replied with sass.

Isla needed to pee, but she knew she couldn’t go while they were in the bathroom with her. She would have to take off the diaper first, and if putting it on was any indication, taking it off would be too noisy to be missed by the other girls. The tapes were simply too loud. Isla weighed her options quickly as the other girls got up to go. She could go and risk-taking the diaper off, she could go and sit on the toilet to have the illusion of peeing, or she could sit here and wait.

“Isla, you going pee?” Jill asked her as the girls got to their feet.

“I...uh, yeah, sure, why not,” she finally replied.

“With how much you were drinking, you better. I don’t want to have to buy you diapers,’ Kennedy joked.

“Don’t worry, you won’t have to buy me diapers,” Isla replied, her desperation rapidly building.

The girls all took one stall in the bathroom and sat down. Isla lowered her pants and sat on the seat in her diaper. She looked at it again. The bulky white padding hugged her legs perfectly, and she was pretty proud of how well she taped herself in. For a moment, she hovered her hands over the tabs, debating opening them quietly to pee. Her need was building rapidly, and it started to become clear to Isla that she had two choices: Open the tabs and pee in the toilet, or wait and soon lose control into the diaper.

The sound of her friend’s pee hitting the toilet didn’t help. The piss hitting the water and the fact that she was sat on a toilet began to convince her brain that she could pee, and suddenly, she felt a small dribble warm the inside of her diaper.

Panicked, she froze and knew the time to make her choice was diminishing. Her hands grabbed the tabs as another dribble spurted into the padding. Kennedy got up and flushed, followed shortly by Jill and then Heather. As they left their stalls, Heather called out to Isla.

“Hey Is, should we wait in the car?” she asked.

“Uh, um, ye- Yes! I’ll just be a minute….” Isla replied as a large spurt of pee flowed out before Isla stopped it. The girls began washing their hands, adding more water noise to encourage Isla’s bladder. A spurt became a constant trickle, and that trickle quickly became a steady flow, and Isla knew that she was losing her grip.

“Alright, we’ll be in the car!” Kennedy said as the three girls left the bathroom. When the door finally closed and Isla was the only one left in the bathroom, Isla quickly and carefully unstuck the diaper tabs and removed it from underneath her butt. Her pee was not stopping for anything, and Isla cringed as she pulled the diaper out from under her with her hand, only to pee all over it.

Isla let the rest of her bladder void into the toilet, which at this point was not much. The diaper was soaked, and now she had to make another choice: Does she put the diaper back on or go back to the car commando.

After taking a good look at the yellowed diaper and feeling its weight in her hand, she quickly made her decision. Isla wiped, left the stall carefully, and tossed the soaked diaper in the garbage. Isla looked at it in the trash and felt strange. She was worried.

‘Why am I worried about not wearing a diaper?’ she thought. ‘I have never worn a diaper until today; I can hold my pee.’

But then, she stared at it, and stared at it, and felt the bareness between her legs without it. She knew what she wanted. She wanted another diaper. But how was she going to put it on...


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