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After a VERY narrow margin, On The Road Again beat out the other two options in our brainstorming poll, meaning it will be our new, long-running story!

This story is a continuation of a One Shot called Road Trip Troubles that came out in July of 2020. It is it's own thing, and by no means do you have to read that One Shot to know what's going on; in fact, this story is going to explore these characters in greater depth than the one shot ever could. 

I have absolutely no sense of how long this one could be yet. I have a plot, some key moments and an ending, but knowing me I'll come up with something in the middle of writing that will be better than my original thoughts. Regardless, I hope you guys dig this one as much or more than Sabotage!



“Uh...guys?” Isla said fearfully.

“What?” Heather asked, but then she heard it. The sound of engines roaring behind them. It was the gang of bikers.

“Holy fuck! Go, Kenny, Go!” Isla yelled.

“I’m already going 100!” she replied. She could now see the three bikers in her rearview.

“Go faster!” Heather yelled at her.

Kennedy put her foot on the gas and took her right hand, which was firmly planted between her legs, onto the wheel. The world closed in around her as she became laser-focused. Her focus on driving, however, took her focus off her bladder. It tested if she was paying attention; one spurt, then two, then a long stream, and then...release. Her bladder completely gave. The sound was masked behind the sound of acceleration and screaming, but the feeling of warm wetness under her was unmistakable. Finally, her focus managed to break a moment to realize what she had just done.

“Fuck I just peed my pants!” Kennedy screamed while checking her mirrors again.

“Me too, fucking drive!” Heather replied, and when Kennedy looked at her crotch, she was sitting in a puddle of piss as well.

No matter how much faster Kennedy went, they still gained on her. Gradually she could make out their angry faces, and then, right as they were about to overtake her, the sound of sirens wailed.

“Oh my god, he got them!” Isla exclaimed.

“Who got them?” Kennedy asked.

“Highway patrol, babyyy!” Isla laughed. Kennedy looked back and saw the bikers disappear behind her and sighed.

There was a moment of silence as the adrenaline wore off, and the girls realized they were all sitting in puddles of their own piss. Then, they all started laughing.

“Next time, I’m bringing a fucking diaper,” Isla proclaimed.

“Yeah, make sure you bring enough for all of us!”



Isla laughed as the memory ran through her head again. She held the picture of the three of them: Isla in the middle, with Kennedy on her right and Heather on her left, all wearing soaked pants.

Her smile soured a bit as she placed the photo into a cardboard box labelled “decorations.” Just as she was about to tape it shut, though, she opened the box back up, took the photo out, and placed it in her backpack instead. Then, she taped the box shut and stacked it on top of the rest.

Her room didn’t feel like a room anymore, despite not everything being packed up. Isla was off to college on the other side of the country, and while she couldn’t bring everything with her, there wasn’t much being left behind at her parent’s place.

A small section of her belongings resided in a backpack and suitcase though, which were for a more immediate journey - the annual road trip with her friends Kennedy and Heather. After five years of annual road trips since Kennedy got her license at 16, this would be the last trip for a while. All three of them were off to different parts of the world. Isla’s boxes were packed because, as soon as she returned from the trip, she was moving away.

They never said it out loud, but there was a sense in the air that this would be their last one ever since all three planned on moving onto a new chapter of their life when their college education started. All three would talk openly about their big life plans, but no one wanted to say what that meant for the group. They even delayed the inevitable for two years after high school before it was clear they could work as waitresses and retail staff for the rest of their adult lives.

“Isla! Kenny’s here!” Isla’s mom called up to Isla’s room. Isla did a quick scramble check to ensure she had everything, put on her backpack, grabbed her suitcase, and hurried downstairs.

Isla’s mom smiled at her and opened her arms for a hug.

“You be good now, no trouble!” She warned playfully.

“Mom, you know we won’t,” Isla replied.

“I know, just have to say! Motherly duties, you know.”

“I know,” Isla groaned.

“You have everything? Phone charger? Sunscreen? Tampons?”

“I’m going on a trip with two other girls; even if I did forget, I’m sure there wouldn’t be a shortage of tampons. But yes, I have everything, Mom. She’s waiting!” Isla said as she urged her way out the door.

“Yes, yes, go, text me updates along the way, okay?” Isla’s mom asked.

“I will. Bye, Mom!” Isla said as she left the house.

“Bye!” Mom replied, then waved to Kennedy, who was in the car outside. Isla threw her bags in the trunk, and Kennedy was still waving back when Isla got in the car.

“Hey!” Isla said to Kennedy as she stepped into the front passenger seat. As she entered, she noticed that someone else was in the back seat.

“Hey! You’re looking cute!” Kennedy complimented Isla’s travel fit, causing her to blush.

“Oh my god, I just wanted something baggy!” Isla laughed, then turned to look at the back seat. Staring out the window was Kennedy’s 18-year-old little sister, Jill, looking very grim.

“Hey Jill, what’re you doing here?” Isla asked in a friendly voice.

“Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you. She’s coming with us,” Kennedy replied, silencing Isla for a moment. Isla didn’t want to be rude, and she definitely didn’t want to speak out against Kennedy, but in her head, this was always the last trip for her, Heather and Kennedy, and now Jill was in the mix.

“That.. that’s okay!” Isla replied with her best fake enthusiasm. “Should be fun!”

“See, I knew they’d be upset,” Jill finally spoke.

“She’s not upset, Jill,” Kennedy spoke for Isla.

“I’m not upset! I’m happy to have you along!” Isla replied for herself, and she and Kennedy exchanged a knowing look. From that one second of eye contact, Isla realized that Jill’s involvement might not have been by choice.

After a few minutes, the three girls pulled up at Heather’s house, and Kennedy texted her. Suddenly, Heather bursts through the front door, dragging her backpack and suitcase across the ground behind her. She stormed towards the car, but Heather’s mother opened the door after her to complain.

“Oh, so now you’re just off, huh?” Heather’s mother groaned.

“I told you I was going on a vacation, Mom!” Heather whipped around to yell back.

“Vacation? Every day for you is a vacation. You hardly work, you have no plans for college, all you do all day is go to that low-life boyfriends house of yours and take his picture-”

“Do you really have to air our dirty laundry out for the whole neighbourhood to see? In front of my friends?” Heather replied.

“Oh, I’m sure you tell them all the gossip anyways. You know what? Fine. Go with your friends. At least you won't be hanging around that pathetic boyfriend of yours. Maybe these girls will put some sense into you, and you’ll actually go to college like they are, huh?”

Heather didn’t reply; she just opened the trunk of Kennedy’s SUV and threw her bags in. Then, she opened the back seat, took a quick, confused look at Jill, and hopped in the car. Kennedy didn’t waste any time; she just drove off and left Heather’s house in the dust.

After a long silence, Heather spoke up. “Sorry about her, guys.”

“Oh my god, don’t be,” Kennedy and Isla talked over top of each other to reassure Heather.

“What’s she doing here?” Heather asked bluntly about Jill.

“She had to come. My mom, you know.”

“Hmm,” Heather replied, not showing the same attempt at sympathy as Isla did.

“So, are we going to Brado’s for breakfast?” Isla asked.

“Actually, I thought we’d get a little further out of town first. I found this place an hour or so our that looked really nice,” Kennedy replied.

“I don’t care where we go; I just need some coffee,” Heather replied.

“That’s fine with me,” Isla said, then watched Jill put her headphones in. “So, now that we’re all here, should I be the one to ask?”

“Ask what?” Heather asked.

“Yeah, what’re you talking about?” Kennedy added.

“Well, you know, last year got a little...wet,” Isla said, then paused for a moment. Suddenly, the two girls burst out laughing.

“Oh my god, I almost forgot about that. We all fucking pissed ourselves!” Heather said through laughing gasps.

“We honestly thought we were going to die,” Kennedy added. “It took me almost a month to air the piss smell out of my car.”

“Well, we can avoid that this year,” Isla started.

“Yeah, by completely avoiding any sketchy biker gangs,” Heather said.

“Not what I was referring to!” Isla teased.

“Oh my god, just spit it out; I hate guessing,” Kennedy urged. Isla paused, biting her tongue.

“Diapers!” Isla said in an excited whisper.

There was another pause; then both girls exploded into laughter again. So much so that Jill took out her headphones and asked, “what’s so funny?”

“You wouldn’t get it,” Kennedy replied. “Good one Is’.”

“You guys don’t want to wear them? You promised, remember?” Isla said in a serious tone but matching the laughing energy that the other girls were putting off.

“Wear what?” Jill asked, annoyed.

“Just put your headphones back in, yeah?” Kennedy replied with a demanding tone. Jill obliged.

“Could you imagine? The three of us, wearing diapers across the country. I’m fucking dead!” Heather laughed.

“Just don’t piss in my car again, or I WILL buy you diapers, and you WILL be wearing them, understood?” Kennedy jokingly warned.

“Yeah, just get me a booster seat and a bottle while you’re at it; I’ll goo-goo ga-ga the whole way home,” Heather joked.

Isla laughed along, but she was suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of embarrassment. She pushed her hand between her crotch and felt the thick padding wrapped around her waist.

“Yeah, could you imagine?” she said and looked out the window.


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