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Sam and Morgan have been best friends since preschool, but Morgan has begun to grow into a different person since high school. That is not to say that Sam didn’t like what Morgan was becoming, but her calm and quiet demeanour was replaced by an outgoing, flirty girl once puberty blessed her with beautiful features.

Sam remained introverted, but they still were just as close as before. The only thing now was Morgan wanted to go to the bars with “friends” instead of the sleepovers they used to have. Which usually meant Sam rejected the offer or was dragged along against her will. Tonight was one of those “against her will” nights.

Morgan and Sam got out of the cab, and Sam grimaced at the long line to get into the club Morgan planned to meet her other friends at.

“God, that’s like at least an hour wait, don’t you think?” Sam asked. Morgan just laughed.

“Oh Sam, you’re cute,” she said and walked up to the bouncer. “Hey, Freddie!”

“Hey, Morgan! Who’s your friend?” the bouncer asked Morgan.

“This is Sam; she’s my best friend in the whole wide world. She usually doesn’t like clubs, so I don’t force her, but she HAD to come tonight!” Morgan explained, making Sam blush softly.

“Heya Sam, nice to meet you. If you ever want to come back, just come see me, and we’ll let you in. A friend of Morgans is a friend of ours.”

“Thanks,” Sam replied, and Morgan grabbed Sam’s hand to pull her into the club. Freddie didn’t even ask for I.D., and Sam could hear the complaining of the people waiting in line out front. Sam felt awkward cutting in, but once the music drowned out the complaints, she quickly forgot about them. It was the club now making her feel uncomfortable; the large crowds, messy drunken people, sweaty bodies rubbing against each other, and an overall lack of oxygen in the room. Morgan dragged Sam up to the bar and whispered something to the bartender that Sam couldn’t hear.

They came back with a tall glass of water, two shots of tequila, and some sort of cocktail. Morgan handed Sam the first shot and cheersed her before downing the tequila. Sam followed her lead and cringed at the taste of the shot. They both bit down on a wedge of lime, and Morgan passed her the other shot.

“Can I have a second?” Sam laughed.

“No way! This is your ticket out of sour-puss land!” Morgan joked. The two laughed and did their other shot.

“A water, good idea,” Sam remarked after the second shot was down.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Morgan replied. “You know about the getaway plan, right?”

“Uh, no? What do you mean?” Sam asked.

“Drink this first,” Morgan told Sam as she handed her the tall glass of water.

“All of it?” Sam asked.

“All of it!”

“Okay!” Sam responded and began chugging back the water. Morgan did the same with her cup and managed to finish before Sam despite starting after. Sam finished the water and placed the cup down.

“Now what?” she asked.

“Another!” Morgan said to the bartender.

“Another?” Sam asked. The bartender quickly filled their waters, and Morgan passed the filled glass back to Sam.

“Drink!” Morgan demanded.

“I just had one; I’m gonna be all bloated with water!” Sam complained.

“You’ll be fine; just drink!”


“Can’t you just trust me? I’ll explain when you finish!” Morgan replied. Sam finally rolled her eyes and downed the second cup.

“Okay, now will you tell me?” Sam asked after placing down her empty cup.

“Yes. So, the getaway plan. You see those guys over there?” Morgan asked and pointed behind her shoulder. Sam looked over and saw a group of guys, a few of them already staring at her and Morgan.

“Yeah, they’re looking at us….”

“Okay. I figured. So soon enough, they’re going to come over here and make a pass, yeah?”

“Oh my god, please no,” Sam complained.

“Don’t worry, that’s why you just downed two things of water.”

“I’m still confused.”

“I’m getting there! So if you like the guy, whatever, but if he’s a creep and won't leave you alone, pee your pants!” Morgan smiled with glee as she explained her plan.

“Pee my pants?! Are you crazy?” Sam replied.

“Look, I’m here all the time. Without fail, a guy will come up and be relentless with his efforts to woo me. One time I had to pee so bad, and I couldn’t get away, so I accidentally peed myself.”

“Awe, Morgan, I’m sorry,” Sam replied sympathetically.

“No, that's just the thing! It was great! Once he saw I had peed my pants, he was no longer interested, and he walked away! Like magic! I thought it might be a coincidence, so the next time I was being harassed, I tried it again, and sure enough, the guy bailed! Since then, I always try to have a full bladder at the club. Then if anyone tries to hit on me, I can pee and leave!” Morgan smiled as she finished her explanation. Sam was less impressed.

“You expect me to pee my pants? I like these jeans!” Sam replied.

“You can wash your jeans. It’s worth it to be left alone.”

Morgan finally handed Sam the cocktail, and the two sipped it casually until Morgan’s friends showed up. Sam was able to keep up with them for an hour or so, but after that, she retreated to the bar. As she sat there, she realized she really had to pee, so she turned to head to the bathroom when suddenly, a tall ginger boy was towering in front of her.

“Hello m’lady, can I buy you a drink perchance?” He asked with a slight lisp. Sam felt herself resisting the urge to cringe and instead just avoided eye contact.

“No, thank you,” Sam replied and tried to push by. The ginger guy stopped her.

“Just one, it’s all I’m asking. You see, I saw you over here all alone and thought, a beautiful girl like her shouldn’t be all alone; I just had to come save you!”

This time, Sam couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“No, really, I have to go now.”

“My name is Herb. Some people call me Herbie, like that car in that Lindsey Lohan movie?” The ginger persisted. Sam’s bladder began to ache stronger.

“Oh yeah, cool. Well, if you would excuse me, Herb I--”

“Do you like movies? You look like the kind of girl who likes movies.”

“Do people not like movies? What kind of… never mind. Excuse me, please, I--”

Sam felt a dribble of pee escape into her panties, and she clenched hard. The two glasses of water and all the additional alcohol were finally demanding exit, and she didn’t have long left before those demands would be met one way or another.

“I knew you did! Did you see Avengers Endgame? That’s a good movie. It can’t really beat DC stuff, though. It’s just darker, you know? Like, did you see Zack Snyder's Justice League? Now THAT is a masterpiece.”

Sam desperately tapped her fingers on her leg, hoping Herb would just leave. Suddenly, she caught eyes with Morgan, who was getting hit on on the other side of the club. Morgan winked at Sam, and suddenly, a dark patch began to spread down Morgan’s leg. The guy backed off in disgust, and Morgan pushed through to the door.

“I can’t decide if it’s better than Batman v Superman though, you know? That just had so many great themes.”

Sam’s heart was beating, and she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let go. It was like the club went quiet all of a sudden as the warmth spread down her legs with speed. When she opened her eyes, Herb was stumbling over his words, trying to apologize for not letting her go. Sam finally pushed past Herb and went to the exit where Morgan was waiting.

“Heeeeyyyy! You did it!” Morgan said, running in for a hug. Sam embraced her and laughed.

“I have to be honest, I did not think that would work,” Sam said.

“Trust me, honey, peeing your pants is a godsend. Now, do we get changed and come back out?”

Sam laughed. “I think peeing my pants once in a night is good.”

“Those are rookie numbers,” Morgan said, almost bragging. “I once peed my pants four times in a night at three different bars. But I guess you are a rookie, so what do you say we go back to my house, open a bottle of vodka and build a fort?”

“Not that’s more like it,” Sam replied, and the two walked down the street in their wet pants, not a guy to bother them in sight.


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