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Serina, Breanna, and their respective parents Robert and Jessica sat quietly at the dinner table. There hadn’t been much talk since the girls got home from school, other than Jessica telling Robert what had happened now with Breanna. Robert cleared his throat and started.

“So, girls, what’s going on here?” He asked.

Neither girl answered.

“Okay, well, I’ll just start then. I think something is going on here that you two aren’t telling us. When it was just Serina having accidents, well, that could’ve been an isolated thing. But after what the doctor told us, and then coming home to find that Breanna has had the same sort of accidents...you have to agree that this seems odd, right?” Robert continued.

The girls didn’t answer again; Serina stared down Breanna.

“Is this...an attention thing? An act of rebellion?” Jessica asked.

“We’re not peeing our pants for attention, mom; that’s embarrassing,” Breanna snapped back.

“Okay, then there's something going on then, are you two...taking drugs maybe? That could be harmful to your digestive system. Breanna, that weed might have been acting as a muscle relaxant, which might be the cause of your accidents,” Jessica suggested.

“I’m not taking drugs, Mom; that weed wasn’t even mine,” Breanna complained.

“Right, it was that boy who you were seeing’s weed. Well, you don’t see him anymore, so unless you’re getting your weed from somewhere else..” Jessica pondered, but Serina cut in.

“She saw him this weekend,” Serina casually dropped. Breanna looked at her with eyes wide.

“No, I didn’t!” Breanna lied.

“Brea, don’t lie. Is that true?” Jessica asked.

“No, it’s not! She’s just trying to get me in trouble!”

“I’m not lying; Tyler told me about it,” Serina continued.

“Stop lying, you diaper-wearing bitch!” Breanna spat.

“Oh, I’m not the only diaper-wearing bitch anymore, aren’t I?” Serina leaned forward and smiled.

“Girls! Calm down; this is already getting out of hand!” Robert raised his voice.

“All you do is lie, just like how you lied about the drugs in my room and about Tyler,” Breanna continued.

“You deserved it anyways for what you did to me,” Serina replied.

“What did you do to Serina, Brea?” Jessica asked.

“Really? She basically admits she did it, and that’s what you care about?” Breanna raised her voice louder to Jessica.

“Because she forced me to eat food that didn’t agree with me, made me shit my pants, then poured water down my pants to make it look like I pissed myself at school!” Serina answered Jessica’s questions.

“Breanna!” Jessica replied.

“Really? Why are you always on her side, mom? Why can’t you ever believe me?” Breanna complained.

“Because you’re full of shit, and she knows it,” Serina snapped back.

“I’m full of shit? Oh yeah, and you’re the full package, aren’t you,” Breanna used the hypnotic phrase in anger, only for the effects to hit her immediately too. The argument paused as the girls filled their diapers with piss and shit. The parents looked back and forth to the girls and each other, confused.

“Well, now I guess we’re both full of shit,” Serina snarked.

“Girls, calm down, we need to get to the bottom of...oh god, what is that smell!” Robert plugged his nose.

“I shit my diaper, dad, don’t make it a thing,” Serina remarked casually.

“But that is the thing that we’re trying to get to the bottom of here! What is going on?” Robert asked, desperate.

Tension filled the silent air, and Serina stared at Breanna.

“You wanna tell them? Or should I?” She asked Breanna with a smile that hid her rage.

“Tell them what?” Breanna started to get shaky with the fear of her sabotage coming out.

“Yes, tell us what, Brea?” Jessica pushed.

Breanna froze. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her breaths went shallow. After a moment of silence, Serina continued.

“While I was out with my friend Ally this weekend, Breanna went to meet Tyler for brunch. Only, Tyler didn’t want to talk to you, did he? Not after you told him the truth.”

“Serina, stop,” Breanna said, close to tears.

“Is that what you’re worried about now? Maybe if you just hadn’t done what you did, none of this would’ve happened. Maybe if you had just given me my goddamn sandwich that lunch, none of this would’ve ever happened. But no. You chose to be bitter and hateful, and down-right fucked-up to me--”

“Oh, and you were the perfect princess, huh?” Planting drugs on me. Making sure I could not have the one person who made me happy at that goddamn school. Fucking with my door and turning this back on me instead of just ending it,” Breanna cried.

“No, I’ll admit, I was a bitch too. But I didn’t do what you did. At least, not initially.”

“What is she talking about, Breanna?” Robert asked.

“Breanna, just tell us what’s going on; we can deal with it as a family,” Jessica tried to calm her daughter down.

“Oh, I don’t think that’s going to happen. This is way too fucked up,” Serina continued.

“You said we wouldn’t tell them!” Breanna sobbed.

“I lied! Do you really think I would just leave this to myself? What you did is fucked up!”

“What was fucked up!” Robert asked.

“Are you going to tell them, or am I?” Serina asked.

“Serina, stop.” Breanna whimpered.

“Are you going to tell them, or am I?”


“Are you going to tell them, or am I!”

“No!” Breanna kicked her chair out behind her and started storming back to her room. Serina stood up and shouted back to her.

“If you walk away from this right now, you’re a coward. A fucking ant would know what you did was messed up. It’s time to own up to it because you aren’t going to like the version I tell.”

Breanna stopped in her tracks just before getting to her room. Tears flowed in a steady stream down her cheeks, and her diaper sagged with her accident. She hated it. She hated Serina and her mom for believing everything Serina would say. She hated the warmth of the accident between her legs. Most of all, though, she hated herself. She hated that she did it, but she also hated that she couldn’t bring herself to own up to it. And after a moment of consideration, Breanna went into her room, closed the broken door as much as she could, and got into bed.

“Fine,” Serina started, then turned to her eager and worried parents. “What do you two know about hypnosis?”


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