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I stared across the room at my opponent, Eva, who stared back at me with determination. The room was silent, despite dozens of onlookers lurking around. We were all waiting for the signal from the timekeeper to begin.

This battle, this game, this war, whatever you want to call it, was a long time coming. Eva and I were long-time friends but had been casually feuding for months since she joined a different sorority than me. It was only natural that that feud would come to a head in the annual sorority summer games. This year, the host was Alpha Beta since they won the previous year. While that meant they couldn’t participate, they could make a lot of money from drink and ticket sales and have complete control over the selection of competitions. Each sorority would pick two “champions” to compete, and after three rounds of competition, two would face off head-to-head to determine which sorority was the best.

Well, it just so happened that myself, representing Gamma Psy, and Eva, representing Sigma Kappa, would make it to the final two. After a series of strangely babyish games, it was almost unsurprising that the final competition was a sort of bladder-holding competition. Alpha Beta had a growing reputation for their weird baby and bladder-obsessed rituals; one guy even claimed that he tried to get into an AB’s pants, and she was wearing a diaper, so this competition rang true to that.

I wasn’t worried in the slightest. Eva was quite petite, short and curvy, and from our countless nights out drinking together, I knew she was not the best at bladder management. On the other hand, even though I haven’t put myself in a situation where I needed to hold desperately lately, I was pretty confident I had the edge.

Laid out of the table in front of both myself and Eva were three, two-litre water bottles with a straw coming out from each. On the bottles was a series of lines that indicated points. As Brittany, the head of Alpha Beta and organizer of this year’s games, explained, “as you pass each line, you get a point. Pass the line faster than your opponent, and you get bonus points. Your points can then be spent on punishments for the other person or support for yourself. A selection of punishments and supports will be revealed each round, and points can be spent or stored as you like between each round. The round ends when both contestants finish their drink. Failure to finish the bottle will result in immediate disqualification, resulting in a win for the other contestant.” After the drinking phase, we just had to hold our pee longer than the other. Easy peezy.

Eva and I were ready, anxious, and glaring at each other with intense determination. Finally, Brittany blew a whistle, and we both attacked the straws. Cheering and clapping erupted around us as we started sucking furiously. I watched the water level lower towards the first line and glanced over to the Alpha Beta girl sitting at my table, monitoring it with her hand hovering a bell.


Across the room, Eva reached the first line. Brittany made her tally, 2 points for Eva for beating me. I reached my line shortly after, and my observer dinged her bell, but I was annoyed at the deficit. I sucked faster, harder, swallowing more water down faster than I had ever before.


My bell rang first, and a second later, Eva’s did. Tied. I took a breath then kept sucking; only two more lines to get.


Eva’s bell. I went harder.


My bell barely beat Eva’s, not just to finish…


Shit. Eva beat me to the bottom, meaning bonus points for her. I finished shortly after, then sat up and wiped my hand across my mouth. I heard my sorority behind me, cheering me on, but all I could look at was Eva, who was smugly smiling at me.

“After the first bottle, the point total is nine for Sigma Kappa, seven Gamma Psy. Here are the first set of punishments and supports,” Brittany announced and pulled down a poster board that was covering a section of wall. Behind the board was some text, which Brittany read.

“For this round, the punishment is an extra water bottle for six points, and the support is a larger straw for five points. These will be available to you in subsequent rounds, so if you wish to save your points and buy them later, you may do so. I will warn you however, the later punishments and supports are more expensive, and while these purchasables effect the drinking phase, there are some later that you can use during the holding phase.”

Brittany gave us a moment to deliberate with our sorority. I talked to my girls, and after a bit of arguing, we decided to not spend the points just yet. We turned back to Brittany and announced our decision.

“Gamma Psy has decided to not spend their points,” I said so the crowd could hear. There was a somewhat disappointed clap in response.

“Very well, and you?” Brittany turned to Eva.

“Sigma Kappa has decided to purchase the punishment. Extra water bottle for six points,” Eva announced with a devilish smile.

“Very well, deliver the water bottle to Gamma Psy, please, June,” Brittany waved her hand, and a girl walked up to me with a standard-sized water bottle on a platter. I took it, glared at Eva, and downed it quickly.

“After that round, the points are three for SK and seven for GP. Assume drinking positions, ladies.”

I positioned my mouth back by the jug of water. My tummy was already starting to feel bloated from all the liquid, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before my bladder felt the urge too. Suddenly Brittany blew her whistle, and we were off again. I struggled through, and I could tell Eva was beginning to struggle as well as I watched her back off and take a few deep breaths before diving back in.

The round was close again, but I managed to come out with more points than the first round as I finished the bottle first.

“After bottle two, SK has ten points, and GP has sixteen. Let’s reveal the next set of support of challenges.”

As Brittany revealed the text, my body started to feel the effects of the drinking. I felt water flushing through me, and my bladder started to ache. I crossed my legs and put some pressure on it with my hands, then looked across at Eva, who was already shifting from side to side in a subtle pee-pee dance.

“For this round, the previous punishments and supports are available, as well as some new ones. For eight points, either of you can purchase the jumping jacks punishment. This allows the purchaser to envoke two minutes straight of jumping jacks onto their opponent during the hold phase,” Brittany explained and the crowd ‘ooo’d’ in reaction. “As for the support, for six points, you are allowed a fifteen-second head start in round three of the drinking phase. Please deliberate.”

I turned to my girls, and we started talking. Well, they started talking; I started focusing on the increasing pressure in my bladder, which worsened by the minute. It wasn’t long after the deliberation began that I felt myself shifting my weight side to side like Eva had been.

“Does that sound good to you?” One of the girls asked me.

“Hm? Oh, sorry, what’s the plan?” I replied with a nervous chuckle.

“We’re buying the bigger straw, and the head start. If we get the lead and keep it, we’ll rack up double points each time. So we’ll make sure we get back twelve.”

“But isn’t that just spending eleven to get twelve? That’s not much gain?” Another girl chimed in.

“Yes and no, we’re also making sure Sigma only gets five. We’ll still have five, so we’d still lead them in points if we manage this. Good?” she asked me, and I nodded.

“What is the decision, SK?” Brittany asked.

“Sigma Kappa has decided to save their points,” Eva announced, and I noticed some strain in her voice likely caused by the bladder ache.

“And you?” Brittany turned to me.

“Gamma Psy is spending our points on both supports. The headstart and the bigger straw,” I announced and quickly smiled when I saw the annoyance on the faces of Sigma Kappa.

“Very well. Amy, deliver the bigger straw for me. When I whistle once, Gamma Psy can begin, and when I whistle again, Sigma Kappa can. Understood?” Brittany asked. I nodded in response as a chipper girl with a suspect crinkle in her step replaced the thin straw in my water for a bigger one.

I positioned myself in front of the bottle, and Brittany blew her whistle. I started sucking back the liquid, which was immediately much easier with the bigger straw. With my girls cheering me on behind me, I sucked back with determination. My first bell went off before Brittany could even blow the second whistle, and I kept chucking through first the whole way until the end. When I finished, I stumbled back and threw my arms in the air. My sorority sisters grabbed me and hugged me, and I quickly pushed them away as I felt additional pressure spike in my bladder.

When I looked across at Eva, I could see her struggling to finish the bottle and realized I probably didn’t even need to go quite as hard as I did. She finally sucked the last drop back though, and I felt some pride for her as I started my full-on pee-pee dance.

“Now, after this round, Sigma Kappa has fifteen points, and Gamma Psy has seventeen. Let’s reveal the final set of supports and punishments,” Brittany announced as she pulled back to reveal the text. “The punishment, for seven points, the opponent has to bear fifteen seconds of tickling at a timing of the purchasers choosing. For the support, this,” Brittany said and held up a small white square. “This is a thin incontinence pad. The purchaser can wear it to prevent the leaks from showing. They don’t hold much though, so this will only support you for so long.”

I turned back to my girls and immediately gave my two cents. “So, incontinence pad, right? I’m about to burst already.”

“No, she’s probably just as bad as you are, if not worse. We need to put the pressure on hard so she can pee before you lose control. Okay?” my lead girl asked me. I groaned but nodded.

“This is the hold phase now. You two are here until one of you wets your pants or concedes. There is no point in not spending your points now. All the punishments and supports are available to you, but the ones related to the drinking phase are irrelevant now. What are your decisions?” Brittany asked. We went first.

“Gamma Psy has decided to purchase the tickle punishment and the jumping jacks punishment for a total of fifteen points.”

Brittany nodded and turned to Eva.

“Sigma Kappa has also decided to purchase the tickle punishment and the jumping jacks punishment with their fifteen points,” Eva announced and stared across at me. I rolled my eyes. The speed of my last round made no difference other than to accelerate my desperation.

“Very well. Whenever you want to use them, let me know-”

“Gamma Psy would like to use them know!”  “Sigma Kappa would like to use them now!”

Both Eva and myself interrupted Brittany simultaneously to announce we were ready to ruin each other’s pants.

“Good! We’ll do tickling first. June could you tickle Gamma Psy, and Amy could you tickle Sigma Kappa?” Both girls nodded and approached Eva and me separately. The girl with the crinkle in her step walked up to me, and I noticed the slightest whiff of baby powder coming from her. The whiff was all I got though because, without even a moment to prepare, she started tickling me vigorously. I buckled over and chuckled, and Eva did the same in response to her tickling. I felt the slightest bit of pee spurt out and escape my bladder. It warmed my panties and made me clench harder.

When the fifteen seconds was up, I looked down to make sure I wasn’t leaking. There was no sign of wetness on my jeans yet, but when I looked up, Brittany was staring at me, almost knowingly.

“And now, you have two minutes of jumping jacks starting...now!” Brittany announced, and I had to spring into action. Eva and I stared at each other with pain in our eyes, and we couldn’t help but laugh at each other’s faces. The laughter went from chuckling to full-on belly laughing, and we struggled to keep our jumping jacks straight.

Suddenly, Eva yelped and buckled over.

“Shit!” She screamed. My eyes glowed as I saw what was happening. Eva was wetting herself.

“Looks like we have a winner!” Brittany proclaimed and pointed to me. I threw my hands in the air and yelled in celebration. Suddenly, my sorority sisters lifted me up in the air, and I knew that was the end of my bladder’s hold. As soon as I was elevated above their heads, it gave, and suddenly they were greeted with a warm golden shower in my celebration.

They quickly put me down and coughed in disgust, and the piss continued to flow viciously down my legs. The warm stream continued for minutes, and when my bladder had finally emptied, there was not a single dry spot left on my jeans.

I walked over to Eva and offered her a hug. She accepted gladly, and we embraced in her puddle.

“As soon as it was a pee one, I knew I was toast,” Eva laughed. “I even gave you more water!”

“I know,” I laughed.

“Ladies,” Brittany appeared next to us with something new on a platter. “Your prizes.”

Eva and I took the object, which was a white square of some sort of padding.

“Wait, our prize is a diaper?”


Definitely debated turning this into a two-parter, but I just decided to keep it as a longer one-shot. And yes, if it wasn't clear, this is the Alpha Beta, June, Amy and Brittany that you know and love from the "Alpha Beta" story. Wonder what they've been up to? Maybe worth exploring once "Sabotage" wraps up. Let me know if you're curious!



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