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Serina tapped herself into her adult diapers as if it were her suit of armour. She made sure the tabs were snug, and the padding was secure between her legs before selecting an outfit from her shopping run that did well to hide the extra padding. To ensure she was extra prepared, she put a few adult diapers into her backpack beside her pull-ups as extra ammunition against Breanna. She was anticipating a very active day for her bladder and wanted to be ready for anything. As one last step in her preparation, she texted Ally to mention Tyler around her and Breanna when they arrived; she had a plan.

When Breanna stepped out of the shower, Serina was already up and dressed, which added to Breanna’s concern. She stopped outside Serina’s door and looked at her, thinking she needed to say something.

“Hey, you’re up early….” Breanna started.

“Hm? Oh, yeah, I woke up to your alarm, I think. Your door being open made it easy to.” Serina replied, trying desperately to not get excited.

“Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense….”

“You okay? You’re acting weird,” Serina asked.

“I’m fine!” Breanna said defensively. “Totally fine, why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, just get dressed. I wanna get to school a bit early today.”

Breanna nodded and went into her room, then attempted to close the door behind her. She exhaled aggravation when it continued to resist closure, but her heart rate increased when she saw her wet sheets were on full display from the hallway. She quickly placed a book in front of the door to keep it as closed as possible and tore the sheets off the bed. Her mattress underneath was yellowed and wet, which just worried Breanna more. With the dry spots of her wet sheets, she tried to soak up as much pee from the mattress as possible before throwing the sheets into her laundry basket and covering the mattress up with her blanket.

“Fuck it,” she whispered. “I’ll deal with it later.”

Breanna then slid into her underwear, a pair of baggy blue jeans and a black top and grabbed her backpack for school. When she moved the book and left the room, Serina was making some scrambled eggs in the kitchen.

“Quick egg on toast before school?” She asked Breanna, who just nodded, still unsure of what Serina knew. When Serina placed the plate and a cup of coffee in front of Breanna, Breanna just stared at Serina with fear in the back of her eyes.

“What, you don’t like eggy toast?” Serina joked.

“No, I do, thank you.”

“So what’s wrong with you then? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Nothing!” Breanna took a bite to prevent more questions, but her mind was circling with questions.

“Alright, whatever then.” Serina took a bite of her toast before turning her head to smile while she chewed. “I think I should drive to school; you look like you need to lie down.”

Breanna didn’t argue, and when the girls finished their breakfast, Serina drove while Breanna stared out the window, contemplating everything.

‘Did the hypnosis work on me?’ she kept asking herself. ‘Was the door a coincidence, or did Serina plan that? If she planned it, that must mean she knows, and if she knows, how? Did she listen overnight, or did Tyler tell her? Or am I going crazy, and that was just a random accident…’

After not saying a word to each other, the girls arrived at school and walked to their first class. Ally was waiting and quickly fell in line with Serina and Breanna.

“Hey, how’re you two?” Ally asked the girls. Breanna didn’t acknowledge her.

“We’re good, tired, typical Tuesday,” Serina replied.

“So, you and Tyler, huh?” Ally asked per Serina’s request. Breanna’s head became suddenly clear of her confusion and laser-focused on this question.

“Ugh, yeah, maybe, we’re talking,” Serina replied.

“You didn’t tell me you and Tyler were talking,” Breanna interjected.

“Oh, yeah, sorry, I figured it was probably a good idea not to….” Serina fibbed to her best capability. Breanna bought it, which was all that mattered.

“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to….” Ally started to fake an apology.

“No, no, it’s okay. We’ve been on and off so many times; it probably isn’t even a real thing,” Serina continued. Breanna stopped in her tracks, and after Serina realized, she stopped too. “What?” she asked Breanna.

“How fucking dare you,” Breanna whispered.

“Excuse me?” Serina replied.

“How fucking dare you!” Breanna yelled, now attracting attention from surrounding students.

“Geez, relax, Brea,” Serina said, looking around.

“Relax? Why would I relax? Do you really think I would just be chill about this?” Breanna got into Serina’s face, and Ally stepped in to keep her at a distance. “Oh, and now you’re new BFF is just gonna take the heat for you, huh? How fucking dare you, Serina. I knew you were a bitch, but I didn’t think you could be THIS cold. After you went out of your way to make sure I could never see him again. After you went out of your way to plant drugs on me and convince my mom that I would do that or that he would do that to me. Not only did you ruin my potential chance with him, but you also have forever ruined his image in her eyes. He will always see him as the pothead who tried to corrupt her precious daughter. And now, you have the nerve to pursue him again? Are you really that evil? Fuck you, you baby bladder, diaper-wearing bitch.”

Serina paused a moment as she heard the trigger word. She felt its effects take hold, and the warmth start to spread in her padding.

“Uh, Breanna? You good?” Ally asked Breanna, who was now red in the face from anger. Breanna looked over to Ally, who was pointing at her legs. Ally smiled, and Serina nearly burst into laughter.

Breanna was pissing her pants.

She looked down and finally felt the warmth. Suddenly, her face went from red to pale, and her heart beat thumped heavily in her chest. She looked around and saw the faces of her peers who were witnessing the argument and now witnessing her accident. Then, she finally met Serina’s eyes with her own again, and even though she already knew the answer, she asked.

“What did you do?”


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