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The rest of the day, Serina played everything very cool. She could tell that Breanna was somewhat on edge and confused about the late-night pants dribbling, but she didn’t seem to be catching on to what was really happening. Serina talked plainly, calmly, and even mentioned that she didn’t wet the bed last night despite absolutely soaking her sheets. This seemed just to confuse and motivate Breanna even more, especially after she walked by Tyler in the hall at school. Serina waved and said hello, and Tyler replied to Serina, but not to Breanna. Serina broke away from Breanna at school as quickly as she could once Ally showed up, leaving Breanna to be confused and frustrated with no one around but Yara and Claire.

It was one of the first school days in a while that Serina felt normal, happy. She was wearing a diaper still, but she didn’t worry about anyone seeing it or about herself leaking. While that was still a possibility, she began to regulate her water intake and would gauge the state of her pull-up between each period to decide whether a change was necessary or not. Breanna, of course, hated seeing this. She didn’t want Serina to settle in or be content. She wanted her to be embarrassed. Breanna couldn’t comprehend the change either. ‘Did the doctor actually change something?’ she thought. ‘Or has she been bullshitting?’

Breanna couldn’t put a finger on it, and she didn’t like it either. She felt everything was starting to slip; Tyler had pushed her away post-confession, Serina was thriving despite the hypnosis continuing. She hated it, and so the hypnosis continued. It was her one grip of control that she felt she had, and she wasn’t going to let that go.

That night, Serina still acted happily. Of course, the parents were thrilled to see it since bitter Serina had consumed their lives for the last while, but it just aggravated Breanna. It even bothered her that Serina was actively ignoring her. While on most days, she would’ve happily not seen her ‘sister,’ but when things suddenly seemed to be falling apart, she wanted to make sure she still could control her.

To add to Breanna’s struggle, as the night went on, she remembered that her door was still acting up. Robert had been working all day, and when he got home, he didn’t seem the least bit interested in attempting to fix the problem.

“Are we going to fix this door?” Breanna called out before she went to bed.

“Oh, sorry Brea, I totally forgot. I’ll have a look tomorrow, okay?” Robert replied to Breanna’s dismay. She groaned and closed the door as much as possible before getting into bed and waiting up for Serina to sleep. As part of her nightly routine, she checked her iPad and examined the files, even searching up some possible new ones like bowel incontinence, but she figured that might make the loop too long.

After avoiding her triggers all day and somehow doing laundry without Breanna’s suspicion, Serina laid her head to rest on clean, warm sheets. This time, she didn’t bother waiting up. She knew it was happening, and she knew it was working. Her eyes fell heavy to her meditation, and she was asleep before Breanna swapped the device over.

The next morning, Breanna woke up with a gasp. She jolted upright, again sweating heavily from what would have appeared to be a bad dream. Her alarm was blaring, and she let it ring for a moment before coming to her senses and reaching over to click it off. When she shifted in her bed, though, she felt it and heard it. Squish.

Breanna’s face went pale as she instantly knew what that sound was. She threw off her blanket and examined her bedding. She had completely wet the bed. Where last night was a little dribbling, this night was a soaking. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her ears began to ring, but then she heard the hypnosis still looping, loud and clear from across the hallway.

“Oh shit,” she whispered. “Oh shit!”

Quickly, she turned off the hypnosis and disconnected her iPad from Serina’s speaker. Her heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of her chest, and she pinched her nose.

“I forgot the fucking headphones. This stupid fucking door. Holy fuck. Is it in me?” Breanna asked herself in a panic. She didn’t know what to do. She had to get up and go to school, but her sheets were soaking wet, and she realized she might have hypnotized herself.

“Okay. Calm down. It might not be that. It could have just been another bad dream. Let’s just get up, have a shower, and go from there.” Breanna took deep breaths to calm herself before stepping out of her bed and walking to the bathroom in her wet pyjamas.

Serina, who woke, diaper soaked, to Breanna’s alarm, heard the whole self-discussion and was giddy. When she heard the water of the shower begin to flow, she jumped out of bed and shuffled over to Breanna’s bedroom. When she pulled the blanket off the bed and saw the massive wet stain, she practically jumped for joy before taking a picture and sending it to Ally with the caption:

Serina: IT HAPPENED!!!

Ally: OMG. TODAY IS THE DAY. Are you ready?

Serina: As ready as I’ll ever be.

Serina hopped back to her room and started to plan the day. She knew what she wanted to do; she wanted to get Breanna to try and use the triggers on her, only to have them work on herself. Of course, it needed to be done in classic Breanna fashion: in front of everyone, especially Tyler. Now more awake than any amount of caffeine could manage, she frantically paced her room.

“It’s a risky play,” she whispered to herself. “Maybe now is the day….”

She looked at the package of thick adult diapers that her dad had bought her “just in case” and opened the pack. If she was going to war, she needed to be prepared. And for this war, prepared meant padded.


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