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Serina felt herself dribble excited pee into her pull-ups as she felt her and Ally’s plan come together. She couldn’t stop smiling, even as the dribble’s started to turn into an unstoppable flow. Since she had gotten home, she had distracted herself with the plan and had totally forgotten that she had drunk five bottles of water a mere 40 minutes ago. Well, it seemingly was all starting to catch up with her, and Serina decided to use it in her favour.

She wanted Breanna to maintain the belief that the hypnosis might not be working as well as she wanted to ensure she kept using it. Knowing that and the fact she was probably about to pee a lot from the steady stream already flowing, she got up and walked calmly to the bathroom. When she got there, she hovered over the toilet and pulled her pants and diaper off quickly. The piss continued to flow out, and the sweet sound of water on the water made Serina smile. She knew Breanna would be able to hear her pee hit the toilet, her room was directly beside it, and she almost found herself laughing at how perfect the timing was.

When the stream stopped, Serina pulled up her full, soaked pull-up back over her waist and washed her hands before leaving the bathroom and strutting back to her bed. Breanna was fuming in her room. Not only was her door not closing for some mysterious reason, but her hypnosis was seemingly failing. She quickly examined her playlist of hypnotic files on her iPad in preparation for another looping session tonight. It was getting to be quite a playlist with the three trigger files, the bedwetting file, and the full incontinence file all filling time. Now all she had to do was stay up, and wait for Serina to go to sleep as usual.

Only tonight, Serina wasn’t going to sleep. When she returned from the bathroom, she quietly stripped and tossed out her wet pull-up before putting on another and then securing it with her left-over large diaper from Ally’s. She was hopeful that the two diapers would be able to contain whatever else from her drinking binge came through while she waited up for the hypnosis.

So, at her standard sleeping time, she turned on her meditation tracks, her speaker now louder and closer to the hallway, and Breanna’s room, than ever. Breanna noticed the increase in sound right away and suddenly got nervous.

“Did she…” Breanna whispered, questioning whether Serina had any part in the door for a moment. Breanna looked around and found her in-ear headphones, plugging her ears with them so she could block out the sound. Satisfied with her solution to the noise, she waited her usual time and then started syncing her iPad to the speaker to play the hypnosis tracks.

Serina, who had to struggle to stay awake through her meditation tracks, finally heard the switch. Even though Tyler had confessed, and she and Ally tested the trigger, she still hadn’t heard them yet to know for sure. Well now, ringing through the house at 1:30am, Serina heard her speaker switch to Breanna’s iPad, and the hypnotic tracks start to play. Hearing it brought her back from the joy she was experiencing from the plan falling into place to the anger she felt when Tyler confessed. It was almost unthinkable what she was doing in Serina’s mind, and her drive for revenge grew. At that moment, what was left of her five water bottle purge dribbled out into the two diapers, which, after hours of casual leaks, were both now completely full. It was just what she needed to feel in that moment to reassure herself. She turned up the volume on the speaker and closed her eyes.

The next morning, Breanna woke up in a bit of a daze. Her alarm was wailing, but she heard voices, like remnants of something embedded into her head. She rubbed her temples and neglected to realize her headphones had fallen out as she fell asleep last night. Breanna reached over to her alarm and clicked it off before feeling something strange. Something wet. Not soaked, but dampness between her thighs that was undeniable. She rushed a hand down and felt. Sure enough, her pyjamas were damp. Her heart started to race, and she looked over to her door, which was wide open. Then, she remembered why she always set her alarm for this early and quickly grabbed her iPad to disconnect it from Serina’s speaker.

Serina wouldn’t be up for another 45 minutes, which meant she had some time to figure out what was going on. She flipped her blanket off and examined her crotch. With the dark colour of her pyjamas not showing the wetness, she couldn’t tell just how wet she had gotten. It hadn’t been a lot, and there was only the smallest wet spot on the sheets underneath where her butt would lay. Breanna started to panic, but then she looked under her arms. Sweat stains. Her brow was also noticeably damp, and so, after a moment’s thought, she considered that it was just a bad dream and sweat that resulted in the wetness. Besides, she woke up hearing weird voices in her head. That was probably part of the dream...right?

Serina, on the other hand, woke up soaking wet. She realized she should’ve thought that going to sleep in an already soaked diaper was a bad idea considering she was now consistently bedwetting. Now, not only was the diaper heavy and soggy, but her sheets were too from leaking. When Serina woke, she heard Breanna already in the shower and saw she had a message from Ally.

Ally: Awesome. I can’t wait to hear what happens. I was thinking. Maybe today we should leave her alone. I was reading up on hypnosis, and apparently, it can take a while to set in with some people. We want to make sure the files really take before alerting her to the fact that she’s been affected by them.

Serina smiled. “Always thinking outside the box,” she whispered.

Serina: Good call. I’ll check if she wet the bed. There’s a bedwetting track, so if she did, we’d know how far along she is.

Ally: Good idea.

Serina swung her blanket off and got out of bed. With both diapers on last night, she didn’t bother wearing any bottoms, and since she was on a mission that required quick action, she didn’t bother putting any on or changing her diaper first. So with a large mass of inflated, dripping wet padding between her legs, Serina quickly wobbled over to Breanna’s vacant room and glanced over at her bed. Breanna had thrown her cover back over to hide her wet spot, but Serina saw it as soon as she pulled the blanket off. Somewhat disappointed with the small size of it, she groaned, took a picture for Ally, and wobbled back to her room to her phone. When ally got the picture, she replied quickly.

Ally: Hmm, not much yet, but it’s something. Yeah, let’s avoid her again today. We don’t want her to try to use the triggers on you and have her have a half-ass hypnotic response. Give it one more day.

Serina: Okay, you’re probably right. It’s working, at least. One more day, and maybe we’ll get somewhere serious.

Ally: That is a good idea though, having her use the triggers on you only to have them work on herself as well. We’ll have to remember that when things get there.

Serina: That is, imagine the look on her face. And she won’t be in diapers...yet.


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