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That night, when Serina returned home, she couldn’t help but feel nervous. She hated having secrets, and she was a terrible liar, but she needed to keep her head cool until the plan could start working.

“Hey! How was dinner at your friends?” Robert asked Serina as she walked through the doors.

“It was nice; we had Salmon. What did you guys do?” She asked, trying to be normal.

“We had curry. There is some leftover in the freezer for yours and Breanna’s lunch tomorrow!” Jessica replied. Serina nodded and looked around.

“Where is Breanna?” She asked.

“Already in her room for the night,” Jessica replied. Serina started walking towards her room when Robert called out to her.

“Hey, I booked that appointment the doc recommended. Couldn’t get in until next Tuesday, but hopefully that’ll help?” Robert asked. Serina rolled her eyes a bit, now knowing what the root of her problem was.

“Sure, thanks dad,” She blew it off and continued walking. Robert stopped her again.

“Oh, and no leaks today?” He asked. Serina exhaled loudly.

“No, no leaks, dad.”

“Okay, well, remember I did buy some of those--”

“I know, dad,” Serina cut him off before he could mention the thick diapers. “Thank you.”

Finally, she stomped over to her room and threw herself in bed. She turned her head to look over at Breanna’s closed door, then at her speaker. For the new plan Ally and her developed, she needed to be sure that the sound would carry through the walls, or else she would need to figure out a way to keep her door open. She sat up, opened her phone to her nighttime audio, and connected it to her Bluetooth speaker. Once it was playing, she turned the volume up and stepped out of her room.

Without knocking, she opened the door to Breanna’s room and closed it behind her. Breanna was on her iPad and quickly closed it when Serina walked in.

“Have you heard of knocking?” She asked snarkily.

“Hey, did you remember what date that big English essay was due? I was gonna get started early, but I don’t want to be too early, you know?” Serina asked, making an excuse as to why she needed to be in there. While Breanna looked back at her iPad to find the date in her calendar, she listened carefully. The sound was noticeable but muffled.

“November 17th,” Breanna finally answered.

“Thanks. Oh, some good news, I didn’t have an accident at all today!” Serina fibbed. She needed to give Breanna a reason to continue playing the hypnosis.

“No? I could’ve sworn you were having one when I talked to you?” Breanna asked. “And then you ignored me the rest of the day, so I figured you were just embarrassed.”

“No, I felt it then, so I rushed to the toilet and actually made it without wetting my diaper. Crazy right? I think what the doctor did actually is helping.” Serina looked around Breanna’s room. She couldn’t make direct eye contact or fear her knowing it was a lie.

“You said there was no good or bad news?” Breanna was sitting up, curious and concerned.

“Well, that’s just because I didn’t believe what they said then. But now, I don’t know! I may be diaper-free before you know it!” Serina smiled and turned to leave.

Breanna frowned. “I guess that’s good,” she said and opened her iPad back up. As Serina opened the door, she instantly noticed how much sound the door was filtering out from the speaker. She needed to figure out a way to keep the door open…

“Hey, you showering soon? I thought I might have a bath,” Serina asked.

“Yes, oh my god, I’m literally about to go now,” Breanna replied and threw herself up out of bed. Serina knew that the implication that she may want to use the bathroom would instantly send Breanna in a frenzy to get there first. That would give her enough time to figure out something.

Breanna pushed past Serina and entered the bathroom. Serina stood and examined her door. After a few moments of opening and closing, she got it. She headed over to the closet, which contained the various tools her dad had bought over the years. It wasn’t much, he wasn’t much of a handyman, but all she needed was a screw and a screwdriver. Sure enough, she found one. After a quick glance into the living room where Robert and Jessica were watching a loud action movie and a quick listen into the bathroom to hear the running of Breanna’s shower, she sprung into action.

Serina grabbed her desk chair and pulled it into the hallway by Breanna’s door. The setup was simple: she would plug the screw into the top of the door just enough to stop it from closing properly. She quickly stepped up onto the chair and started screwing. Just as she was about halfway done, the noise from the shower stopped, indicating that Breanna had finished her rinse. Serina’s heart began to race, and she started screwing faster. If it wasn’t in enough, it would be visible from the hallway. She needed to find that sweet spot where it couldn’t be seen but also would stop the door. In the nick of time, she finished it to the point she was comfortable with, tested the door to see it wouldn’t close, and then pulled her chair back into the room right as Breanna was stepping out of the shower.

Serina knew she would instantly know if her plan would work or not as Breanna attempted to close the door to drop her towel and change into her pyjamas. She had closed her door to the point she would usually have kept it, so Serina couldn’t see Breanna, but she could hear her. Her heart beat heavy in unison with Breanna’s feet as she stomped from the shower to her room, and then she heard it. BUMP...BUMP….BUMP BUMP BUMP.

“What the fuck?” Breanna complained. “MOM!”

Jessica paused their movie and called out to her daughter. “What?”

“My door won't close!”

Serina laid in bed, smiling wildly. She listened as both Jessica and Robert got up and examined the door. She knew her dad was not the brightest and best at this type of stuff, but she prayed no one would discover the screw.

“Hm, I’ll have a look at it tomorrow, okay? It might be the hinge has shifted. It can happen if the door wasn’t installed properly,” Robert tried to explain, pretending to know more than he did.

“Well, what am I supposed to do for now?” Breanna complained more.

“Just close it the best you can, babe, not a big deal,” Jessica said. Breanna groaned and stepped into her room. The parents left, but Serina could hear the door creak open on its own now that it wasn’t able to secure itself in place. Serina opened up her phone and texted Ally:

Serina: Everything is set up. This just might work.


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