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The car was silent on the drive home, with Robert’s optimism drained and the girls angry and ashamed. The towel Robert brought for them to sit on the grass at the festival was now being used as a protective barrier between the car seats and the girls’ wet pants. Serina cringed as she sat in her mess, still trembling in anger from the argument. Finally, when they pulled back into the driveway of the house, Robert broke his silence.

“Both of you get inside and clean yourself up, then into your respective rooms. Jess and I are going back to the festival. You both can pay me back for your tickets too. I don’t want to hear of another argument, another bicker, or another snide remark between the two of you while we’re away. Is that clear?”

Both girls neglected to answer.

“I said, IS THAT CLEAR?” Robert yelled.

“Yes!” they both replied in a snotty, annoyed tone.

“Good. We’ll be checking in.”

With that, both girls excited the car and stomped into the house. Neither spoke a word to each other. Breanna stomped into her room, slamming the door behind her, and Serina stomped into the shower to clean herself off.

Breanna ripped off her wet pants and jumped into bed, still wearing her damp panties. She opened up her iPad and went to her hypnosis playlists. The removal one was right there at the top, primed for its planned playing tonight. Without much hesitation, Breanna deleted it. Then she looked over the other files. She now had 5 files in a playlist: one for the wetting trigger, one for the messing trigger, one for the wetting and messing trigger, one for bedwetting, and one for the ongoing incontinence. With repeated listenings, each one would get stronger and harder to remove, so she kept every single one in.

Serina showered off her piss and shit and stood in the shower for way too long, thinking over the encounter. It was another odd one for her, where suddenly she felt almost compelled to mess herself. The feeling was that of a loss of control, but it was only after Breanna said something. Something Serina had heard before near an accident. “Full package,” she whispered to herself. Suddenly she felt the slightest trickle of warmth down her leg that was not from the shower, and her bowels relaxed again, though there was nothing left to void. Her brow tightened, confused, and she stepped out of the shower.

Not knowing what to make of this and thinking she might really be going crazy, Serina pushed this concern to the back of her mind. Yesterday had proved to her that Breanna didn’t need to be around to have a bad accident; who’s to say this wasn’t just another case of coincidental timing? Serina turned off the shower, dried herself off and walked over to her room. The large diaper under her bed caught her eye, and she couldn’t help but think that she could’ve saved herself from some embarrassment today if she had just kept them on. Ever stubborn, she slid on a new pull-up diaper.

Both Serina and Breanna sat quietly in bed for hours. Serina watched a movie and texted Ally, with the occasional dribble into her diaper, reminding her she was still not in control. Finally, their parents came back home. Jessica walked in the door with a stack of pizzas, and Robert carried a large shopping bag.

“Girls! Come out for dinner!” Jessica called. Both girls hesitated, but hunger took over their bodies, and they eventually rolled out of bed. Their doors swung open at the same time, and they shared a moment of mutual death glares before strutting into the kitchen.

“How was the rest of the concert?” Breanna asked.

“Great! Oh man, that was quite a show. You girls miss out. And hey, they actually refunded me your tickets!” Robert replied, back to being chipper.

“That’s good,” Breanna replied before she noticed the large plastic shopping bag near Robert. “What’s that?”

“Oh, uh, let’s eat first, shall we?” Robert offered, taking a seat at the table.

“What is it, dad?” Serina pressured the question, having a sense of the answer by the shape of the item within the bag. Robert stopped himself from taking a bite of a slice of pizza and answered.

“Just a few more pairs of those thick ones Ally gave you. You know, in case,” Robert then took a bite to prevent himself from responding further.

“Ally gave you thicker ones?” Breanna added, pretending to not have heard the conversation this morning. Serina contemplated her answer.

“Good idea. Thanks, dad,” she said calmly and grabbed a slice for herself. Robert stopped chewing for a second, in shock of the simple answer given, before sighing and letting the tension out of his shoulders.

After a moment of silence, Jessica asked, “So girls, what did you both get up to while we were gone?”

“Nothing,” they replied in unison.

“Remember we have that doctor’s appointment tomorrow Rina,” Robert added.

“I know.”

“Should only miss part of your first class, but make sure to get any material you missed-”

“- I know, Dad, I got it.”

Everyone seemed on guard for Serina to snap, but nothing was setting her off. The rest of the meal was quiet, and everyone went their separate ways once the last slice left the box.

Later that night, Jessica came to Breanna’s room.

“Hey, got a sec?” She asked.

“Yeah,” Breanna replied.

“So, about today.”

“Oh my god, mom, I don’t want to talk about that.”

“I want to; it was a shit show. No pun intended. Robert was furious. He was really looking forward to us all going to that show.”

“Well, I didn’t start it.”

“But you did contribute, didn’t you?”

“How could I have contributed? She was pissed off and dumped a water bottle down my pants. Then she shit herself. I didn’t have anything to do with that.”

“But you set her off, didn’t you?”

Breanna paused for a second. “I guess.”

“See, you can’t plead innocence here. Serina is going through a difficult time with her accidents and everything; we need to be there to support her.”

“It’s hard to support someone who’s a bitch to you all the time.”

“Breanna. You know what you’re like, and you know what she’s like. You’re too similar and both too stubborn to see how similar you are to each other. You escalate each other. You make a comment, then she makes a comment, then before you know it, water bottles are down pants. Stop the argument before it happens. If she makes a comment, don’t retaliate. And if you make a comment, apologize before it gets out of hand. It’s not that difficult.”

Breanna remained silent.

“It’s not much to ask. Like I said in the car, put yourself in her shoes. Image if you were having these accidents. Wetting your bed, wetting your pants at school. Needing diapers. You wouldn’t be feeling so hot either.”

Jessica continued to try to reason with Breanna, but the only thing that was running through Breanna’s head was Serina’s comments about Tyler. ‘Haven’t, and won’t’ have him. Her bragging about getting with him. Her planting the weed. ‘She deserves it,’ she thought, now without a single ounce of uncertainty.

Finally, Jessica left Breanna alone, now somehow more angry than before. She opened up her hypnosis tracks again and got ready.


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