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Feeling arrogant and annoyed now that she had to see Breanna’s face again, Serina began to tear the tabs off the thick diaper Ally lent her and let it drop to the floor. It was dry, to Serina’s relief, and so instead of tossing it in the garbage, she stashes it under her bed.

“Just in case,” she whispered and grabbed a new pull-up from her package. She was already wearing what she liked, a new top with some pants that Ally selected to better hide the diapers, which now practically disappeared once it was only a pull-up underneath instead of a thick adult diaper. So once she was ready, she stepped out of her room and met her dad in the kitchen to inquire about their plans.

Breanna on the other hand was taking her time and looking over her hypnosis removal tracks. They were free, as were all the other ones, so she hoped it would work when she played them later that night, but for some reason, she still felt hesitant. Her confrontation and confession with Tyler had shaken her, but she still had a hard time conceding. It was as if, once she played the track, it was all over. Which, in her mind, was good, but also a loss of the control she had over her step-sister.

“Breanna! Let’s go!” Jessica called out from the kitchen, and Breanna slammed her iPad down as if she were caught. With one deep breath in, Breanna pulled over the cardigan she thought put together her look and left her room. Serina was standing by the door, waiting to go.

“Ah, there you are. Better get moving; I don’t want to miss the opener!” Robert said.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to miss the opener,” Serina replied in a monotone, sarcastic voice. Breanna couldn’t help but chuckle in agreeance, but her smile faded quickly.

Robert filled the girls in on the rest of the details of the festival as he drove. It was a rock music festival mainly featuring local and one-hit-wonder bands from the 80s and late 70s. The headliner was one of Robert’s favourites from back in the day, but as soon as the name left his lips, both girls raised an eyebrow in confusion and replied, “who?” perfectly in sync. Robert laughed.

“Look, who they are isn’t important. It’s about the music, the environment, and most importantly, spending time with family!” He took a quick look behind him to smile at the girls, who promptly looked away and out opposite windows.

“Uh, Serina, did you bring any extra-” Robert started.

“Dad!” Serina interrupted.

“What?” He replied.

“Can we just...not mention them?” Serina blushed.

“What, your diapers?” Breanna added. “It’s not a secret; no need to be all hush-hush about them.”

Serina scowled at Breanna, who kept staring out the window.

“If Serina doesn’t want to talk about it, we should respect her wishes Brea,” Jessica said. “Put yourself in her shoes.”

The rest of the car ride was quiet, with Breanna making casual glances over to Serina. She didn’t realize that she had new clothes on until they were already almost there, and a quick look online gave her the price of the items. Breanna rolled her eyes, unable to admit to herself that she was jealous of what Serina was wearing.

Finally, they arrived at the venue for the festival. It was outdoors, in a big field with a nice stage right in the middle. Breanna took one step out of the car and immediately cringed.

“Oh god, even with us here I think the median age is 60,” she said.

“I can practically smell the arthritis,” Serina added.

“Alright, so the crowd’s a little older. Big whoop. There’s gotta be some other kids your age here, no?”

Serina and Breanna looked around to see a sea of seniors.

“Well, at least if you need a change, one of these ladies might have your brand!” Breanna whispered to Serina, who responded with a punch to Breanna’s shoulder. “Ow! Okay, sorry, sorry, that was low-hanging fruit. I had to. Last one.”

“Uh-huh,” Serina started following behind the parents. Breanna filled in beside her. The family got through the ticket booth and went straight to the snack booth for a bottle of water each. Then they all started walking to the stage, and Breanna and Serina walked together again.

“So, how was your night?” Breanna asked.

“It was great,” Serina replied coldly.

“...What did you do?”

“Had breakfast, went shopping, had dinner, slept in a mansion.”

“Nice. Sounds like Ally treated you well,” Breanna replied, then paused. “Did you get that while shopping then?’

Serina looked down at her outfit. “Uh, yeah.”

“How much was it?” Breanna asked, already knowing.

“It was...like, $60?”

“Bullshit, Ally bought that for you.”

“Yeah, she did. She’s nice to me, unlike some people…”

Breanna rolled her eyes and bit her lip. Serina continued.

“What did you do?” She asked Breanna.

“Oh me? I uh, I…” Breanna looked ahead to see how far away her parents were. “I met Tyler,” she whispered.


“Yeah...don’t tell my mom.”

“What did you guys do?”

“We went for brunch.”

“...that’s it? Weren’t you out all day?”

“Who told you I was out all day?”

“I assumed since they wanted us out of the house all day.”

“Well, yeah, he had to...go...after brunch, so…” Breanna started looking around nervously like she would see Tyler in the crowd.

“Go? And do what?”

“I don’t know, Serina! Stop going on about it.” Breanna snapped. Serina paused, knowing she was pushing on a nerve here.

“Something happened, didn’t it?”

“No! Nothing happened! Why would you think that?” Breanna’s volume rose with her irritation.

“Because Tyler never does anything on Saturdays. When we were, uh, ya’know, enjoying each other, there would be Saturdays where we wouldn’t even leave his bedroom other than for a snack or the bathroom.” Serina smiled, Breanna’s face scowled in horror.

“Why do you always like talking about you and him, huh? You really like to rub it in that you got to be that with him, and I haven’t,” Breanna stopped walking. Serina faced her, stopping too.

“Haven’t, and won’t.”

“Well, it’s not like he’ll want you back, not now that you’re a diapered bitch.” Breanna spat at Serina, and some seniors turned their heads to see the argument. Serina clenched her jaw, and then in a split second, undid her water bottle, grabbed Breanna’s waistband, pulled, and dumped the entire bottle down Breanna’s pants. Breanna pulled back in shock as the cold water flowed down her legs, making it look like she’d pissed herself.

“Oh, you think you’re funny, huh? The full package?” Breanna spat the hypnotic phrase towards Serina and watched as they took hold of her. Her face turned red as her body took over and started pushing out a big mess, one containing everything she ate the day before with Ally, followed by a rush of piss. The expensive pants couldn’t hide the sagging bulge of the enormous mess that now protruded out her backside, and the thin pull-ups did their best to hold both that and the flood of piss, but it wasn’t enough. A small leak stared near her butt, and Serina suddenly felt the trickle of pee down her legs.

Breanna took a step closer to Serina. “And for good measure…” Breanna grabbed Serina’s waistband and poured enough water to push out the rest of the leaks, then took a swing of the water she had left. Serina stood, frozen in shock and embarrassment. A small crowd had gathered, watching the whole confrontation and whispering amongst themselves. There was now a clear showing of Serina’s diaper in her pants as outlined by the surrounding wetness.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Both girls turned their heads, finally breaking eye contact since their conflict started, and looked to Robert, whose face was red with anger.

“You two. In the car. NOW!”


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