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Ally returned to Serina, who was already packing up her bag and delivered her a new diaper. She had already changed out of her diaper, which made Serina feel a bit jealous, knowing she would have to put another on. Serina took the diaper and then removed some tags off of a few pieces of clothes Ally had bought her yesterday. She’d decided to wear that instead of the clothes she had brought herself; they were better at hiding diapers, she thought, so why not.

“Bathroom is all yours,” Ally offered. “Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thanks, maybe some water. A bit hungover.” Serina laughed as she collected her clothes and diaper into her arms. “Where should I leave everything? Just...on the floor again?”

“Yeah, the wet diaper can go in the trash, though.”

Serina blushed and laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, I wouldn’t leave that on the floor…”

After a quiet moment, Serina went to the bathroom and stripped out of her loaned PJs. The diaper sagged in between her legs after its long night of piss-abuse. The tabs confused Serina again, and she debated the best way to take it off before settling on pulling the tabs and letting the diaper fall to the floor. The diaper landed heavily on the floor, making more noise on impact than Serina would have liked. For a moment, she marvelled at it. At the size of it. The capacity it held. She couldn't believe just how much pee it held and just how much she had produced.

Once her fascination ended, she threw it into the trash and gave herself a quick wipe-down before sitting on the floor to tap herself into the fresh diaper. It was still a clumsy effort, but she managed to get it on with much more ease than drunk-Serina last night. Now back in the thick padding, she pulled over her new clothes. The top was really flowy and cute, and the pants were loose but still flattering, despite there being a diaper underneath. After a quick sigh, she left the bathroom, leaving her loaned PJs on the floor behind her.

Serina couldn’t help but feel sad and hungover on her way home. Ally was sitting across from her in the car, but the two mainly stayed quiet until Serina realized she was only a few blocks away.

“I had a really good time yesterday,” She said.

“I did too!” Ally replied.

“It...I needed that. It means a lot, you looking out for me. I appreciate it.”

“Don’t mention it. We can make some plans for next weekend at school tomorrow!”

Serina smiled. “Sure, I’d like that.”

Sergey pulled up outside of Serina’s house and came to a stop. Then, he hopped out of the car, grabbed her belongings from the trunk, and grabbed the door for her.

“See you later then,” Serina said.

“See you!”

Serina didn’t want to leave the car, but she knew she had to. She looked, noticed the car in the driveway indicating Breanna was home already, and immediately felt dread wash over her. Sergey handed Serina her stuff, said goodbye, and then stood by, waiting for her to walk up to the front.

Slowly, she made her way up the path before getting to her front door. She put her hand on the handle and looked back to the car. Ally was blocked behind the opaque black glass, so she sighed and opened the door.

“Hey! You’re back!” Robert saw Serina enter from the kitchen and walked over to her. “How was your day?”

“It was good! Really good.” Robert hugged Serina and immediately noticed her pants.

“You wearing the diaper still?” He whispered.

“Oh my god, yes, dad,” Serina replied bitterly.

“How many did you use then?”

Serina didn’t answer.

“How many Serina?” Robert asked more sternly.

“All of them…” she whispered.

“All!?” Robert replied, too loud for Serina’s liking.

“Yeah, and then some. It’s not a big deal.”

“What do you mean, and then some, did you have to buy more?”

“No, Ally had some different ones.”

“What do you mean different ones?”

“Different. Thicker. I’m gonna put the other ones back on now, though.”

“Thicker? Did you need thicker?” Robert asked, following her to her room.

“No. Well, I mean, kinda.”

“Kinda? What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, dad.”

Breanna put her ear to her door, listening carefully. She hadn’t known if her recent hypnosis track had worked yet, but after listening, she knew it worked exactly as intended. She suddenly heard Tyler’s voice in her head again, telling her what she did was wrong.

“Well, I need to hear it. We’re taking you to the doctor tomorrow, remember?”

“Dad, I’m 18; you don’t need to be all up in my business all the time.”

“Serina. I am your father. Tell me what happened.”

Serina hesitated, but she knew she had no other choice.

“I leaked pretty bad at a restaurant. The diapers I was wearing didn’t even hold half of it. I was drinking though, and you know my bladder gets-”

Robert cut her off.

“So do I need to buy you thicker diapers now? Is it that bad?”

“Dad, no. I was drunk—drinking lots. I just had a lot of fluids in me, is all. I can’t feel when it happens, so it just soaked up and got full.”

Robert thought about it for a minute.

“Show me these thick ones.”



Serina, completely red with embarrassment and rage, pulled down the front of her pants to show Robert the diapers Ally donated. Robert nodded.

“Okay. Well, look, if leaking becomes a problem in the other ones, I now know what the thick ones look like. Let’s just hope it doesn’t.”

Serina covered back up and crossed her arms.

“Now, get ready. We leave in 30,” Robert said as he left the room.

“Leave for what?” Serina replied bitterly.

“Oh, just some family fun,” Robert winked. As he walked away, Breanna opened her door, and the two made eye contact. Serina looked away quickly, knowing she had been listening in.

“A music festival,” Breanna said.

“What?” Serina asked.

“He’s taking us to a music festival. My mom told me. I looked it up; it’s for old people.”

Serina rolled her eyes and got up, walking towards Breanna.

“How was your night?” Breanna asked.

“Great,” Serina snapped and shut her bedroom door completely.


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