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The girls left the car, now dressed to its setting, and the hostess led them right to their table, to the dismay of many people waiting for one. Serina pulled at the base of her dress and looked around as she sat down, praying that no draft of wind would cause it to flow up and reveal her diaper to the diners.

After they sat, a handsome waiter came around and recognized Ally. He poured the girls a glass of water and handed them a menu.

“Shall I let Arthur know you’re here?” The man asked.

“No thank you, Joey,” Ally replied. “We saw him this morning. And it’s busy!”

Joey nodded and ran off for the girls to have a quiet minute with the menu, and Ally looked curiously at Serina, who had been deep in thoughtful concern since she realized she had wet her diaper without realizing.

“Hey, what alcohol do you prefer? Rum or vodka?” Ally asked her, breaking Serina’s trance.

“Uh, rum usually. White rum.” Ally nodded and waved over to Joey, who was waiting idly by. He ran up attentively, and Ally ordered a pair of fancy drinks for them. When Joey ran off again with the order, Ally explained.

“You need to let loose, girl. Relax. You had a nice day, no?”

“Really nice. Too nice. Thank you. So much. I don’t think I deserve all this.” Serina replied.

“Don’t be silly. I love to treat my friends.” Serina blushed when Ally finished and looked at the menu. It overwhelmed her at first; there were so many words and types of food she had never seen or heard of before. It took Ally explaining a few things to set her straight on what she wanted.

Joey returned with the drinks and took the food order. Just as he was about to run off, Ally stopped him.

“Oh, and Joey? I don’t want an empty cup tonight for my friend or me. Keep them coming, alright?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Joey bowed and ran off.

“Oh my god, you trying to fuck me up or something?” Serina joked.

“Uh, guilty?” Ally laughed. “C’mon girl, have some fun tonight.”

Serina rolled her eyes, but she was happy and couldn’t hide it, especially once she took her first sip of the drink Ally ordered. It was delightfully sweet and citrusy but light and dangerously easy to drink. And Joey kept to his word, right before the food came before Serina could even realize she was at the bottom of her drink, Joey appeared with a fresh one to replace it with.

The food came, and even if Serina wasn’t tipsy already, it would’ve been the best thing she had ever eaten. After the food came another drink, and another, and another, and another. Serina and Ally drank until they were both struggling to sit upright in their chairs. They were laughing, singing and dancing in their seat. This all, of course, in view of the judgemental eyes of upper-class dinner guests.

Finally, Serina had to refuse a drink in fear of not being able to walk out of the restaurant. Ally chuckled and finished the last sip of her last as well.

“Well, should we get going back to my place then?” Ally asked.

“Yeah, I think we’ve annoyed these people enough,” Serina joked.

Suddenly, Serina felt something on her legs. At first, she thought it might be a bug that was travelling down her calf, but when she reached down to touch it, her hands came up wet. In her drunkenness, it took Serina a moment to comprehend what that meant. Piss was travelling down her legs despite the diaper between her thighs.

“Serina? You okay?” Ally asked.

Serina, in shock, just shook her head no and whispered: “I think I’ve peed on the seat!”

Ally leant over the side of the table to look down at Serina’s legs, nearly falling off the chair in the process. What she saw was a puddle beneath Serina’s chair, the dress dripping and a stream still flowing down Serina’s legs. She came up with eyes widened.

“What? Was it really bad?” Serina asked, concerned, before spreading her legs and looking down for herself. When she saw the state of herself, the dress, the chair and the carpet beneath her, she gasped, tears bubbling in her eyes.

“Okay, we’ll leave through the kitchen; I’ll tell Sergey to meet us around back,” Ally said.

“I’ve ruined your dress,” Serina sobbed. “I’m so sorry, Ally.”

“Don’t worry Rina, do you wanna know how many dresses I’ve peed on? Too many. And it always washes out.”

Ally texted quickly and then looked around the restaurant. A few people were looking, whispering, curious about why there was a dark wet spot under Serina’s chair.

“These diapers were useless,” Serina complained. “They couldn’t even hold my pee!”

“Well, you were drinking a lot,” Ally commented.

“Still stupid,” Serina slurred her words drunkenly. Ally got a buzz indicating that Sergey was outside and got out of her chair.

“Come on, I’ll walk behind you, so no one sees,” Ally offer, and Serina stood. Ally could now see the pool of piss Serina was sitting in and the state of the dress. Completely soaked. As Ally guided Serina into the kitchen, she indicated to Joey that there was a mess to clean at their table and mouthed ‘sorry.’ The girls stepped into the heat of the kitchen and managed to slip by most of the staff uninterrupted until Arthur saw them.

“Ah! Lovelies! I heard you were back. How was your meal?” He asked.

“Great! Got to go though, sorry!” Ally pushed a blushing Serina along, not stopping until they opened the doors to the outside where Sergey was ready with the door open. Ally urged Serina into the car, onto a seat that Sergey had placed a towel. Once both girls were in, Sergey hopped back in the car and started to drive them home.

“I didn’t feel it Ally,” Serina mumbled, her head leaning against the car door. “I still can’t feel it.”

“I know, it’s scary. Let’s get back to mine and we can really settle in. I’m sure I have some diapers leftover from when I was wearing them. They might not even be leftover per se; my parents probably have some stocked just in case I start having issues again.”

Serina hardly replied, just a meme mumble. With her head rested against the car window and the alcohol flowing strong, she found herself quickly drifting off to sleep.

“Serina?” Ally shook Serina to try to wake her.

“Hmm?” She groaned awake. “What’s going on?”

“You fell asleep, but we’re at my house now.”

Serina opened her eyes slowly to see that she was, in fact, in Ally’s house, not just outside it in the car. She scowled in confusion.

“How did I get up here?” She asked.

“Sergey carried you,” Ally replied nonchalantly.

Serina nodded, a little weirded out and looked around at Ally’s room. It was like a princess’s bedroom. Pink, loads of pillows, and an enormous California king bed that looked like it was built for royalty.

“Wow,” she said before suddenly feeling the cold between her legs again.

“I didn’t really want to wake you, but I thought you should change out of those wet clothes, and I figured it would be a little weird if I just changed you without your consent,” Ally explained.

“Thanks, that would be a little weird.”

“I found this, though; they aren’t the same ones you’re used to, but...they definitely won’t leak.” Ally outstretched a hand with a large white square in it. Serina grabbed it and inspected it; it was a diaper, but not a pull-up on like she was wearing. It had tapes like a baby diaper; only it was thick and big enough for an adult Serina’s size. Her eyes widened when she unfolded the diaper to see its actual size and looked at Ally, who was chuckling.

“Yeah, I know. I had to wear those for nighttime since my bedwetting was so bad. Can you believe that?” Ally said.

“They’re so big!” Serina added.

“They hold a lot though. I have two packs that my parents were storing. I’ll send them home with you.”

“I have diapers at home, thank you though,” Serina replied.

“They don’t seem to be keeping up with your need though, don’t you think?” Ally said.

Serina cringed but knew she was right. She took one more look at the diaper, then back at Ally. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Where should I go change?”


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