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This one shot was intended as a non-gendered POV.

“Are you sure no one is going to notice?” You ask Megan as she put the car in park. She took your hand and looked directly into your eyes.

“I promise you, no one is going to notice. And even if they did notice, who’s going to care? No one would comment. They’re just going to assume you have a bladder problem and write it off at that.”

You wanted to believe her. In the 15 years of your friendship, she had never lied to you, at least, that you knew of. But something about this left you feeling unsure. Megan had been begging you to come along with her to this annual music festival for at least five years now, and this year, despite you not being interested in any of the music there, you relented. There was a catch, though, something she didn’t disclose until the morning of.

“You need to wear a diaper,” She said in the hour right before you would depart for the festival. At first, you thought it was a joke and said you would not be caught dead in a diaper. But Megan continued to explain.

“Look, it’s a long day. We’re getting there at 11am and don’t leave until probably midnight. In that time, we’re going to eat, we’re going to drink, and we’re going to need the bathroom.”

“Yeah, so? They have bathrooms there, don’t they?” You asked.

“Well, yes, but look. I’ve been going to these every year for like the past six or seven years. The first year, I nearly peed my pants waiting in line, the second year I did pee my pants waiting in line, and in the third year...well...let’s just say things got a bit messy.” You cringed at the implication, and she continued. “The bathroom lines are always stupid long, and drunk people are always taking their time going in and out. Not only that, but they’re just gross portapotties, and I don’t know about you by I will avoid sitting on them at all costs.”

“Okay, but you’d rather stand in a wet diaper?”

“Yes! Because here’s the other thing. We’re going early, right? Well, most people don’t come until later on in the day for the big bands. So usually, after lunch, I will make my way right up to the front and stay there until the headliner. That is unless I needed the bathroom. This is what happened the second year. I was at the front; It was the band before the headliner. Perfect positioning, and then...I had to leave or risk pissing my pants. Well, that’s when I also learnt how difficult it is to leave the front, especially close to the headliner’s time because everyone is packed in so tight that it’s impossible to move anywhere.”

“So, you wear diapers so you can stay at the front of the stage the whole show?” You didn’t want to admit it yet, but you were starting to understand her logic.

“Yes. After what happened in year three, this group of girls a few years older than us stopped me and showed me how they were all wearing diapers. I was as shocked as you are, but once they explained, I totally understood. I’ve been wearing diapers to shows ever since.”

Of course, you went along with her recommendation, but now was the moment of truth. You picked at the front of your pants where the diaper was slightly outlined and stepped out of the car. Megan filed in beside you, smiling the whole way. You could hear the diaper’s material rustle and crinkle under your clothes and kept your head on a swivel the whole way to the stage.

“See,” Megan said in a whisper. “I told you no one would notice!”

“Just because they haven’t said anything doesn’t mean they haven’t noticed!”

After a few hours, the diaper became less and less noticeable. However, around 2, you had to pee. It was a hot day, and with the sun beaming down on you constantly, you had been throwing back water and other drinks like nothing. Over the loud music from the band at the time, you yelled into Megan’s ear.

“I have to pee!”

She smiled and put her lips close to your ears.

“Just go! I went ages ago.” She said. You looked at her, stunned, and looked down at her crotch instinctively. She just continued to bounce up and down to the music, not a worry in the world that she was standing in her own piss.

The pressure continued to build in your bladder, and before long, you knew that your power to hold it was soon to be diminished. Your eyes glanced to the portapotties, where the line was at least 30 people long, then back at Megan, who was still smiling and dancing to the music.

Then, there was a dribble. Piss spurted out of you, and you quickly clenched hard to stop the flow. It was good for a moment, but slowly, more dribbles leaked. The dribbles turned to spurts, the spurts into a stream, and the stream into a waterfall of piss. You felt lightheaded as the warmth engulfed your lower region. Piss pooled in your diaper, and you were worried it might leak as you felt the sloshing from your front to your rear. But, after a moment, the diaper did its work and absorbed it all. You looked down to make sure and were surprised by how well the diaper did. Megan turned to you knowingly and winked.

“How did it feel?” She asked.

“Strange, but kinda nice?” You replied.

“Well, I hope it wasn’t too big because we still have a few hours to go, and these can only hold so much!”

You blushed and felt the front of your diaper. It was almost completely saturated.

“Did you bring a change?” You asked her.

“I did, but it’s too late now! If we leave our spot, we’ll never get it back!”

You grimaced and looked behind you to confirm. The crowd was growing exponentially, and people were starting to push together.

A few hours later, before the headliners were about to go on, you felt the need again. Except this wasn’t just a need for a pee. You blushed and whispered to Megan again.

“What do you do about a...number two?” You asked.

“Look, it’s not ideal, but if it has to come out, it has to come out,” She replied. You clenched your buttcheeks together and were determined to make it.

Finally, the headliner was on, and everyone was jammed against each other. Someone was even pressing right against your diapered butt, and you were sure they knew what it was. Your tummy grumbled and groaned aggressively as it shifted the mess anticipating an exit. To add to your discomfort, your bladder was now full again, and the person pushing you into the barrier in front was not making holding it any easier.

Megan was singing along to every word, and you were trying your best to act natural under all the desperation. Suddenly, the person behind you pushed hard, and your bowels and bladder relaxed for a moment. Luckily, the bowels only voided a bit of gas, but the mess was now sitting on the brink of exiting. However, your bladder took the opportunity to push out a long spurt of piss into the already full diaper. The additional wetness made you cringe, but that feeling was quickly pushed aside as you felt your bowels start to relax without control.

There was no stopping it. All of a sudden, the entire contents of your bowels voided into your diaper. It was warm and mushy and filled the back of your pants instantly. The diaper felt heavier, and just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the smell began to waft. People around you started pinching their noses, looking around to see where the smell had come from. You just stared straight ahead and began relaxing your bladder. The diaper sagged and expanded to its largest possible form, now pushing against your pants and creating a clear outline. If the people surrounding you weren’t completely blocking your lower half, they would most certainly have taken notice.

When the encore finished, and the lights came on, Megan turned to you in a thrill.

“Wow! What a show, hey?” She asked.

“Yeah...I need to tell you something.”

“What, you actually like the band?” Megan joked.

“I...messed my diaper,” you confessed in a whisper. “I think everyone could smell it!”

“That was you?” Megan asked. “I thought that was me!”

“What do you mean?” You asked.

“What, you think you have diaper-shitting exclusivity? Mine was full by the second song they played. I thought about holding it, but it just kinda came out.”

You looked around, hoping no one was listening in on the conversation. Megan looked down at your crotch.

“Wow, yours is really full, though. Come on, let’s get you to the car and get you into a new diaper.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to get out of this- ...A NEW WHAT?”


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