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Ally offered to have Sergey bring Serina in a change from the car, but she didn’t want to waste a second getting into the beautiful spread of food in front of her. So, the two girls dug in, despite Serbia’s sogginess. Once they finished, Arthur came back over to clear up.

“How was it, my loves?” He asked.

“Amazing,” Serina said with a satisfied sigh.

“Excellent, Arthur, thank you again,” Ally added.

“Anytime. Well, Serina, it was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to the next time we see each other,” Arthur said while taking the last plate away, making Serina blush.

“It was nice to meet you too,” she replied with a shy giggle.

“So, what did you want to do now?” Ally asked after a moment.

“Well, first I want to get out of this wet...thing, then...I don’t know!”

“Well, I have a few ideas, if you don’t mind?” Ally offered.

“Yeah! Your ideas have been great so far!”

Ally nodded and then pulled out her phone. Within a minute of her on it, Sergey appeared in the restaurant with Serina’s backpack.

“Your things, Miss Jane,” he said politely. Serina took them from him and thanked him, then headed to the bathroom.

She stepped into a stall and started rummaging through her bags. The fresh diapers had been shoved to the bottom in an attempt to hide them from Ally, not that it mattered anymore. Once it was in her hand, she quickly started her changing process. She promptly dropped her pants, ripped off the yellowed diaper, pulled up the fresh one, and covered back up. Once she finished, she questioned why she even bothered going so fast. The restaurant was closed, and the only other person that would be using the girl’s bathroom was Ally. To add to that, the bathroom doors didn’t even have a gap like the ones at her school did; she was entirely enclosed.

Feeling freshened up and a little silly, she stepped out of the toilet and washed her hands. Her mind finally drifted back to her concerns about her bladder after the food had done such a good job distracting her. ‘Has it really been all me? How could Breanna be involved still if she wasn’t around? Ally needs pads everyday...will that be me?’ she thought to herself. Serina looked at herself in the mirror, and saw her normal self, just with a little extra bulk between her legs. The bottoms she wore hid the diapers well; any thicker and they would most certainly show. She turned in the mirror to have a look at her butt, which was still as perky as ever, just with a little less rounding in the middle due to the diaper not allowing for the definition. ‘All things considered, it could be worse. As longs as I don’t start leaking out of these, no one can really tell.’ Finally, she sighed, and went back out to Ally.

Ally was now standing by the door on her phone waiting for Serina. As Serina approached, she looked up, and smiled.

“I hope you’re ready for a busy afternoon!” She said, smiling.

“Oh boy, what are we doing?” Serina replied.

“C’mon, you’ll see.”

While Breanna sat alone in a dinner and watched a solo double-feature at the movies, Ally took Serina to all her favorite stops. Most of the afternoon was dedicated to a spa, where Ally paid for Serina and her to get a massage, facial, and mani/pedi. Serina felt a little awkward having to strip down to just her diaper for a massage, but Ally assured her that they wouldn’t make any mention of it, and that “when I was wearing diapers I went here. I even had an accident on the table. They’re really good about it!” Serina blushed at the idea of having an accident on the table, but once the lady started rubbing her back, all her anxiety washed away.

Once the spa package wrapped up, Ally took Serina shopping. They tried on loads of clothes, and Ally even suggested some outfits that would hide her diaper better if she had to continue to wear.

“These bottoms, skirts and tights, all were lifesavers for me when I was wearing. They don’t show, not matter how thick they get with a wetting. And they look great too!” Ally said.

“Yeah these are perfect,” Serina said while looking in a changing room mirror. The diapers completely disappeared under the bottoms. “I can’t afford all of this though, my dad would kill me.”

“Oh don’t be silly,” Ally scoffed. “If you like them, they’re yours.” Serina looked up, shocked.

“No, don’t Ally. I can’t pay you back for all this, it isn’t right.”

“Serina, I don’t mean to sound like a rich bitch, but this is nothing to me. If it makes you happy, I want you to have it,” Ally put her foot down. Serina had to look away to not burst into tears in front of her. While her dad always took care of her and made sure she had nice things, clothes like the ones she had on were usually out of the conversation. She never complained, but this was special to her.

“And I have some more stuff at home I don’t wear anymore; you can take whatever from that too!”

Ally paid for Serina’s clothes, and the two finished their day back at the restaurant they started it at, only this time it was open, and bustling with fancy folk. Ally had anticipated the return, and had Sergey pick up her and Serina a collection of nice dresses they could wear. Ally put the blinders up in the back seat, and started stripping down to her underwear.

Serina looked away, shyly, but couldnt help catch a glimpse of Ally’s great body. They were similar in build, but Ally had a pair of breasts that dwarfed Serina’s. Between her legs too, Serina could see the white pad sticking out the side of her underwear, which may have been a bit thicker than it was in the morning. Ally held up a pair of dresses for Serina to see.

“What do you think, Red or Pink?” She asked. Serina looked back, a little bit read in her cheeks.

“Uh, pink?” She replied.

“Hmm,” Ally examined the dress. “Yeah, you’re right. I thought you would look nice in this!” Ally passed a gorgeous white, flowery dress over to Serina, who took it gladly. She sat awkwardly while Ally pulled the Pink dress over her perfect tits.

“What’re you waiting for?” She asked Serina. Serina blushed harder, then slowly started to strip. Ally was back on her phone, but Serina still moved quickly. First her top, then her bottoms. After only a few seconds of being just in underwear, Serina lifted her arms through her dress.

“Oh Serina, do you need a change?” Ally asked. Serina’s eyes were blinded as she pulled the dress over, but as soon as she was able to see, she looked down at her diaper. Soaked.

“I, uh, I guess I do,” She replied with an awkward, shocked laugh. “Didn’t even feel it…”

Ally just looked on, concerned for Serina, as she continued to stare at her crotch, dumbfounded. ‘How?’ Serina thought. ‘I didn’t even feel it happen, how long ago did I wet this?’

“Here,” Ally broke her trance, holding out one of the diapers from Serina’s bag. “That was the only one left in here.”

“Yeah, I...didn’t think I’d need more than that,” Serina said quietly as she pulled the diaper down her legs, careful to cover her bare pussy with the flowery dress.

“It’s okay, I think we still have some at mine when we get back, if you do need them.”

‘At this rate,’ Serina thought as she slid the fresh diaper over her legs. ‘I just might…’


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