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“What the fuck!?” Serina’s voice shrieked from her room, jolting Breanna awake. Her head swelled from the alcohol, but after a quick rub of her eyes and pinch of her nose, she smiled. Hurried footsteps grew louder through the hall as Robert ran over to check on his daughter. Breanna laid her head back onto her pillow and listened.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Robert asked until he saw the state his daughter was in and let out a soft “oh.”

Serina stared down at her legs and sheets after flipping the blanket off. She and her bed were soaked in pee. Her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment and anger, and her thoughts went immediately to Breanna.

“It’s okay sweetheart, let’s get your sheets and PJ’s off so we can wash them. Not a big deal” Robert tried to mellow the situation, but there was no calming her down. Serina got up, dropped her soaked pants right there in front of her dad, making him turn away awkwardly, picked them up and stormed out the room in just her drenched panties and wet t-shirt. Jessica watched from the end of the hallway, worried.

Serina stormed across the hallway to Breanna’s room and swung open the door in a fury, her fist clenched around her wet bottoms. Robert called her name to stop her, but she ignored it. Breanna sat up in her bed and put on a sympathetic face.

“What happened?” She asked, trying her best not to smile. Serina lifted the dripping pants above her head and tossed them into Breanna’s face.

“I know this was you, you fucking bitch!”

Breanna tried to block the pants, but a wet leg managed to sneak through and slap her in the face with pee. She cringed and tossed them onto the ground.

“Serina! What did we talk about yesterday?” Robert warned her.

“You can’t be serious, right? She made me wet the bed, and you still expect me to be nice to her?” Serina yelled, pointing a finger. Breanna remained seated in her bed, wiping the pee off her face with her blanket.

“How could I have MADE you wet the bed?” Breanna asked, now mad.

“I don’t know, hand in warm water?”

“That’s a myth actually,” Jessica chimed in behind Robert. “It doesn’t work.”

‘Thanks for having my back, mom,’ Breanna thought.

“Maybe she just poured pee on me in my sleep; I don’t know!” Serina came to the second conclusion. Breanna almost smiled, knowing that she had done both, then winced again from her hangover.

“That’s disgusting,” Breanna claimed. “What sick person would do that? Can’t you just admit when you’ve done something instead of always putting it on me?”

“But it is you! I haven’t wet the bed since I was like, fourteen!” Serina defended herself, still yelling.

“You still wet the bed at fourteen…?” Breanna questioned mockingly.

“That’s it,” Serina nearly jumped onto Breanna, but Robert grabbed her arm.

“Serina. This is your last warning. Do you want that trip cancelled?” He asked in a lower voice, trying to bring Serina’s volume down.

“But Dad-”

“Last. Warning.”

Everyone held their breath and stayed silent as Serina looked to Breanna. She was debating if punching Breanna in the face would provide enough satisfaction to make cancelling her summer trip worth it. Finally, she looked to her dad, pulled her arm out of his grip, picked up her wet pants from the floor, and headed to her room.

Before closing the door, she looked to the parents and said, “I’m not going to school today,” then slammed the door. Jessica looked at Breanna and raised an eyebrow.

“You didn’t do that, right? Because that would be a new low,” She asked her daughter.

“No, I came in and pretty much went right to bed,” she claimed, rubbing her nose instead of making eye contact.

“What, you hungover or something?” Jessica asked, not really serious. Breanna raised her head and made a face that told her mother she was. “Oh my god Brea, on a school night?. Just...get ready for school. We’ll talk about this later.”

Everyone got on getting ready for their day, work or school, except Serina. She sat in her room on her soaked bed, staring at her closed door. Well, she was attempting to stare through it into Breanna’s room, but only her imagination was letting her see her. She knew it was Breanna that did this. It didn’t matter how; all that she knew was that she was the reason.

But then she looked at her panties and her bed. She felt the cold of her wet shirt sticking against her skin, and doubt started to set in.

‘Could I really have wet the bed?’ she thought. From the other room, she heard Her dad leave for work and Jessica shortly after. She knew it was only Breanna left in the house, so she stepped out of her room, still wearing the same wet clothes, and walked to the kitchen. Breanna, now showered, dressed, and ready for school, looked her up and down.

“Don’t you wanna change?” She asked, chewing on a piece of toast.

“Tell me it wasn’t you,” Serina demanded.

“It wasn’t me. I was drunk; the only thing I was thinking about was getting my makeup off and going to sleep,” Breanna explained.

“You got drunk? With Tyler? On a school night?” Serina questioned.

“Well, Tyler didn’t drink, but yeah. What of it?”

“Obviously he didn’t drink, I know that. Just a little strange that you did.”

“Okay, mom.” Breanna mocked. There was a pause while Breanna packed her last few things for school.

“So, it wasn’t you?” Serina asked genuinely. Breanna heard the desperation in her voice and felt bad for what she had done to the girl for a moment. She sighed with her back to Serina, but she couldn’t back down now; she had to stick to the lie. Turning and having another good look at the state Serina was in, she hesitated.

“It wasn’t me. I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done to make you think it was, though.” She answered, then put on her shoes.

Serina caught herself believing her and looked down at her soaked self again.

“Is Tyler picking you up?” She asked as Breanna opened the door.

“No, I’m taking the car.”

“What car?”

“Your car, duh,” Breanna said and slammed the door behind her. Serina watched as Breanna pulled out the driveway in her car, and once she was out of sight, she took in the silence around her.

She was finally alone—time to get to work.


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